Las 150 mejores películas de Disney Plus para ver ahora mismo


(Foto de @ Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / cortesía Colección Everett)


Actualizado el 16 de marzo de 2020


El nuevo servicio en línea de Disney, Disney +, se lanza con posiblemente la biblioteca de películas más sólida en la historia muy reciente de la transmisión. Con las películas de Disney que datan de la década de 1930, los espectadores están disculpados si sienten que elegir algo para ver es menos divertido y gratis, y más abrumador y confuso. Ahí es donde entra Rotten Tomatoes. Puede que aún no existiéramos cuando Blancanieves , Pinocho , o incluso The Great Muppet Caper salió (pero definitivamente estábamos allí para Doug’s 1st Movie ), pero usando nuestro Tomatometer probado en el tiempo, que cubre más de un siglo de cine, tomamos un vuelo navegado a través de las casi 500 ofertas de lanzamiento de Disney +, seleccionando las mejores películas en Disney + para ver ahora.


¿Buscas películas de animación clásicas de Disney? Disney + los tiene, y hemos elegido los más frescos, como Cenicienta , Fantasia , 101 dálmatas , El Rey León , [19459006 ] La Sirenita , y La bella y la bestia . Para las películas animadas más recientes de Disney, la mejor entre esa cosecha incluye Zootopia , Moana y Frozen . Por supuesto, no puedes hablar de animación de Disney en estos días sin incluir a Pixar, que está representado en Certified Fresh completo con Toy Story , Inside Out , The Incredibles , y más.


Pero Walt Disney Studios también tiene una larga y honrada tradición de películas de acción en vivo para familias, y el servicio de transmisión no escatima. Aquí, encontrarás esos encantadores híbridos de animación / acción en vivo ( Mary Poppins , Pete’s Dragon ), clásicos del deporte ( The Rookie , Miracle , Recuerda a los Titanes ), y algunos dulces de ciencia ficción ( TRON , Vuelo del Navegante ).


Si estás buscando perderte en el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel, Disney + lanzará algunas películas cortas de una línea completa de Avengers : Espera ver Guardianes de la Galaxia [19459007 ] y Iron Man y varios más, y esperamos que actualicemos la lista a medida que se agreguen más en el futuro. Y, por supuesto, Star Wars está aquí con toda su fuerza: desde A New Hope y Empire Strikes Back , hasta la era moderna con The Force Despierta y spin-offs como Rogue One . Nuestra única estipulación para la inclusión en nuestra guía es que cada película debe tener al menos 20 críticas, lo que garantiza que presentamos las mejores películas disponibles en la plataforma que han alcanzado un requisito mínimo de zumbido crítico y exposición.


A medida que la transmisión continúa sacudiendo el panorama del entretenimiento, amenazando con enterrar al público bajo un diluvio de opciones de visualización, presentamos una vía rápida hacia lo que quieres ver con las 150 mejores películas en Disney + para ver ahora mismo.


MÁS SOBRE DISNEY +: Los mejores espectáculos de Disney + y películas originales | Todas las películas animadas de Disney clasificadas | Todas las películas de Star Wars clasificadas | Todas las películas de MCU clasificadas | Todas las películas de Pixar clasificadas


# 150



Puntuación ajustada: 68,42%


Consenso de críticos: Una serie repleta de acción, aunque anacrónica, mira hacia atrás en las series de pulpa de matinée, The Rocketeer puede sonar vacío con los espectadores que esperan algo más que simple diversión y efectos especiales geniales.

                          Sinopsis: Después de comenzar como artista de efectos visuales en la trilogía original de Star Wars, el protegido de Spielberg Joe Johnston encontró … [Más]

# 149



Puntuación ajustada: 68,172%


Consenso de críticos: Si bien la trama de Dinosaur es genérica y aburrida, su impresionante animación por computadora y sus fondos detallados son suficientes para que valga la pena echarle un vistazo.

                          Sinopsis: El viaje de un Iguanodon de tres toneladas llamado Aladar, que es levantado del huevo por un clan de lémures y … [Más]

# 148



Puntuación ajustada: 69.405%


Consenso de críticos: Las excelentes actuaciones elevan a Dan en la vida real más allá de su trama sentimental.

                          Sinopsis: El padre viudo y columnista de asesoramiento familiar Dan Burns, que se tambalea por el dolor de la pérdida, se refugia tratando de … [Más]

# 147



Puntuación ajustada: 68.461%


Consenso de críticos: No ganará muchos conversos, pero High School Musical 3 es brillante, enérgico y bien elaborado.

                          Sinopsis: Los mayores Troy y Gabriella enfrentan la posibilidad de separarse el uno del otro mientras se dirigen en diferentes direcciones … [Más]

# 146



Puntuación ajustada: 68,348%


Consenso de críticos: Bedknobs y Broomsticks a menudo se siente como una pálida imitación de cierto guardián mágico y sus pupilos, pero una cucharada del ingenioso poder estelar de Angela Lansbury ayuda a disminuir la derivación.

                          Sinopsis: Una bruja aprendiz y tres huérfanos de guerra intentan evitar la invasión nazi de Inglaterra … [Más]

# 145



Puntuación ajustada: 72.415%


Consenso de los críticos: Star Wars Episodio II: El ataque de los clones se beneficia de un mayor énfasis en la acción emocionante, aunque una vez más están socavados por puntos de trama pesados ​​y personajes subdesarrollados.

                          Sinopsis: La segunda precuela de la trilogía original de Star Wars tiene lugar diez años después de los eventos representados en Star Wars: … [Más]

# 144



Puntuación ajustada: 66.471%


Consenso de críticos: Los adorables perros y el simpático elenco de Lady and the Tramp funcionan bastante bien, pero la actualización de acción en vivo carece de la magia que hizo que la película original de 1955 fuera una delicia.

                          Sinopsis: En «Lady and the Tramp» de Disney +, un recuento intemporal del clásico animado de 1955, un perro doméstico mimado y un … [Más]

# 143



Puntuación ajustada: 69,668%


Consenso de los críticos: Aunque The Aristocats es un esfuerzo mayormente mediano para Disney, se ve redimido por el excelente trabajo de su elenco de voces y algunas melodías jazzísticas.

