Las 200 mejores comedias románticas de todos los tiempos



Conectando? No hay problema. «Meet cute» en la librería? Pasa todo el tiempo. ¿Encontrar la correcta, enamorarse y casarse? ¿Qué más vas a hacer? ¿Pero compilando la lista definitiva de las comedias románticas más frescas de todos los tiempos? Es complicado.


Para nuestra lista de las 200 mejores comedias románticas de todos los tiempos, buscamos por todas partes a lo largo de la historia del cine cada permutación de cortejo (hilarante) y amor capturado en la cámara. Tenemos el ingenio deslumbrante del primer sistema de estudio ( His Girl Friday , Bringing Up Baby ), el cinismo realista de los años 70 ( Annie Hall , [ 19459006] The Goodbye Girl ), y el romántico romance intermedio ( The Apartment , Roman Holiday ). Había mucho que encontrar en la era dirigida por adolescentes de John Hughes ( Say Anything … , Pretty in Pink ), y la burbujeante década de los 90 que siguió ( Día de la Marmota , Cuatro bodas y un funeral , Mientras dormías ). Luego incursionamos en el raunch del siglo XXI ( Knocked Up ) y twee ( (500) Days of Summer ), lo que lleva a nuestra era actual de nuevas voces que declaran que ellos también tienen derecho a su propias historias de relaciones desordenadas ( The Big Sick , Crazy Rich Asians ).


Y en nuestra actualización principal más reciente, hemos agregado la última y mejor, incluida la primera inmersión de Charlize Theron en el género ( Long Shot ), queridas independientes ( Plus One ), y la farsa ( Isn’t It Romantic ). También ampliamos nuestro alcance en LGBTQ ( Edge of Seventeen , Get Real , Life Partners , Saving Face ) y películas afroamericanas ( Top Five , The Best Man ). Y espere ver más comedias románticas internacionales, con muchas adiciones entre español ( You’re Killing Me Susana , Everybody Loves Somebody ) y el cine francés ( Románticos Anónimo , El apartamento español ).


La única estipulación para que una comedia romántica tenga una oportunidad de amar en esta lista fue lograr un mínimo de 20 reseñas, y luego clasificamos los títulos de calificación por Tomatometer ajustado, que tiene en cuenta factores como la cantidad de reseñas de películas recibido y su año de lanzamiento. Y porque queremos que te sientas rojo, y no que veas rojo, queremos prepararte para algunas de las ubicaciones relativamente bajas para clásicos queridos como Pretty Woman , Love Actually [ 19459007] y Insomnio en Seattle . El tomatómetro, al igual que el corazón, no engaña.


¿Listo para sumergirse en el mar del amor? ¡Luego continúa con los brazos abiertos en las 200 mejores comedias románticas de Rotten Tomatoes de todos los tiempos!


# 200



Puntuación ajustada: 62.438%


Consenso de críticos: Es demasiado parlanchín, pero Playing By Heart se beneficia de percepciones ingeniosas sobre las relaciones modernas y el buen desempeño de un elenco estimado.

                          Sinopsis: Esta película entrelaza historias entrelazadas sobre cómo encontrar el amor en Los Ángeles. El tema de la película es hablado por el joven club-hopper … [Más]

# 199



Puntuación ajustada: 63.89%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Audrey Tautou es Nathalie, una bella, feliz y exitosa ejecutiva de negocios parisina que se encuentra viuda de repente después de tres años … [Más] [19459003 ]

# 198



Puntuación ajustada: 64,174%


Consenso de los críticos: El Broken Hearts Club a menudo se siente como una amalgama de comedias de situación de los 70, aunque una pista de plomo y un dulce romance central brindan delicias jabonosas.

                          Sinopsis: En el oasis sombreado de palmeras de West Hollywood, nos encontramos con Dennis, un prometedor fotógrafo. Mientras se prepara para celebrar su vigésimo octavo … [Más]

# 197



Puntuación ajustada: 64.191%


Consenso de críticos: Something New aborda preguntas serias sobre la raza y las relaciones interraciales con un atractivo genuino y un romance seductor que se desarrolla tan naturalmente como la trama.

                          Sinopsis: Si el amor es una aventura, Kenia Denise McQueen aún no la ha emprendido. Una hermosa carrera en Los Ángeles … [Más]

# 196



Puntuación ajustada: 64.219%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: En un vuelo de Nueva York a París, Julie y Antoine se sientan juntas por primera vez desde su … [Más] [19459003 ]

# 195



Puntuación ajustada: 64.574%


Consenso de críticos: A menudo visto como Esperando para exhalar con los hombres, The Brothers es amable. Sin embargo, se siente superficial y un tanto recauchutado.

                          Sinopsis: Cuatro hombres exitosos se encuentran relajándose en relaciones a largo plazo, pero no están tan cómodos al respecto, en este … [Más] [ 19459003]

# 194



Puntuación ajustada: 64.713%


Consenso de críticos: Una comedia romántica predecible, insípida, pero Bettany demuestra ser una pista atractiva.

                          Sinopsis: Peter Colt es un tipo desafortunado, que obtiene «amor» tanto profesional como personalmente. Sembrado cerca del fondo del tenis mundial … [Más]

# 193



Puntuación ajustada: 64,927%


Consenso de críticos: Se ve muy bien, pero Zellweger y McGregor no tienen química juntos, y el tono de complacencia y complacencia.

                          Sinopsis: Una comedia sexual posmoderna ambientada a principios de la década de 1960 que se centra en una historia de amor entre un autor de éxito de ventas y … [Más]

# 192



Puntuación ajustada: 65,152%


Consenso de críticos: David Duchovny y Minnie Driver brindan un romance y una comedia conmovedores en este sólido debut del director Bonnie Hunt.

                          Sinopsis: Return To Me es una entrañable comedia romántica infundida con humor de la vida real. La vida puede cambiar en un instante y … [Más]

# 191



Puntuación ajustada: 65.308%


Consenso de críticos: A pesar de la sensación truculenta de las narraciones divididas, la película se puede ver debido a las actuaciones ganadoras del elenco.