                          Sinopsis: Con la ayuda de un gato parlanchín, una familia de felinos parisinos se propuso heredar una fortuna de su … [Más]

# 142



Puntuación ajustada: 72,982%


Consenso de críticos: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian es una entretenida aventura familiar digna del estándar establecido por su predecesor.

                          Sinopsis: La aventura continúa mientras el productor / director Andrew Adamson se une con los guionistas Christopher Markus y Stephen McFeely para contar la historia de … [Más]

# 141



Puntuación ajustada: 76.532%


Consenso de críticos: Puede que no sea la mejor película del universo de Marvel, pero Thor: The Dark World todavía ofrece mucho humor y acción de alto riesgo que los fanáticos esperan.

                          Sinopsis: «Thor: The Dark World» de Marvel continúa las aventuras en la pantalla grande de Thor, el poderoso vengador, mientras lucha para salvar la Tierra … [Más]

# 140



Puntuación ajustada: 71,344%


Consenso de críticos: Meet the Robinsons es una película animada para niños visualmente impresionante marcada por una historia de considerable profundidad.

                          Sinopsis: Un huérfano que sueña con encontrar algún día a una familia a la que llamar propia descubre que su destino toma un giro inesperado … [Más]

# 139



Puntuación ajustada: 67,984%


Consenso de críticos: Lleno de imágenes visualmente impactantes, Deep Blue puede ser demasiado intenso para los espectadores más jóvenes, pero los fanáticos de los documentales sobre la naturaleza encontrarán mucho para disfrutar.

                          Sinopsis: Esta presentación completa de imágenes de los océanos del mundo, reunida durante años de filmación, sumerge al público en el espectáculo … [Más]

# 138



Puntuación ajustada: 70.773%


Consenso de críticos: Una versión decente de la leyenda del Rey Arturo, La espada en la piedra sufre de una animación relativamente indiferente, pero sus personajes aún son memorables y atractivos.

                          Sinopsis: Otra de las fantásticas creaciones animadas de los estudios de Disney, esta es la versión animada de The Once and Future … [Más]

# 137



Puntuación ajustada: 70.861%


Consenso de críticos: Julia Stiles y Heath Ledger agregan actuaciones fuertes a un guión inesperadamente inteligente, elevando 10 cosas (ligeramente) por encima de la tarifa típica de los adolescentes.

                          Sinopsis: La popular y bella Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik) está en un dilema. Una regla familiar le prohíbe salir hasta que su impopular, rebelde, … [Más]

# 136



Puntuación ajustada: 72,956%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque sus caracterizaciones son más débiles de lo habitual, Treasure Planet ofrece una visión rápida y bella del espacio exterior.

                          Sinopsis: Jim Hawkins, de quince años, se topa con un mapa del mayor tesoro pirata del universo. La historia sigue el fantástico de Jim … [Más]

# 135



Puntuación ajustada: 70.189%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque su historia es de segunda categoría, The Rescuers Down Under se redime con algunos valores de producción notables, particularmente sus escenas de vuelo.

                          Sinopsis: La secuela de la película animada de Disney de 1977 The Rescuers encuentra a los ratones Bernard y Bianca en camino a Australia para … [Más]

# 134



Puntuación ajustada: 79.423%


Consenso de críticos: Cars 3 tiene una historia inesperadamente conmovedora que acompaña a su deslumbrante animación, lo que sugiere que la franquicia más intermedia de Pixar puede tener una sorprendente cantidad de huella.

                          Sinopsis: Sorprendido por una nueva generación de corredores ultrarrápidos, el legendario Lightning McQueen (voz de Owen Wilson) de repente es expulsado … [Más] [19459019 ]

# 133



Puntuación ajustada: 71.896%


Consenso de los críticos: Freaky Friday se comporta demasiado bien para estar a la altura de su potencial cómico, pero Barbara Harris y Jodie Foster le dan un poco de encanto a la farsa de intercambio de cuerpos.

                          Sinopsis: En esta película de Disney, Barbara Harris, de mediana edad, desea poder estar tan despreocupada como su hija Jodie Foster, de 13 años. Foster … [Más]

# 132



Puntuación ajustada: 71.579%


Consenso de críticos: Entretenimiento sano y encantador para niños pequeños.

                          Sinopsis: Cuando la pandilla de Hundred Acre Wood comienza una cosecha de miel, el joven Piglet es excluido y se le dice que … [Más]

# 131



Puntuación ajustada: 71.536%


Consenso de críticos: El zorro y el sabueso es un esfuerzo agradable, encantador y sin pretensiones que logra trascender su trama delgada y predecible.

                          Sinopsis: La amistad de por vida entre un cachorro de zorro y un cachorro de sabueso proporciona la base de esta animación animada y tierna … [Más]

# 130



Puntuación ajustada: 70.431%


Consenso de críticos: Roving Mars es un viaje emocionante decente incluso cuando comienza a sentirse como un enchufe comercial para el programa espacial de la NASA.

                          Sinopsis: ¿Hay vida en Marte? Esa es una de las preguntas planteadas por esta película IMAX, que detalla el viaje … [Más]

# 129



Puntuación ajustada: 71,723%


Consenso de los críticos: No investiga tan profundamente, ni dice tantas verdades duras como podría haberlo hecho, pero la mirada de Don Hahn sobre el renacimiento de Disney ofrece una visión fascinante y sorprendentemente sincera del El pasado del estudio.

                          Sinopsis: Walt Disney Pictures ha sido el nombre principal en el cine de animación desde la década de 1930, pero la corona del estudio se veía … [Más]

# 128



Puntuación ajustada: 73,793%


Consenso de los críticos: La versión de Disney del clásico de Victor Hugo es dramáticamente desigual, pero sus imágenes fuertes, temas oscuros y mensaje de tolerancia hacen que sea una película infantil más sofisticada que la media.

                          Sinopsis: Después del éxito crítico y comercial de La Sirenita, La Bella y la Bestia y El Rey León, el Walt … [Más]

# 127



Puntuación ajustada: 74,32%


Consenso de críticos: La Papá Noel es absolutamente poco exigente, pero está firmemente arraigada en el tipo de buen espíritu navideño a la antigua que le faltan demasiadas películas modernas de yuletide.