                          Sinopsis: Una comedia romántica ingeniosamente concebida que sigue a una mujer de Londres en dos caminos hipotéticos, uno donde llega temprano a casa … [Más]

# 190



Puntuación ajustada: 65.907%


Consenso de los críticos: Chocolat es una fábula encantadora y alegre con una encantadora actuación de Binoche.

                          Sinopsis: El más tentador de todos los dulces se convierte en el arma clave en una batalla de placer sensual versus una abnegación disciplinada en … [Más]

# 189



Puntuación ajustada: 65,998%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque poco realista, Big Eden tiene todo el encanto y la dulzura de un cuento de hadas.

                          Sinopsis: Big Eden es una pequeña ciudad escondida en el bosque del noroeste de Montana, donde los vaqueros descansan en el porche … [Más]

# 188



Puntuación ajustada: 66,157%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque formulista y superficial, Under the Tuscan Sun es redimido por el desempeño vibrante de Lane.

                          Sinopsis: Frances Mayes es una escritora de San Francisco de 35 años cuya vida perfecta acaba de tomar un desvío inesperado. Su reciente divorcio … [Más]

# 187



Puntuación ajustada: 66.572%


Consenso de críticos: Pretty Woman puede ser una fantasía yuppie, pero la ingeniosa comedia, banda sonora y reparto de la película pueden superar las dudas.

                          Sinopsis: Edward es un hombre de negocios rico y sofisticado que se especializa en incursiones corporativas: compra de negocios para dividirlos … [Más]

# 186



Puntuación ajustada: 67.546%


Consenso de críticos: Con dos pistas atractivas a la deriva en una trama digna de comedia, Life Partners no hace lo suficiente para ganar el compromiso de los espectadores.

                          Sinopsis: A los 29 años, la relación a más largo plazo que Sasha (Leighton Meester) y Paige (Gillian Jacobs) han tenido es con cada … [Más]

# 185



Puntuación ajustada: 67.583%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Basado en una popular obra de Terrence McNally fuera de Broadway, este drama narra el romance agridulce entre un ex convicto que se pone … [Más] [19459003 ]

# 184



Puntuación ajustada: 67.728%


Consenso de los críticos: La Sabrina de Sydney Pollack no hace nada que el original no hizo mejor, pero la dirección asegurada y un elenco de estrellas experimentadas hacen de esto una diversión lo suficientemente agradable.

                          Sinopsis: En esta reelaboración de la clásica comedia de modales de Billy Wilder de 1954, la hija del chofer Sabrina llama la atención de los ricos … [Más]

# 183



Puntuación ajustada: 67.826%


Consenso de los críticos: Aunque es predecible y posiblemente demasiado dulce, Brown Sugar es encantador, bien actuado y más inteligente que la típica comida de comedia romántica.

                          Sinopsis: Una mujer se pregunta si es solo amistad o amor verdadero lo que siente cuando un amigo cercano anuncia que está atando … [Más]

# 182



Puntuación ajustada: 68.072%


Consenso de críticos: Una adaptación colorida y enérgica del clásico de Austen.

                          Sinopsis: Las sensibilidades muy británicas de Jane Austen se introducen en los sabores exóticos del musical de Bollywood en este romántico … [Más]

# 181



Puntuación ajustada: 68,333%


Consenso de críticos: Music & Lyrics es una comedia romántica ligera y agradable que tiene éxito debido al considerable encanto de sus coprotagonistas. Los segmentos de música con Hugh Grant valen el precio de la entrada.

                          Sinopsis: Una colaboración profesional entre un letrista popular y un músico lavado toma un giro decididamente personal a medida que la pareja gradualmente … [Más]

# 180



Puntuación ajustada: 68.401%


Consenso de críticos: Dormir con otras personas tiene pistas agradables y destellos de inspiración, pero parece poco dispuesto o incapaz de rodearlos con la comedia romántica verdaderamente subversiva que se merecen.

                          Sinopsis: Jason Sudeikis y Alison Brie protagonizan dos fracasos románticos cuyos años de infidelidad en serie y auto-sabotaje los han llevado … [Más]

# 179



Puntuación ajustada: 68.723%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Un error en el cielo hace que un abogado retenga un recuerdo parcial de su vida anterior antes de reencarnarse. Como … [Más]

# 178



Puntuación ajustada: 68,939%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Un médico de la gran ciudad está varado en un pequeño pueblo rural, donde encuentra amor, desafíos profesionales y una mascota … [Más]

# 177



Puntuación ajustada: 68,983%


Consenso de críticos: Los Laggies pueden no hacer tanto con sus ideas como podrían, pero se ve impulsado por una actuación encantadora de Kiera Knightley, así como por la dirección empática de Lynn Shelton.

                          Sinopsis: Megan (Keira Knightley), de 28 años, supeducada y subempleada, se encuentra en medio de una crisis de cuarto de vida. Directamente en la edad adulta … [Más]

# 176



Puntuación ajustada: 69.082%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque ciertamente es demasiado largo, The Five-Year Engagement se beneficia de la química fácil de sus pistas y un guión romántico y divertido con sorprendente profundidad e inteligencia.

                          Sinopsis: El director y escritor / estrella de Forgetting Sarah Marshall volvió a formar parte de la irreverente comedia The Five-Year Engagement. Comienzo donde más romántico … [Más]

# 175



Puntuación ajustada: 69,175%


Consenso de críticos: Jeffrey ofende tan fácilmente como divierte, pero una actuación sobresaliente de Patrick Stewart evita que se descarrile por completo.

                          Sinopsis: Basada en una popular obra de Broadway, esta comedia narra las experiencias que hicieron que Jeffrey, el homosexual antes promiscuo, hiciera un voto de … [Más]

# 174



Puntuación ajustada: 69,279%


Consenso de críticos: Reality Bites puede ser demasiado hábil para cumplir su promesa como una declaración profunda sobre la Generación X, pero un conjunto atractivo y chisporroteo romántico hacen una inmersión entretenida en el tedio de la juventud.

                          Sinopsis: Cuatro graduados recientes descubren lo difícil que es encontrar un trabajo decente y un verdadero amor después de la universidad … [Más]

# 173



Puntuación ajustada: 69,428%


Consenso de críticos: La trama no es nada nuevo, pero Garner muestra un don adorable para las comedias románticas.

                          Sinopsis: Jenna (Shana Dowdeswell), de trece años, ha tenido suficiente con los ensayos de la adolescencia. Además de cargar con un devoto pero nerd … [Más]

# 172



Puntuación ajustada: 69,436%


Consenso de críticos: 2 días en Nueva York supera sus deficiencias gracias a una trama increíblemente loca y la dulce química entre sus estrellas bien combinadas.

                          Sinopsis: El presentador de radio de cadera y periodista Mingus (Chris Rock) y su novia fotógrafa francesa, Marion (Julie Delpy), viven cómodamente en un … [Más] [19459013 ]

# 171



Puntuación ajustada: 69,659%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque definitivamente está en el lado más esponjoso de la comedia francesa, Heartbreaker se beneficia de nunca tomarse demasiado en serio, y de la actuación del siempre encantador Romain Duris.

                          Sinopsis: HEARTBREAKER es una comedia romántica llena de acción que combina a dos de las estrellas jóvenes más grandes de Francia: Romain Duris (THE Beat That My Heart … [Más]

# 170



Puntuación ajustada: 69,773%


Consenso de críticos: Eddie Murphy tenía el control total en este punto, claramente evidente en la dirección de inercia de John Landis de Coming to America.

                          Sinopsis: Al llegar a Estados Unidos, el comediante Eddie Murphy interpreta al príncipe africano Akeem, que se rebela contra un matrimonio arreglado y dirige … [Más]

# 169



Puntuación ajustada: 70.063%


Consenso de críticos: La producción impecable y las actuaciones brillantes muestran el talento del bardo de manera propicia.

                          Sinopsis: Todo comienza cuando Hermia y Lysander huyen al bosque para escapar del padre de Hermia, Egeus, que desea a Hermia … [Más]

# 168



Puntuación ajustada: 70,3%


Consenso de críticos: Una historia azucarada llena de demasiadas historias. Aún así, los encantos del elenco.

                          Sinopsis: Todo Londres está enamorado – o anhela estarlo – en Four Weddings and a Funeral writer Richard … [Más]

# 167



Puntuación ajustada: 70.857%


Consenso de críticos: Julia Stiles y Heath Ledger agregan actuaciones fuertes a un guión inesperadamente inteligente, elevando 10 cosas (ligeramente) por encima de la tarifa típica de los adolescentes.

                          Sinopsis: La popular y bella Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik) está en un dilema. Una regla familiar le prohíbe salir hasta que sea impopular, rebelde, … [Más]

# 166



Puntuación ajustada: 71.086%


Consenso de los críticos: Es decididamente desigual, y sorprendentemente cursi para una comedia temprana de Adam Sandler, pero The Wedding Singer también es dulce, divertido y seductor.

                          Sinopsis: Mousse el cabello y saque sus registros de Personas Desaparecidas de las bolas de naftalina para esta comedia romántica ambientada en ese … [Más]

# 165



Puntuación ajustada: 71,286%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Eligio (Gael García Bernal), un actor carismático y amante de la diversión, se despierta una mañana para darse cuenta de que su esposa Susana (Veronica Echegui) … [Más] [19459013 ]

# 164



Puntuación ajustada: 71.419%


Consenso de críticos: Aunque no es un jonrón, Fever Pitch tiene suficiente encanto y química en pantalla entre los dos cables para que sea un éxito sólido.

                          Sinopsis: Las aclamadas memorias de Nick Hornby sobre la lucha de un hombre para equilibrar su amor por una mujer y su amor por el fútbol … [Más]

# 163



Puntuación ajustada: 72.186%


Consenso de los críticos: Afilado, astuto y divertido, Friends with Kids presenta excelentes actuaciones que ayudan a suavizar algunos de los elementos más convencionales de la historia.

                          Sinopsis: Friends with Kids es una comedia de conjunto atrevida y conmovedora sobre un círculo muy unido de amigos en ese momento en … [Más]

# 162



Puntuación ajustada: 72.361%


Consenso de críticos: Zack y Miri Make a Porno es un éxito modesto para Kevin Smith, debido en gran parte al encanto de Seth Rogen y Elizabeth Banks.

                          Sinopsis: Los amigos y compañeros de cuarto de toda la vida, Zack y Miri, enfrentan tiempos difíciles y una montaña de deudas. Cuando la electricidad y … [Más]

# 161



Puntuación ajustada: 72,39%


Consenso de los críticos: Ventoso y predecible, Tin Cup es una comedia deportiva agradable que se beneficia enormemente de la amable actuación principal de Kevin Costner.

                          Sinopsis: Roy McAvoy (Kevin Costner) es un talentoso profesional de golf, que posee su propio campo de prácticas. Eso suena impresionante, pero el … [Más]

# 160



Puntuación ajustada: 72.807%


Consenso de críticos: Al igual que su predecesor, L’Auberge Espagnole, las muñecas rusas son encantadoramente ventosas y ligeras.

                          Sinopsis: Xavier y Wendy tienen que reunir a todos sus amigos de Barcelona para la boda del hermano de Wendy con una hermosa … [Más]

# 159



Puntuación ajustada: 72.865%


Consenso de críticos: Una drama que presenta un triángulo amoroso inusual, Keeping the Faith es una mirada perceptiva de cómo la religión nos afecta en la vida cotidiana.

                          Sinopsis: El actor Edward Norton debuta como director con esta comedia-drama sobre el amor, la amistad y la fe. Sacerdote Brian Finn (Norton) y … [Más]

# 158



Puntuación ajustada: 73,149%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: Johnny Depp fue nominado para un Globo de Oro por su asombrosa actuación en Benny & Joon, aunque todo el elenco … [Más]

# 157



Puntuación ajustada: 73.558%


Consenso de críticos: Aún no hay consenso.

                          Sinopsis: En la superficie, la joven y bella Clara Barron (Karla Souza) parece tener todo, un gran trabajo como … [Más]

# 156



Puntuación ajustada: 73,643%


Consenso de críticos: La gran química entre los protagonistas hizo de este un placer cálido y encantador.