                          Sinopsis: La estrella de comedia de televisión Tim Allen hizo su debut en la pantalla grande con esta comedia festiva ligera y familiar. Allen interpreta a Scott … [Más]

# 126



Puntuación ajustada: 77,323%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque quizás no sea tan dramáticamente tan fuerte como lo es tecnológicamente, TRON es una pieza de ciencia ficción original y visualmente impresionante que representa un trabajo histórico en la historia de la animación por computadora.

                          Sinopsis: Un programador de computadoras está atrapado en el juego que está creando … [Más]

# 125



Puntuación ajustada: 76.88%


Consenso de críticos: Con un elenco estelar de perros callejeros abandonados, que muestran hábilmente emoción, ternura, lealtad y resolución, Eight Below es una película de aventuras conmovedora y estimulante.

                          Sinopsis: En el extremo desierto de la Antártida, tres miembros de una expedición científica: Jerry Shepard, su mejor amigo, Cooper y … [Más]

# 124



Puntuación ajustada: 76.222%


Consenso de los críticos: Tan simple y auténtico como las arenosas del sur de Filadelfia en las que está instalado, Invincible envía un mensaje inspirador y sincero lleno de un entusiasmo atlético que no debe perderse.

                          Sinopsis: Esta es la historia real de Vince Papale, quien se convirtió en miembro del equipo de fútbol de los Philadelphia Eagles como … [Más]

# 123



Puntuación ajustada: 74,26%


Consenso de críticos: ¿Buscas una dulce comedia musical sobre un testigo de un crimen escondido de los asesinos en un convento? Hay monja mejor que la Ley Hermana.

                          Sinopsis: Un éxito nocturno que recibió una tibia recepción de los críticos pero fue un éxito con el público, Sister Act (1992) fue … [Más]

# 122



Puntuación ajustada: 74,686%


Consenso de críticos: No es tan majestuoso como sus temas, pero African Cats cuenta con suficientes imágenes asombrosas y un corazón lo suficientemente grande como para mantener las cosas entretenidas.

                          Sinopsis: Una historia real épica en el contexto de uno de los lugares más salvajes de la Tierra, African Cats captura el … [Más]

# 121



Puntuación ajustada: 73,761%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque menos centrada en los Muppets que la trilogía original, Muppet Treasure Island es una versión enérgica y alegre de la clásica aventura de Robert Louis Stevenson, con mordazas típicamente sólidas.

                          Sinopsis: El clásico cuento de Robert Louis Stevenson sobre un joven huérfano que se involucra con el pirata Long John Silver recibe el … [Más]

# 120



Puntuación ajustada: 77,635%


Consenso de críticos: Un inspirador complaciente con una buena dosis de comentarios sociales. Recuerda que los Titanes pueden ser predecibles, pero también están bien elaborados y presentan excelentes actuaciones.

                          Sinopsis: Basado en hechos reales que tuvieron lugar en 1971, una escuela secundaria blanca del sur está integrada con estudiantes negros de … [Más]

# 119



Puntuación ajustada: 73,848%


Consenso de críticos: Esta película de concierto de alta energía debería complacer a la rabiosa base de fanáticos preadolescentes de Cyrus, y puede ser una sorpresa agradable para los padres.

                          Sinopsis: Los fanáticos de Miley Cyrus y su alter ego estrella del pop en su serie Hannah Montana obtienen lo mejor de ambos mundos … [Más]

# 118



Puntuación ajustada: 82.035%


Consenso de críticos: Iron Man no es exactamente el soplo de aire fresco, pero esta secuela se acerca con actuaciones sólidas y una trama llena de acción.

                          Sinopsis: En «Iron Man 2», el mundo sabe que el inventor multimillonario Tony Stark es el superhéroe blindado Iron Man …. [Más]

                  Dirigido por:


# 117



Puntuación ajustada: 78.424%


Consenso de críticos: Cool Runnings se eleva por encima de sus temas de películas deportivas con actuaciones encantadoras, humor ligero y tono estimulante.

                          Sinopsis: Cool Runnings ficcionaliza la verdadera historia de un equipo de bobsleigh de Jamaica que llega a los Juegos Olímpicos. El cuento comienza … [Más]

# 116



Puntuación ajustada: 63.013%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Esta película lleva a los espectadores a las orillas aisladas del lago Natron en el norte de Tanzania para una vista panorámica de … [Más]



# 115



Puntuación ajustada: 77.482%


Consenso de los críticos: El remake estadounidense de la popular comedia francesa funciona principalmente bajo el talento combinado de los tres protagonistas, que juegan muy bien contra el tipo, aunque los elementos de la trama forzados y el sentimentalismo a veces amortiguan divertido.

                          Sinopsis: Three Men and a Baby es un remake americanizado de la comedia francesa de 1985, Three Men and a Cradle …. [Más]

# 114



Puntuación ajustada: 76.901%


Consenso de los críticos: Incluso cuando sus efectos especiales ocupan un lugar central, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids todavía ofrece un sentido de aventura encantador y enérgico para toda la familia.

                          Sinopsis: Un inventor distraído deja su última creación, un rayo encogido, desatendido en su ático, donde es provocado accidentalmente por … [Más] [19459019 ]

# 113



Puntuación ajustada: 78,172%


Consenso de críticos: Puede que no sea la mejor versión del cuento de Charles Dickens para adornar la pantalla, pero The Muppet Christmas Carol es divertido y conmovedor, y sirve como una buena introducción a la historia para los jóvenes. espectadores

                          Sinopsis: Brian Henson, hijo del fundador de Muppet, Jim Henson, se hizo cargo de las tareas directivas después de la prematura muerte de su padre … [Más]

# 112



Puntuación ajustada: 77,943%


Consenso de los críticos: El chimpancé a menudo antropomorfiza a sus sujetos, pero es una mirada bellamente filmada y notablemente íntima de la vida de una familia de primates.

                          Sinopsis: En los cines Día de la Tierra 2012, True Life Adventure de Disneynature presenta a Oscar, un chimpancé bebé cuya curiosidad y entusiasmo juguetones … [Más]

# 111



Puntuación ajustada: 81.814%


Consenso de críticos: Cars ofrece premios visuales que compensan con creces su historia un tanto escasamente escrita, lo que se suma a una diversión satisfactoria para los espectadores más jóvenes.