                          Sinopsis: La película habla de Kathleen Kelly, propietaria de una librería infantil en Nueva York. Es un pequeño pero rentable … [Más]

# 155



Puntuación ajustada: 73,965%


Consenso de críticos: A pesar de la previsibilidad de Hitch, Will Smith y Kevin James ganan elogios por sus actuaciones sólidas y afectuosas.

                          Sinopsis: Un médico de citas dice que con sus servicios puede emparejar a cualquier persona con su alma gemela en solo tres citas. Cuando … [Más]

# 154



Puntuación ajustada: 73,966%


Consenso de críticos: The Best Man Holiday maneja risas honestas por humor amplio, y afecta el drama convincente de una trama profundamente convencional.

                          Sinopsis: Después de casi 15 años de diferencia, Taye Diggs (Práctica privada de televisión), Nia Long (Soul Food), Morris Chestnut (Kick-Ass 2), Harold Perrineau … [ Más]

# 153



Puntuación ajustada: 74.498%


Consenso de críticos: Bellamente filmado y sinceramente sincero, About Time encuentra al director Richard Curtis en su momento más sentimental.

                          Sinopsis: A la edad de 21 años, Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) descubre que puede viajar en el tiempo … La noche después de otra insatisfactoria … [Más] [ 19459003]

# 152



Puntuación ajustada: 74.558%


Consenso de críticos: Si bien es difícil no desear que tenga un poco más de mordisco, Liberal Arts finalmente tiene éxito como un buen carácter, y sorprendentemente inteligente, mira la atracción adictiva de la nostalgia por nuestro juventud.

                          Sinopsis: Recién soltero y sin inspiración por su trabajo en admisiones a la universidad, el introvertido Jesse Fisher (Josh Radnor) vive con la cabeza … [Más]

# 151



Adjusted Score: 74.616%


Critics Consensus: The cheerfully frothy Populaire may lack substance, but its visual appeal — and director Roinsard’s confident evocation of 1950s filmmaking tropes — help carry the day.

                          Synopsis: Spring, 1958: 21-year-old Rose Pamphyle lives with her grouchy widower father who runs the village store. Engaged to the son… [More]





Adjusted Score: 74.622%


Critics Consensus: It doesn’t always find comfortable ground between broad comedy and social commentary, but lively performances — especially from Kevin Kline and Joan Cusack — enrich In & Out’s mixture of laughs and sexual tolerance.

                          Synopsis: Life is sweet for high-school English teacher and sports coach Howard Brackett (Kevin Kline); he’s still living where he grew… [More]





Adjusted Score: 74.651%


Critics Consensus: With a strong cast and a host of well-defined characters, The Best Man is an intelligent, funny romantic comedy that marks an impressive debut for writer/director Malcolm D. Lee.

                          Synopsis: In this romantic comedy, a writer finds out the hard way about the consequences of walking a fine line between… [More]





Adjusted Score: 75.028%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: The year is 1984. The music is Boy George and the Bronski Beat. Eric and his best friend, Maggie, are… [More]





Adjusted Score: 75.176%


Critics Consensus: With a clever script and charismatic leads, Definitely, Maybe is a refreshing entry into the romantic comedy genre.

                          Synopsis: Will Hayes is a 30-something Manhattan dad in the midst of a divorce when his 10-year-old daughter, Maya, starts to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 75.318%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: In their mid-30s, Eva (Oona Chaplin) and Kat (Natalia Tena) have a fun and carefree simple life in their London… [More]





Adjusted Score: 75.698%


Critics Consensus: While it doesn’t subvert the genre as incisively as it thinks it does, Celeste and Jesse Forever is a shrewd rom-com that benefits from its likable cast and trumpets the arrival of Rashida Jones as a bona fide big screen talent.

                          Synopsis: Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) met in high school, married young and are growing apart. Now thirty, Celeste… [More]





Adjusted Score: 76.013%


Critics Consensus: Baby Boom struggles to impart its feminist ideals, but Diane Keaton’s winsome leading work helps keep things breezily entertaining.

                          Synopsis: When a professional woman with a high-profile job «inherits» a 14-month-old baby girl from recently deceased relatives, she intends to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 76.274%


Critics Consensus: Thanks to a charming performance from Julia Roberts and a subversive spin on the genre, My Best Friend’s Wedding is a refreshingly entertaining romantic comedy.

                          Synopsis: Essentially an old-fashioned romantic comedy with a few dark twists, My Best Friend’s Wedding marks the return of Julia Roberts… [More]





Adjusted Score: 76.693%


Critics Consensus: Though it occasionally stumbles into sitcom territory, Something’s Gotta Give is mostly a smart, funny romantic comedy, with sharp performances from Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, and Keanu Reeves.

                          Synopsis: Harry Sanborn is a perennial bachelor who only dates women under the age of thirty. On what was to have… [More]





Adjusted Score: 77.162%


Critics Consensus: It follows as many genre conventions as it mocks, but Isn’t It Romantic is a feel-good rom-com with some satirical bite — and a star well-suited for both.

                          Synopsis: New York City architect Natalie works hard to get noticed at her job but is more likely to be asked… [More]





Adjusted Score: 77.205%


Critics Consensus: Director Trevor Nunn makes some questionable choices, but his stellar cast — which includes Helena Bonham-Carter, Ben Kingsley, and Nigel Hawthorne — more than rises to the material.

                          Synopsis: This loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s enduring but seldom-filmed comedy of merry and ribald romantic mix-ups comes from Trevor Nunn, distinguished… [More]





Adjusted Score: 77.67%


Critics Consensus: Its narrative framework may be familiar, but What If transcends its derivative elements with sharp dialogue and the effervescent chemistry of stars Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan.

                          Synopsis: WHAT IF is the story of medical school dropout Wallace (Daniel Radcliffe), who’s been repeatedly burned by bad relationships. So… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.081%


Critics Consensus: This multicultural comedy captures the chaos and excitement of being young.

                          Synopsis: A man eager to learn Spanish gets an education he wasn’t expecting in this comedy drama. Xavier (Romain Duris) is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.183%


Critics Consensus: By portraying its love story as nothing less than conventional, Trick avoids genre tropes to create a simple, effective romance.

                          Synopsis: In this comedy, Gabriel is a smart composer specializing in musical comedies. Mark is a real Adonis who works as… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.279%


Critics Consensus: Sleepless in Seattle is a cute classic with a very light touch and real chemistry between the two leads — even when spending an entire movie apart.

                          Synopsis: It’s Christmas Eve and radio talk show psychologist Marcia Fieldstone has asked her listening audience what they are wishing and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.362%


Critics Consensus: Better Off Dead is an anarchic mix of black humor and surreal comedy, anchored by John Cusack’s winsome, charming performance.

                          Synopsis: After being rejected by the object of his affection and suffering a series of other humiliations, a depressed teenager decides… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.471%


Critics Consensus: Yesterday may fall short of fab, but the end result is still a sweetly charming fantasy with an intriguing — albeit somewhat under-explored — premise.

                          Synopsis: Jack Malik (Himesh Patel, BBC’s Eastenders) is a struggling singer-songwriter in a tiny English seaside town whose dreams of fame… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.557%


Critics Consensus: Undeniably slight and fluffy, Love Is All You Need is redeemed by its picturesque setting and warm performances by Pierce Brosnan and Trine Dyrholm.

                          Synopsis: LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED is directed by Golden Globe (R) and Oscar (R) winning filmmaker Susanne Bier, written by… [More]





Adjusted Score: 78.718%


Critics Consensus: Mighty Aphrodite may not stand with Woody Allen’s finest work, but it’s brought to vivid life by a thoroughly winsome performance from Mira Sorvino.

                          Synopsis: A dissatisfied Manhattan sportswriter finds more than he expected when he searches for the biological mother of his adopted child… [More]





Adjusted Score: 79.289%


Critics Consensus: Though it sometimes feels like a television sitcom, My Big Fat Greek Wedding is good-hearted, lovable, and delightfully eccentric, with a sharp script and lead performance from Nia Vardalos.

                          Synopsis: One woman’s rocky road to the altar gets played for laughs in this comedy, adapted from the one-woman off-Broadway show… [More]





Adjusted Score: 79.476%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: This hit arthouse ensemble piece traces the romantic and political ups and downs of a group of multicultural Chicago lesbians…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 79.792%


Critics Consensus: Pleasantly easygoing and consistently funny, Chinese Puzzle offers a suitably endearing conclusion to Cédric Klapisch’s Trilogy of Xavier.

                          Synopsis: A 40-year-old father of two, still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 80.107%


Critics Consensus: Heartfelt and quirky, though at times broad, Muriel’s Wedding mixes awkward comedy, oddball Australian characters, and a nostalgia-heavy soundtrack.

                          Synopsis: A socially inept young woman slowly learns to overcome her insecurities in this sleeper hit from Australia. The unconventional Muriel… [More]





Adjusted Score: 80.417%


Critics Consensus: An authentic portrayal of homosexuality in high school, Get Real is an engaging dramedy that doesn’t sermonize its audience nor trivialize its characters.

                          Synopsis: Simon Shore manages the transition from television and documentary to feature filmmaking with great assurance in his debut, the captivating,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 80.73%


Critics Consensus: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist combines a pair of charming leads, the classic New York backdrop, and a sweet soundtrack.

                          Synopsis: Michael Cera and Kat Dennings star as two lonesome teens who make a love connection as they prowl the streets… [More]





Adjusted Score: 81.079%


Critics Consensus: Wedding Crashers is both raunchy and sweet, and features top-notch comic performances from Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.

                          Synopsis: Two guys find out the hard way that sneaking into the wrong party can cause serious problems in this comedy…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 81.34%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Arnaud (Kévin Azaïs), facing an uncertain future and a dearth of choices in a small French coastal town, meets and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 81.688%


Critics Consensus: A Faithful Man’s lack of tonal commitment may frustrate, but the end results should still prove entertaining for viewers in the mood for a French romantic farce.

                          Synopsis: Marianne leaves Abel for Paul, his best friend and the father of her unborn child. Eight years later, Paul dies…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.307%


Critics Consensus: Thanks to fine performances from Lake Bell and Simon Pegg, Man Up largely strikes the deceptively difficult balance between romance and comedy.

                          Synopsis: Nancy, is done with dating. 10 times bitten, 100 times shy, she’s exhausted by the circus. So when Jack blindly… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.504%


Critics Consensus: While You Were Sleeping is built wholly from familiar ingredients, but assembled with such skill — and with such a charming performance from Sandra Bullock — that it gives formula a good name.

                          Synopsis: This offbeat romantic comedy has some rather dark underpinnings that add, rather than detract from the fun. It is the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.536%


Critics Consensus: Smart, funny, and engagingly scruffy, Singles is a clear-eyed look at modern romance that doubles as a credible grunge-era time capsule.

                          Synopsis: Set amidst the burgeoning Seattle alternative music scene of the early ’90s, Singles follows a group of twentysomethings as they… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.603%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Executive producers Jay-Z, Dream Hampton, and Wyatt Cenac present Terence Nance’s explosively creative debut feature, AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION OF HER BEAUTY…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.883%


Critics Consensus: Priceless is a light, farcical rom-com that features sharp performances from Audrey Tautou and Gad Elmaleh.

                          Synopsis: A woman who has never had much trouble choosing between love or money tries to teach a man the tricks… [More]





Adjusted Score: 82.893%


Critics Consensus: A funny and clever reshaping of Emma, Clueless offers a soft satire that pokes as much fun at teen films as it does at the Beverly Hills glitterati.

                          Synopsis: Jane Austen might never have imagined that her 1816 novel Emma could be turned into a fresh and satirical look… [More]





Adjusted Score: 83.122%


Critics Consensus: Molly Ringwald gives an outstanding performance in this sweet, intelligent teen comedy that takes an ancient premise and injects it with insight and wit.

                          Synopsis: John Hughes crafts an exemplary ’80s Brat Pack romance out of the standard Cinderella story in Pretty in Pink. Andie… [More]





Adjusted Score: 84.003%


Critics Consensus: With engaging performances from its two leads, Valley Girl is a goofy yet amiable film that both subverts and celebrates the cheerful superficiality of teen comedies.

                          Synopsis: An amusing elaboration upon the popular record by Moon Unit Zappa, Valley Girl stars Deborah Foreman in the title role…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 84.712%


Critics Consensus: Cold Comfort Farm sends up high-minded classics with a wit and impressive restraint that rivals its inspirations.