                          Sinopsis: Lightning McQueen, un novato de carreras de autos impulsado para tener éxito, descubre que la vida se trata del viaje, no del final … [Más]

# 110



Puntuación ajustada: 86.509%


Consenso de críticos: El BFG minimiza los elementos más oscuros del clásico de Roald Dahl a favor de una aventura decididamente afable, visualmente deslumbrante y en gran medida exitosa para la familia.

                          Sinopsis: Esta película cuenta la historia de una niña, la Reina de Inglaterra y un gigante benevolente conocido como … [Más]

# 109



Puntuación ajustada: 89.145%


Consenso de críticos: Exuberante y sorprendente, Avengers: Age of Ultron sirve como una secuela sobrecargada pero sobre todo satisfactoria, que reúne el elenco difícil de manejar de su predecesor con algunas nuevas incorporaciones y un enemigo digno.

                          Sinopsis: Cuando Tony Stark inicia un programa inactivo de mantenimiento de la paz, las cosas salen mal y los Héroes más poderosos de la Tierra, incluido Iron Man, Capitán América, … [Más]

# 108



Puntuación ajustada: 77,634%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Este rápido esfuerzo de Disney está protagonizado por Kim Richards e Ike Eisenmann como dos adolescentes con poderes psíquicos agudos. Los niños son … [Más]

# 107



Puntuación ajustada: 76.972%


Consenso de los críticos: El Great Muppet Caper está superpuesto y desigual, pero la presencia atractiva de Kermit, Miss Piggy y la pandilla aseguran que este golpe de robo siempre sea fácil de ver.

                          Sinopsis: The Great Muppet Caper es la segunda película de Muppet y es considerablemente más compleja que su predecesora, The Muppet … [Más]

# 106



Puntuación ajustada: 77.417%


Consenso de críticos: A pesar de su corto tiempo de ejecución, Teacher’s Pet es una película familiar ingeniosa e irreverente.

                          Sinopsis: Spot the Dog tiene tanta curiosidad sobre el mundo que se ha enseñado a sí mismo cómo hablar y leer, y … [Más]

# 105



Puntuación ajustada: 84.003%


Critics Consensus: The Good Dinosaur delivers thrillingly beautiful animation in service of a worthy story that, even if it doesn’t quite live up to the lofty standards set by Pixar, still adds up to charming, family-friendly entertainment.

                          Synopsis: «The Good Dinosaur» asks the question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely… [More]





Adjusted Score: 83.242%


Critics Consensus: With first-rate special effects and compelling storytelling, this adaptation stays faithful to its source material and will please moviegoers of all ages.

                          Synopsis: C.S. Lewis’ timeless adventure «The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe» follows the exploits of the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.906%


Critics Consensus: A dazzling blockbuster that tempers its sweeping scope with wit, humor, and human drama, Thor is mighty Marvel entertainment.

                          Synopsis: The epic adventure Thor spans the Marvel Universe from present day Earth to the mystical realm of Asgard. At the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.041%


Critics Consensus: Brave offers young audiences and fairy tale fans a rousing, funny fantasy adventure with a distaff twist and surprising depth.

                          Synopsis: Merida is a skilled archer and impetuous daughter of King Fergus (Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson). Determined to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.423%


Critics Consensus: Packed with action, humor, and visual thrills, Captain Marvel introduces the MCU’s latest hero with an origin story that makes effective use of the franchise’s signature formula.

                          Synopsis: The story follows Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in… [More]





Adjusted Score: 81.656%


Critics Consensus: Faithful to its literary source, this is imaginative, intelligent family entertainment.

                          Synopsis: Stanley Yelnats is an unusual hero with dogged bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse. Perpetually in the wrong… [More]





Adjusted Score: 80.622%


Critics Consensus: The Great Mouse Detective may not rank with Disney’s classics, but it’s an amiable, entertaining picture with some stylishly dark visuals.

                          Synopsis: This animated children’s film spoofs the Sherlock Holmes legend by recasting the major characters as rodents. Basil, the Great Mouse… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.336%


Critics Consensus: May leave you exhausted like the theme park ride that inspired it; however, you’ll have a good time when it’s over.

                          Synopsis: A tale of adventure set during the 17th Century in the Caribbean Sea. For the roguish yet charming Captain Jack… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.894%


Critics Consensus: Aggressively likable and sentimental to a fault, Saving Mr. Banks pays tribute to the Disney legacy with excellent performances and sweet, high-spirited charm.

                          Synopsis: Two-time Academy Award (R)-winner Emma Thompson and fellow double Oscar (R)-winner Tom Hanks topline Disney’s «Saving Mr. Banks,» inspired by… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.533%


Critics Consensus: With the help of its charismatic lead, some impressive action sequences, and even a few surprises, Iron Man 3 is a witty, entertaining adventure and a strong addition to the Marvel canon.

                          Synopsis: Marvel’s «Iron Man 3» pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.489%


Critics Consensus: While You Were Sleeping is built wholly from familiar ingredients, but assembled with such skill — and with such a charming performance from Sandra Bullock — that it gives formula a good name.

                          Synopsis: This offbeat romantic comedy has some rather dark underpinnings that add, rather than detract from the fun. It is the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.471%


Critics Consensus: While it may not reach the delirious heights of The Muppets, Muppets Most Wanted still packs in enough clever gags, catchy songs, and celebrity cameos to satisfy fans of all ages.

                          Synopsis: Disney’s «Muppets Most Wanted» takes the entire Muppets gang on a global tour, selling out grand theaters in some of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.417%


Critics Consensus: Featuring superlative animation, off-kilter characters, and affectionate voice work by Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor, The Rescuers represents a bright spot in Disney’s post-golden age.

                          Synopsis: Two fantasy novels by Margery Sharp were combined for in the Disney animated feature The Rescuers. The title characters are… [More]





Adjusted Score: 84.825%


Critics Consensus: Though it doesn’t delve deeply into the darkness of J.M. Barrie’s tale, Peter Pan is a heartwarming, exuberant film with some great tunes.

                          Synopsis: Disney’s animated telling of the J.M. Barrie story chronicles the adventures of Peter, Wendy, Michael and John Darling as they… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.396%


Critics Consensus: A charming and delightful walk through the Hundred Acres Woods for young viewers.