                          Synopsis: In 1930s England, Flora, a sophisticated young woman suddenly left penniless, seeks refuge with her eccentric relatives at the extremely… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.812%


Critics Consensus: Bridget Jones’s Baby might be late on arrival, but fans of the series should still find its third installment a bouncing bundle of joy.

                          Synopsis: Oscar (R) winners Renée Zellweger and Colin Firth are joined by Patrick Dempsey for the next chapter of the world’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.204%


Critics Consensus: Cleverly written and wonderfully acted, Ruby Sparks overcomes its occasional lags in pace with an abundance of charm and wit.

                          Synopsis: Calvin (Dano) is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.505%


Critics Consensus: Miranda July’s debut feature is a charmingly offbeat and observant film about people looking for love.

                          Synopsis: ‘Me and You and Everyone We Know’ is a poetic and penetrating observation of how people struggle to connect with… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.683%


Critics Consensus: A buoyant corporate Cinderella story, Working Girl has the right cast, right story, and right director to make it all come together.

                          Synopsis: Unhappy with her job and her loser boyfriend, Melanie Griffith takes a secretarial post at a major Wall Street firm…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.147%


Critics Consensus: Though there was controversy over the choice of casting, Zellweger’s Bridget Jones is a sympathetic, likable, funny character, giving this romantic comedy a lot of charm.

                          Synopsis: Based on Helen Fielding’s hugely popular novel, this romantic comedy follows Bridget (Renee Zellweger), a post-feminist, thirty-something British woman who… [More]





Adjusted Score: 85.99%


Critics Consensus: A trite but refreshing and comical spin on nature of love.

                          Synopsis: A woman searching for the perfect man instead discovers the perfect woman in this romantic comedy. Jessica Stein (Jennifer Westfeldt)… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.041%


Critics Consensus: It never lives up to the first part of its title, but Crazy, Stupid, Love’s unabashed sweetness — and its terrifically talented cast — more than make up for its flaws.

                          Synopsis: At fortysomething, straight-laced Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) is living the dream-good job, nice house, great kids and marriage to his… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.213%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Romantics Anonymous tells the story of Angélique (Isabelle Carré), a gifted chocolate-maker whose uncontrollable shyness prevents her from acknowledging her… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.39%


Critics Consensus: Emma marks an auspicious debut for writer-director Douglas McGrath, making the most of its Jane Austen source material — and a charming performance from Gwyneth Paltrow.

                          Synopsis: Based on a comic novel by 19th century author Jane Austen’s , this medium-budget romance features charming, sprightly humor chronicles… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.397%


Critics Consensus: Don Jon proves to be an amiable directing debut for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and a vivacious showcase for his co-star, Scarlett Johansson.

                          Synopsis: Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a strong, handsome, good old fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.645%


Critics Consensus: Sharp, witty, and charming, The Truth About Cats and Dogs features a standout performance from Janeane Garofalo.

                          Synopsis: In this updated and gender-reversed variation on Cyrano de Bergerac, Janeane Garofalo stars as Abby, the host of a radio… [More]





Adjusted Score: 86.977%


Critics Consensus: Results moves stubbornly at its own deliberate pace, but the well-chosen cast — and writer-director Andrew Bujalski’s insightful observations — offer rich rewards for patient viewers.

                          Synopsis: Recently divorced, newly rich, and utterly miserable, Danny (Kevin Corrigan) would seem to be the perfect test subject for a… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.089%


Critics Consensus: Though its final outcome is predictable, The Sure Thing is a charming, smartly written, and mature teen comedy featuring a breakout role for John Cusack.

                          Synopsis: Director Rob Reiner’s The Sure Thing is essentially It Happened One Night for the 1980s, but its lack of surprise… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.142%


Critics Consensus: A rom-com with the right ingredients, Notting Hill proves there’s nothing like a love story well told — especially when Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are your leads.

                          Synopsis: Can a beautiful and internationally famous American actress find happiness with a frumpy British bookstore clerk? She can — at… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.167%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Three New York models, Shatze, Pola and Loco set-up in an exclusive apartment with a plan: tired of cheap men… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.343%


Critics Consensus: Brevity is the soul of wit, eh? This adaptation gets to the nitty gritty of Wilde’s stage piece and plays on eternal human foibles.

                          Synopsis: In a moment of youthful indiscretion, Sir Robert Chiltern provided an Austrian baron with secret Foreign Office information. As payment… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.383%


Critics Consensus: There’s Something About Mary proves that unrelentingly, unabashedly peurile humor doesn’t necessarily come at the expense of a film’s heart.

                          Synopsis: The Farrelly Brothers set this romantic comedy in their home state of Rhode Island. In 1985, when teen-nerd Ted Stroehmann… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.56%


Critics Consensus: Anchored by dazzling performances from Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Renée Zellweger, as well as Cameron Crowe’s tender direction, Jerry Maguire meshes romance and sports with panache.

                          Synopsis: Jerry Maguire is a man who knows the score. As a top agent at Sports Management International, Jerry is unquestionably… [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.812%


Critics Consensus: Significantly more mature than the teen raunch comedies that defined the era, Sixteen Candles is shot with compassion and clear respect for its characters and their hang-ups.

                          Synopsis: On the eve of her sister’s wedding, suburban teenager Samantha (Molly Ringwald) suffers silently as her family forgets her birthday…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 87.901%


Critics Consensus: Superbly acted and satisfyingly engaging, Your Sister’s Sister subverts rom-com conventions with sensitive direction, an unconventional screenplay, and a big heart.

                          Synopsis: A year after his brother Tom’s death, Jack (Mark Duplass) is still struggling emotionally. When he makes a scene at… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.255%


Critics Consensus: A charming tale of a love affair that overcomes cultural taboos.

                          Synopsis: An Asian-American woman and her mother both find their private lives are becoming a family matter in this romantic comedy-drama…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.339%


Critics Consensus: This modest, unpretentious character study astutely captures the emotional states of the 20-something slacker.

                          Synopsis: A tale that follows 23-year-old Marnie — a confused and bemused young woman — as she travels through her alcohol… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.781%


Critics Consensus: A beguiling tragicomedy, Vicky Cristina Barcelona charms with beautiful views of the Spanish city and a marvelously well-matched cast.