                          Synopsis: Something mysterious is happening in the Hundred Acre Wood. There are strange rumblings in the night, and the ground shakes… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.511%


Critics Consensus: Offering Monsters, Inc. fans a return visit with beloved characters, Monsters University delivers funny and thoughtful family entertainment for viewers of any age.

                          Synopsis: Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn’t always the case. From the moment these… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.447%


Critics Consensus: With Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas brings his second Star Wars trilogy to a suitably thrilling and often poignant — if still a bit uneven — conclusion.

                          Synopsis: George Lucas draws the Star Wars film series to a close with this dark sci-fi adventure which sets the stage… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.313%


Critics Consensus: With plenty of pulpy action, a pleasantly retro vibe, and a handful of fine performances, Captain America is solidly old-fashioned blockbuster entertainment.

                          Synopsis: Captain America: The First Avenger will focus on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.39%


Critics Consensus: Kurt Russell’s performance guides this cliche-ridden tale into the realm of inspirational, nostalgic goodness.

                          Synopsis: The inspiring story of the team that transcended its sport and united a nation with a new feeling of hope…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.632%


Critics Consensus: A good introduction to Lewis Carroll’s classic, Alice in Wonderland boasts some of the Disney canon’s most surreal and twisted images.

                          Synopsis: This Disney feature-length cartoon combines the most entertaining elements of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 83.49%


Critics Consensus: It provides an entertaining experience for adults and children alike.

                          Synopsis: «Fantasia/2000» brings to fruition Walt Disney’s dream of creating a «concert film» with a perpetually changing repertoire. Sixty years after… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.988%


Critics Consensus: Though failing to reach the cinematic heights of its predecessors, Return of the Jedi remains an entertaining sci-fi adventure and a fitting end to the classic trilogy.

                          Synopsis: In the epic conclusion of the saga, the Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star… [More]





Adjusted Score: 84.167%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: When the Robinson family are shipwrecked on a remote island, they build a new home with everything they need to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 68.368%


Critics Consensus: Surprisingly better than its predecessor, High School Musical 2 returns to enchant tweens with its snappy songs, wicked dance moves, and peppy spirit.

                          Synopsis: The musical fun continues in director Kenny Ortega’s sequel to the 2006 Disney Channel hit…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.412%


Critics Consensus: It might be more impressive on a technical level than as a piece of storytelling, but Avatar reaffirms James Cameron’s singular gift for imaginative, absorbing filmmaking.

                          Synopsis: «Avatar» is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic… [More]





Adjusted Score: 84.858%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Fred MacMurray stars in this Walt Disney comedy hit concerning absent-minded professor Ned Brainard (MacMurray), a science teacher at a… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.277%


Critics Consensus: Bolstered by impressive special effects and a charming performance from its young star, Flight of the Navigator holds up as a solidly entertaining bit of family-friendly sci-fi.

                          Synopsis: The year is 1978: 12-year-old David Freeman (Joey Cramer), playing in the woods near his home, is knocked unconscious. He… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.504%


Critics Consensus: Led by a charming performance from Paul Rudd, Ant-Man offers Marvel thrills on an appropriately smaller scale — albeit not as smoothly as its most successful predecessors.

                          Synopsis: The next evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe brings a founding member of The Avengers to the big screen for… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.316%


Critics Consensus: Unapologetically sweet and maybe even a little corny, The Sound of Music will win over all but the most cynical filmgoers with its classic songs and irresistible warmth.

                          Synopsis: One of the most popular movie musicals of all time, The Sound of Music is based on the true story… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.066%


Critics Consensus: Disneynature Born In China delivers more of the breathtaking footage the series is known for — and more than enough cuddly anthropomorphic action to keep the kids entertained.

                          Synopsis: Disneynature’s new True Life Adventure film «Born In China» takes an epic journey into the wilds of China where few… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.977%


Critics Consensus: Fast-paced and packed with dozens of pop culture references, Hercules might not measure up with the true classics of the Disney pantheon, but it’s still plenty of fun.

                          Synopsis: Disney’s animation team dipped into the rich well of ancient mythology for this musical comedy. The son of Greek gods… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.328%


Critics Consensus: An amazing array of images from beneath the sea.

                          Synopsis: James Cameron, director, deep ocean adventurer and space exploration visionary, combines his talent and his passions in the digital 3D… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.122%


Critics Consensus: A heart-warming sports flick, The Rookie greatly benefits from understated direction and the emotional honesty Dennis Quaid brings to the role of Jim Morris.

                          Synopsis: Jim Morris never made it out of the minor leagues before a shoulder injury ended his pitching career twelve years… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.658%


Critics Consensus: Rogue One draws deep on Star Wars mythology while breaking new narrative and aesthetic ground — and suggesting a bright blockbuster future for the franchise.

                          Synopsis: From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, «Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,» an all-new epic… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.503%


Critics Consensus: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’s action-packed plot, dazzling visuals, and irreverent humor add up to a sequel that’s almost as fun — if not quite as thrillingly fresh — as its predecessor.

                          Synopsis: Set to the all-new sonic backdrop of Awesome Mixtape #2, Marvel Studios’ «Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2» continues the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.467%


Critics Consensus: The Emperor’s New Groove isn’t the most ambitious animated film, but its brisk pace, fresh characters, and big laughs make for a great time for the whole family.

                          Synopsis: In a mythical mountain kingdom, arrogant, young Emperor Kuzco is transformed into a llama by his power-hungry advisor, the devious… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.006%


Critics Consensus: The warmth of traditional Disney animation makes this occasionally lightweight fairy-tale update a lively and captivating confection for the holidays.

                          Synopsis: Walt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical «The Princess and the Frog,» an animated comedy set in the great city… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.857%


Critics Consensus: Exploring themes of family duty and honor, Mulan breaks new ground as a Disney film, while still bringing vibrant animation and sprightly characters to the screen.

                          Synopsis: Disney’s cross-cultural retelling of a popular Chinese folk tale about a peasant girl who disguises herself as a man and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.988%


Critics Consensus: A silly but fun movie with everything you’d want from a sci-fi blockbuster — heroic characters, menacing villains, monsters, big sets and special effects.

                          Synopsis: There was neither a heroine nor a villain in Jules Verne’s 1864 novel Journey to the Center of the Earth,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.238%


Critics Consensus: Writer-director Nancy Meyers takes the winning formula of the 1961 original and gives it an amiable modern spin, while young star Lindsay Lohan shines in her breakout role.

                          Synopsis: Walt Disney’s The Parent Trap tells the tale of identical twin sisters, separated shortly after birth by the break-up of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.856%


Critics Consensus: Edgier than traditional Disney fare, Lilo and Stitch explores issues of family while providing a fun and charming story.

                          Synopsis: A Hawaiian girl adopts an unusual pet who is actually a notorious extra-terrestrial fugitive from the law…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.978%


Critics Consensus: With expressive animation, fun characters, and catchy songs, The Jungle Book endures as a crowd-pleasing Disney classic.

                          Synopsis: The final animated feature produced under the supervision of Walt Disney is a lively neo-swing musical, loosely based upon the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.561%


Critics Consensus: Equally entertaining for both kids and parents old enough to catch the references, Wreck-It Ralph is a clever, colorful adventure built on familiar themes and joyful nostalgia.

                          Synopsis: Ralph (John C. Reilly) is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix (Jack McBrayer), the «good guy» star of their… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.776%


Critics Consensus: This Disney dreamscape contains moments of grandeur, with its lush colors, magical air, one of the most menacing villains in the Disney canon.

                          Synopsis: Disney produced this lavish animated fairy tale, the most expensive cartoon ever made up to its release with a budget… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.27%


Critics Consensus: The Muppet Movie, the big-screen debut of Jim Henson’s plush creations, is smart, lighthearted, and fun for all ages.

                          Synopsis: Kermit the Frog is persuaded by agent Dom DeLuise to pursue a career in Hollywood. Along the way, Kermit picks… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.159%


Critics Consensus: Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan charm in Mark Waters’ nicely pitched — and Disney’s second — remake of the 1976 hit.

                          Synopsis: Dr. Tess Coleman and her fifteen-year-old daughter, Anna, are not getting along. They don’t see eye-to-eye on clothes, hair, music… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.143%


Critics Consensus: A charming children fable even adults can enjoy.

                          Synopsis: In just seven days’ time Britain converts to the Euro. It’s the biggest opportunity the criminal world has ever had…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 97.161%


Critics Consensus: Pete’s Dragon continues Disney’s current live-action winning streak with an update that gives the original a visual overhaul without overwhelming its sweet, soulful charm.

                          Synopsis: A reimagining of Disney’s cherished family film, «Pete’s Dragon» is the adventure of an orphaned boy named Pete and his… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.611%


Critics Consensus: One of Disney’s finest live-action adventures, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea brings Jules Verne’s classic sci-fi tale to vivid life, and features an awesome giant squid.

                          Synopsis: This 1954 Disney version of Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea represented the studio’s costliest and most elaborate American-filmed… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.772%


Critics Consensus: Bolt is a pleasant animated comedy that overcomes the story’s familiarity with strong visuals and likable characters.

                          Synopsis: For super-dog «Bolt», every day is filled with adventure, danger and intrigue – at least until the cameras stop rolling…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 97.637%


Critics Consensus: Agreeably entertaining and brilliantly animated, Big Hero 6 is briskly-paced, action-packed, and often touching.

                          Synopsis: With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, «Big Hero 6» is an action-packed comedy-adventure… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.569%


Critics Consensus: While far from Disney’s greatest film, Tangled is a visually stunning, thoroughly entertaining addition to the studio’s classic animated canon.

                          Synopsis: When the kingdom’s most wanted-and most charming-bandit Flynn Rider hides out in a mysterious tower, he’s taken hostage by Rapunzel,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.541%


Critics Consensus: Doctor Strange artfully balances its outré source material against the blockbuster constraints of the MCU, delivering a thoroughly entertaining superhero origin story in the bargain.

                          Synopsis: A disgraced former surgeon named Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) becomes a powerful sorcerer under the tutelage of a mystic known… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.485%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Two identical twins (Hayley Mills) try to reunite their parents after a fourteen year estrangement. The two girls know nothing… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.236%


Critics Consensus: Elegantly animated and deeply touching, Bambi is an enduring, endearing, and moving Disney classic.

                          Synopsis: «Bambi,» Walt Disney’s beloved coming-of-age story, will thrill audiences with its breathtaking animation and characters who will touch your heart:… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.298%


Critics Consensus: Beautifully animated, smartly written, and stocked with singalong songs, Frozen adds another worthy entry to the Disney canon.

                          Synopsis: Featuring the voices of Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel, «Frozen» is the coolest comedy-adventure ever to hit the big screen…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.749%


Critics Consensus: Suspenseful and politically astute, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a superior entry in the Avengers canon and is sure to thrill Marvel diehards.

                          Synopsis: After being deemed unfit for military service, Steve Rogers volunteers for a top secret research project that turns him into… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.984%


Critics Consensus: A perfectly light, warmly funny romantic comedy that’s kept afloat by Ron Howard’s unobtrusive direction and charming performances from Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah.

                          Synopsis: This story begins in 1959, when a young boy is rescued from a watery grave by an adolescent mermaid. Twenty-five… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.507%


Critics Consensus: Sweet, beautifully filmed, and admirably short on sugarcoating, Bears continues Disneynature’s winning streak.

                          Synopsis: In an epic story of breathtaking scale, Disneynature’s new True Life Adventure «Bears» showcases a year in the life of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.012%


Critics Consensus: The arresting and dynamic visuals, offbeat details and light-as-air storytelling make James and the Giant Peach solid family entertainment.

                          Synopsis: A young boy’s discovery of a gigantic peach triggers an eventful journey across the sea in this strikingly designed and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 94.5%


Critics Consensus: Short, nostalgic, and gently whimsical, Winnie the Pooh offers young audiences — and their parents — a sweetly traditional family treat.

                          Synopsis: Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with Winnie the Pooh. Featuring the timeless charm, wit and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.916%


Critics Consensus: Guardians of the Galaxy is just as irreverent as fans of the frequently zany Marvel comic would expect — as well as funny, thrilling, full of heart, and packed with visual splendor.