                          Synopsis: Vicky and Cristina, these two young Americans spend a summer in Spain and meet a flamboyant artist and his beautiful… [More]





Adjusted Score: 88.793%


Critics Consensus: Hal Ashby’s comedy is too dark and twisted for some, and occasionally oversteps its bounds, but there’s no denying the film’s warm humor and big heart.

                          Synopsis: Harold, the 20-year-old son of a wealthy, neglectful woman, tries to gain attention for himself with various hilariously staged «suicides.»… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.156%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Can an independent, contemporary woman find happiness with a guy who sells pickles? Isabelle Grossman (Amy Irving) is an attractive,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.511%


Critics Consensus: Wearing its twee heart on its sleeve, Beginners explores the depths of modern, multi-generational romance with wit and depth.

                          Synopsis: Beginners imaginatively explores the hilarity, confusion, and surprises of love through the evolving consciousness of Oliver (Ewan McGregor). Oliver meets… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.723%


Critics Consensus: James L. Brooks and Jack Nicholson, doing what they do best, combine smart dialogue and flawless acting to squeeze fresh entertainment value out of the romantic-comedy genre.

                          Synopsis: Jack Nicholson is hilariously funny as a compulsive-obsessive, homophobic romance novelist who is compelled by circumstances to get to know… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.786%


Critics Consensus: Plus One reinvigorates the rom-com with an entertaining outing elevated by well-matched leads and a story that embraces and transcends genre clichés.

                          Synopsis: Single college friends Ben and Alice band together to survive a summer full of weddings in which everyone around them… [More]





Adjusted Score: 89.772%


Critics Consensus: With ample laughs and sharp performances, Forgetting Sarah Marshall finds just the right mix of romantic and raunchy comedy.

                          Synopsis: Watch the Unrated version that you couldn’t see in theaters! It’s the hysterically funny look at how far one man… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.114%


Critics Consensus: Dudley Moore brings a boozy charm to Arthur, a coming of age tale for a wayward millionaire that deploys energetic cast chemistry and spiffy humor to jovial effect.

                          Synopsis: The ads for Arthur suggested that this was an obnoxious film about an obnoxious man, an eternally drunken millionaire indulging… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.304%


Critics Consensus: Unlike many romantic comedies, the charming Italian for Beginners feels natural and genuinely heart-warming.

                          Synopsis: The Dogma 95 movement has seen some searing looks into the human condition but rarely a romantic comedy — until… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.486%


Critics Consensus: Delpy proves not only to be an adept actress, but makes her mark as a writer and director in this thought-provoking comedy that breaks the romantic comedy mold.

                          Synopsis: Ingenue Julie Delpy does triple duty as writer, director, and star of this romantic comedy. French photographer Marion (Delpy) and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.628%


Critics Consensus: Nearly as light and magical as its namesake, La Fée (The Fairy) casts a fizzy comedic spell whose sweet charms include a pleasantly tart undercurrent.

                          Synopsis: Belgium-based trio Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon and Bruno Romy follow their acclaimed Iceberg and Rumba with another Tati-inspired, candy-colored romp:… [More]





Adjusted Score: 90.786%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Like thousands of other Manhattanites, Tom Ewell annually packs his wife (Evelyn Keyes) and children off to summer vacation, staying… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.009%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: An aging playboy hires a detective to locate a mysterious young woman…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.041%


Critics Consensus: Steve Carell’s first star turn scores big with a tender treatment of its titular underdog, using raunchy but realistically funny comedy to connect with adult audiences.

                          Synopsis: One man nervously ventures forth into the final frontier in this comedy starring comic actor Steve Carell. Andy Stitzer (Carell)… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.108%


Critics Consensus: A naturalistic depiction of teenage life, Show Me Love has a charming, authentic feel.

                          Synopsis: This coming-of-age comedy is set in a sleepy little Swedish town called Åmål — the most boring place on Earth… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.693%


Critics Consensus: Though its sweetness borders on sappiness, Roxanne is an unabashedly romantic comedy that remains one of Steve Martin’s funniest.

                          Synopsis: This modernization of Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac casts Steve Martin as C. D. Bales, the fearless, quick-witted fire chief… [More]





Adjusted Score: 91.91%


Critics Consensus: An artfully assembled cast, lovely set design, and direction solidly in service of the source material make The Importance of Being Earnest an adaptation that works.

                          Synopsis: Anthony Asquith’s adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s witty play of mistaken identities stars Michael Redgrave as rich bachelor Jack Worthing. Jack’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.158%


Critics Consensus: Chasing Amy explores gender roles, sexual mores, and the limits of friendship with a mixture of sensitivity, raw honesty, and director/screenwriter Kevin Smith’s signature raunchy humor.

                          Synopsis: After a pair of films about hipster slackers, the work of writer-director Kevin Smith matured and gained critical respect with… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.311%


Critics Consensus: A clever, offbeat romantic comedy, 500 Days of Summer is refreshingly honest and utterly charming.

                          Synopsis: Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel star in director Marc Webb’s wry, nonlinear romantic comedy about a man who falls head… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.342%


Critics Consensus: Lighthearted to a fault, Much Ado About Nothing’s giddy energy and intimate charm make for an entertaining romantic comedy — and a Shakespearean adaptation that’s hard to resist.

                          Synopsis: Shakespeare’s classic comedy is given a contemporary spin in Joss Whedon’s film, «Much Ado About Nothing». Shot in just 12… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.907%


Critics Consensus: A perfectly light, warmly funny romantic comedy that’s kept afloat by Ron Howard’s unobtrusive direction and charming performances from Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah.

                          Synopsis: This story begins in 1959, when a young boy is rescued from a watery grave by an adolescent mermaid. Twenty-five… [More]





Adjusted Score: 92.904%


Critics Consensus: As smart, funny, and trenchant as writer-director-star Chris Rock’s best standup work, Top Five is a career highlight for its creator — and one of the comedy standouts of 2014.

                          Synopsis: Pulsing with the rhythm of his greatest stand-up, Chris Rock’s TOP FIVE takes things to the next level, reveling in… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.179%


Critics Consensus: Lighthearted and sweet, The Purple Rose of Cairo stands as one of Woody Allen’s more inventive — and enchantingly whimsical — pictures.