                          Synopsis: From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 107.334%


Critics Consensus: Captain America: Civil War begins the next wave of Marvel movies with an action-packed superhero blockbuster boasting a decidedly non-cartoonish plot and the courage to explore thought-provoking themes.

                          Synopsis: Marvel’s «Captain America: Civil War» finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their continued efforts to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.212%


Critics Consensus: Star Wars: The Last Jedi honors the saga’s rich legacy while adding some surprising twists — and delivering all the emotion-rich action fans could hope for.

                          Synopsis: In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.391%


Critics Consensus: Thanks to a script that emphasizes its heroes’ humanity and a wealth of superpowered set pieces, The Avengers lives up to its hype and raises the bar for Marvel at the movies.

                          Synopsis: Marvel Studios presents Marvel’s The Avengers-the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man,… [More]



                  Directed By:






Adjusted Score: 96.634%


Critics Consensus: A Bug’s Life is a rousing adventure that blends animated thrills with witty dialogue and memorable characters – and another smashing early success for Pixar.

                          Synopsis: John Lasseter, director of Pixar’s movie phenomenon Toy Story, has set new standards in computer animation with this effort, another… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.239%


Critics Consensus: A legendarily expansive and ambitious start to the sci-fi saga, George Lucas opened our eyes to the possibilities of blockbuster filmmaking and things have never been the same.

                          Synopsis: Nineteen years after the formation of the Empire, Luke Skywalker is thrust into the struggle of the Rebel Alliance when… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.297%


Critics Consensus: A nostalgic charmer, Lady and the Tramp’s token sweetness is mighty but the songs and richly colored animation are technically superb and make for a memorable experience.

                          Synopsis: Lady and the Tramp represented two «firsts» for Disney: It was the studio’s first Cinemascope animated feature, and it was… [More]





Adjusted Score: 94.314%


Critics Consensus: Monkey Kingdom’s breathtaking footage of primates in the wild is likely to please animal lovers of all ages.

                          Synopsis: Mark Linfield’s nature documentary Monkey Kingdom follows the struggles of a young monkey mother to care for and raise her… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.346%


Critics Consensus: The Little Mermaid ushered in a new golden era for Disney animation with warm and charming hand-drawn characters and catchy musical sequences.

                          Synopsis: Disney’s The Little Mermaid was the first in a series of blockbusters that restored the venerable firm’s reputation as the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.873%


Critics Consensus: Emotionally stirring, richly drawn, and beautifully animated, The Lion King is a pride within Disney’s pantheon of classic family films.

                          Synopsis: One of the most popular Disney animated musicals, The Lion King presents the story of a lion cub’s journey to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.77%


Critics Consensus: Queen of Katwe is a feel-good movie of uncommon smarts and passion, and outstanding performances by Lupita Nyong’o and David Oyelowo help to elevate the film past its cliches.

                          Synopsis: «Queen of Katwe» is the colorful true story of a young girl selling corn on the streets of rural Uganda… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.09%


Critics Consensus: Packed with action and populated by both familiar faces and fresh blood, The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series’ former glory while injecting it with renewed energy.

                          Synopsis: The Star Wars saga continues with this seventh entry — the first under the Walt Disney Co. umbrella. The film… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.779%


Critics Consensus: Exciting, funny, and above all fun, Thor: Ragnarok is a colorful cosmic adventure that sets a new standard for its franchise — and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

                          Synopsis: In Marvel Studios’ «Thor: Ragnarok,» Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.434%


Critics Consensus: A landmark in animation (and a huge influence on the medium of music video), Disney’s Fantasia is a relentlessly inventive blend of the classics with phantasmagorical images.

                          Synopsis: Regarded by many as Walt Disney’s masterpiece, Fantasia predicted the modern music video by offering nine animated segments that were… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.307%


Critics Consensus: Enchanting, sweepingly romantic, and featuring plenty of wonderful musical numbers, Beauty and the Beast is one of Disney’s most elegant animated offerings.

                          Synopsis: Walt Disney Animation Studios’ magical classic Beauty and the Beast returns to the big screen in Disney Digital 3D(TM), introducing… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.678%


Critics Consensus: Powered by Robert Downey Jr.’s vibrant charm, Iron Man turbo-charges the superhero genre with a deft intelligence and infectious sense of fun.

                          Synopsis: Billionaire industrialist and genius inventor Tony Stark is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Instead, using his intelligence… [More]

                  Directed By:






Adjusted Score: 106.918%


Critics Consensus: Funny, poignant, and thought-provoking, Finding Dory delivers a beautifully animated adventure that adds another entertaining chapter to its predecessor’s classic story.

                          Synopsis: «Finding Dory» reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 117.472%


Critics Consensus: Exciting, entertaining, and emotionally impactful, Avengers: Endgame does whatever it takes to deliver a satisfying finale to Marvel’s epic Infinity Saga.

                          Synopsis: The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.927%


Critics Consensus: Dark, sinister, but ultimately even more involving than A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back defies viewer expectations and takes the series to heightened emotional levels.

                          Synopsis: The second entry in George Lucas’ Star Wars trilogy finds Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), the green-as-grass hero from the first… [More]


# 25



Adjusted Score: 100.432%


Critics Consensus: A highly entertaining entry in Disney’s renaissance era,» Aladdin is beautifully drawn, with near-classic songs and a cast of scene-stealing characters.

                          Synopsis: Robin Williams’s dizzying and hilarious voicing of the Genie is the main attraction of Aladdin, the third in the series… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.7%


Critics Consensus: The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation.

                          Synopsis: Despite having recently presided over a very successful Halloween, Jack Skellington, aka the Pumpkin King, is bored with his job… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.918%


Critics Consensus: Clever, charming, and heartfelt, The Muppets is a welcome big screen return for Jim Henson’s lovable creations that will both win new fans and delight longtime devotees.

                          Synopsis: On vacation in Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet fan, and his friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy… [More]


# 22



Adjusted Score: 104.796%


Critics Consensus: Wall-E’s stellar visuals testify once again to Pixar’s ingenuity, while its charming star will captivate younger viewers — and its timely story offers thought-provoking subtext.

                          Synopsis: After hundreds of lonely years of doing what he was built for, WALL-E (short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class)… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.381%


Critics Consensus: Irrefutable proof that gentle sentimentalism can be the chief ingredient in a wonderful film, Miracle on 34th Street delivers a warm holiday message without resorting to treacle.

                          Synopsis: Edmund Gwenn plays Kris Kringle, a bearded old gent who is the living image of Santa Claus. Serving as a… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.532%


Critics Consensus: Clever, funny, and delightful to look at, Monsters, Inc. delivers another resounding example of how Pixar elevated the bar for modern all-ages animation.

                          Synopsis: After exploring the worlds of toys and bugs in the two Toy Story films and A Bug’s Life, the award-winning… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.437%


Critics Consensus: Fast-paced and stunningly animated, Ratatouille adds another delightfully entertaining entry — and a rather unlikely hero — to the Pixar canon.

                          Synopsis: In the hilarious new animated-adventure, Ratatouille, a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great chef despite his family’s wishes… [More]


# 18



Adjusted Score: 106.656%


Critics Consensus: With a title character as three-dimensional as its lush animation and a story that adds fresh depth to Disney’s time-tested formula, Moana is truly a family-friendly adventure for the ages.

                          Synopsis: Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.844%


Critics Consensus: The rich colors, sweet songs, adorable mice and endearing (if suffering) heroine make Cinderella a nostalgically lovely charmer.

                          Synopsis: This Disney animated version of Cinderella took the somewhat violent tale of a downtrodden young woman who uses her wits,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.743%


Critics Consensus: Who Framed Roger Rabbit is an innovative and entertaining film that features a groundbreaking mix of live action and animation, with a touching and original story to boot.

                          Synopsis: In this film, Hollywood’s animated cartoon stars of the 1940s are a subjugated minority, living in the ghettolike «Toontown» One… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.003%


Critics Consensus: Bringing loads of wit and tons of fun to the animated superhero genre, The Incredibles easily lives up to its name.

                          Synopsis: Once one of the world’s top masked crime fighters, Bob Parr–known to all as «Mr. Incredible»–fought evil and saved lives… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.473%


Critics Consensus: Coco’s rich visual pleasures are matched by a thoughtful narrative that takes a family-friendly — and deeply affecting — approach to questions of culture, family, life, and death.

                          Synopsis: Despite his family’s baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel (voice of newcomer Anthony Gonzalez) dreams of becoming an accomplished musician… [More]





Adjusted Score: 116.789%


Critics Consensus: Heartwarming, funny, and beautifully animated, Toy Story 4 manages the unlikely feat of extending — and perhaps concluding — a practically perfect animated saga.

                          Synopsis: Woody (voice of Tom Hanks) has always been confident about his place in the world, and that his priority is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.083%


Critics Consensus: The brilliantly well-rounded Zootopia offers a thoughtful, inclusive message that’s as rich and timely as its sumptuously state-of-the-art animation — all while remaining fast and funny enough to keep younger viewers entertained.

                          Synopsis: The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.71%


Critics Consensus: Dumbo packs plenty of story into its brief runtime, along with all the warm animation and wonderful music you’d expect from a Disney classic.

                          Synopsis: Ostracized from the rest of the circus animals, poor Dumbo the elephant is separated from his mother, who is chained… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.089%


Critics Consensus: With plenty of pooches and a memorable villain (Cruella De Vil), this is one of Disney’s most enduring, entertaining animated films.

                          Synopsis: This Disney animated classic is based on the children’s story by Dodie Smith. The story involves the canine pets of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.156%


Critics Consensus: With its involving story and characters, vibrant art, and memorable songs, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs set the animation standard for decades to come.

                          Synopsis: It was called «Disney’s Folly.» Who on earth would want to sit still for 90 minutes to watch an animated… [More]


# 8



Adjusted Score: 107.306%


Critics Consensus: Deftly blending comedy, adventure, and honest emotion, Toy Story 3 is a rare second sequel that really works.

                          Synopsis: «Toy Story 3» welcomes Woody, Buzz and the whole gang back to the big screen as Andy prepares to depart… [More]





Adjusted Score: 112.229%


Critics Consensus: Inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another outstanding addition to the Pixar library of modern animated classics.

                          Synopsis: Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it’s no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.877%


Critics Consensus: Breathtakingly lovely and grounded by the stellar efforts of a well-chosen cast, Finding Nemo adds another beautifully crafted gem to Pixar’s crown.

                          Synopsis: In this stunning underwater adventure, with memorable characters, humor and heartfelt emotion, Finding Nemo follows the comedic and momentous journey… [More]


# 5



Adjusted Score: 102.195%


Critics Consensus: Old Yeller is an exemplary coming of age tale, packing an emotional wallop through smart pacing and a keen understanding of the elemental bonding between humanity and their furry best friends.

                          Synopsis: While his father is away on a cattle drive, 15-year-old Tommy Kirk manages the family farm. Kirk is irritated when… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.685%


Critics Consensus: A lavish modern fairy tale celebrated for its amazing special effects, catchy songs, and Julie Andrews’s legendary performance in the title role.

                          Synopsis: «Practically Perfect In Every Way» Mary Poppins flies out of the windy London skies and into the home of two… [More]





Adjusted Score: 107.434%


Critics Consensus: Ambitious, adventurous, and sometimes frightening, Pinocchio arguably represents the pinnacle of Disney’s collected works — it’s beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant.

                          Synopsis: When the gentle woodcarver Geppetto (Christian Rub) builds a marionette to be his substitute son, a benevolent fairy brings the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.889%


Critics Consensus: Entertaining as it is innovative, Toy Story reinvigorated animation while heralding the arrival of Pixar as a family-friendly force to be reckoned with.

                          Synopsis: Woody, a traditional pull-string talking cowboy, has long enjoyed a place of honor as the favorite among six-year-old Andy’s menagerie… [More]





Adjusted Score: 107.65%


Critics Consensus: The rare sequel that arguably improves on its predecessor, Toy Story 2 uses inventive storytelling, gorgeous animation, and a talented cast to deliver another rich moviegoing experience for all ages.

                          Synopsis: «Toy Story 2» is the exciting, all-new sequel to the landmark 1995 computer-animated blockbuster from Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar… [More]

Rotten Tomatoes