                          Synopsis: Woody Allen blurs the the boundaries between the real and unreal in this unique comic fantasy. The scene is a… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.296%


Critics Consensus: Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy take competition to a romantic-comic highpoint in this elegantly directed sports comedy by George Cukor.

                          Synopsis: Pat (Katharine Hepburn), a college phys-ed instructor, enters into professional competition as a golf and tennis player. Mike (Spencer Tracy),… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.43%


Critics Consensus: It contains some ugly anachronisms, but Blake Edwards is at his funniest in this iconic classic, and Audrey Hepburn absolutely lights up the screen.

                          Synopsis: A lonely, struggling writer becomes enchanted with his neighbor: an independent young woman who strives to be a high-climbing socialite… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.538%


Critics Consensus: Kenneth Branagh’s love for the material is contagious in this exuberant adaptation.

                          Synopsis: Actor Kenneth Branagh made his directorial debut with a rousing screen adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Henry V. Four years later,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.62%


Critics Consensus: With a typically absorbing performance from Greta Gerwig leading the way, Maggie’s Plan gives rom-com sensibilities a smart, subversive twist.

                          Synopsis: A young woman longing to start a family (Greta Gerwig) becomes involved in a complicated love triangle with a professor… [More]





Adjusted Score: 93.734%


Critics Consensus: A sharp and deceptively layered comedy that’s further fueled by the odd couple chemistry of its leads, this Long Shot largely hits its marks.

                          Synopsis: Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) is a gifted and free-spirited journalist with an affinity for trouble. Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron) is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 94.271%


Critics Consensus: A charming romantic comedy with political bite, Rob Reiner’s American President features strong lead performances and some poignant observations of politics and media in the 1990s.

                          Synopsis: How does the widowed leader of the free world balance his many obligations to his country with the ordinary demands… [More]





Adjusted Score: 94.632%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: While on his honeymoon, a new husband finds himself attracted to a wealthy, gorgeous woman he meets along the way… [More]





Adjusted Score: 94.876%


Critics Consensus: The feel-good Amelie is a lively, fanciful charmer, showcasing Audrey Tautou as its delightful heroine.

                          Synopsis: One woman decides to change the world by changing the lives of the people she knows in this charming and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.205%


Critics Consensus: Barbra Streisand was never more likable than in this energetic, often hilarious screwball farce from director Peter Bogdanovich.

                          Synopsis: With Howard Hawks’s Bringing Up Baby (1938) as his blueprint, Peter Bogdanovich resurrected and payed homage to 1930s screwball comedy… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.355%


Critics Consensus: Rob Reiner’s touching, funny film set a new standard for romantic comedies, and he was ably abetted by the sharp interplay between Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.

                          Synopsis: Harry and Sally have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.484%


Critics Consensus: Sweet, smart, and quirky, Waitress hits the right, bittersweet notes through this romantic comedy through its witty script and a superb performance by Keri Russell.

                          Synopsis: A woman trapped in a life from which she dreams of escape, Jenna’s secretly hopes to save enough money from… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.541%


Critics Consensus: In the first romantic comedy pairing of Tracy and Hepburn, the stars’ chemistry is off to a working start and the film’s sparkling comedy smooths out any rough patches.

                          Synopsis: In this romantic comedy, New York sportswriter Sam Craig becomes incensed at comments about the uselessness of sports made by… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.597%


Critics Consensus: Trainwreck drags commitment out of all but the most rom-com-phobic filmgoers with sharp humor, relatable characters, and hilarious work from Amy Schumer.

                          Synopsis: Since she was a little girl, it’s been drilled into Amy’s (Schumer) head by her rascal of a dad (Colin… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.751%


Critics Consensus: As emotionally rich as it is eye-catching, Strictly Ballroom uses its infectious energy as the fuel for a modern dance classic with all the right moves.

                          Synopsis: This wildly off-beat comedy is about a male dancer (Paul Mercurio) who refuses to follow the accepted rules of ballroom… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.863%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Playboy songwriter Brad Allen’s (Rock Hudson) succession of romances annoys his neighbor, interior designer Jan Morrow (Doris Day), who shares… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.919%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: After striking a responsive chord at the Berlin Film Festival, Fernando Trueba’s Belle Epoque (aka Age of Beauty) went on… [More]





Adjusted Score: 95.958%


Critics Consensus: With its humorous script and its stars’ immense charm, Sabrina remains a resonant romantic gem.

                          Synopsis: Wealthy brothers compete for the affections of their chauffeur’s innocent daughter in this seductive Cinderella story…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 96.002%


Critics Consensus: Tackling a sensitive subject with maturity, honesty, and wit, Obvious Child serves as a deeply promising debut for writer-director Gillian Robespierre.

                          Synopsis: For aspiring comedian Donna Stern, everyday life as a female twenty-something provides ample material for her incredibly relatable brand of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 96.102%


Critics Consensus: Smart, tender, and funny in equal measure, Hannah and Her Sisters is one of Woody Allen’s finest films.

                          Synopsis: A Woody Allen Manhattan mosaic, Hannah and Her Sisters concerns the lives, loves, and infidelities among a tightly-knit artistic clan…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 96.118%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Steve Martin wrote and stars in this look at the promise and dreamtime of Los Angeles culture. Martin stars as… [More]





Adjusted Score: 96.143%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Ernst Lubitsch used Laszlo Aladar’s play The Honest Finder as a springboard for one of his most delightful early-’30s Paramount… [More]





Adjusted Score: 96.92%


Critics Consensus: The deft hand of director Stephen Frears and strong performances by the ensemble cast combine to tell an entertaining story with a rock-solid soundtrack.

                          Synopsis: In a biting romantic comedy, Rob Gordon is the owner of a semi-failing record store in Chicago, where he sells… [More]





Adjusted Score: 97.443%


Critics Consensus: Led by energetic performances from Nicolas Cage and Cher, Moonstruck is an exuberantly funny tribute to love and one of the decade’s most appealing comedies.

                          Synopsis: When there’s a full moon over Brooklyn, anything can happen, and everything happens in the neighborhood where widowed bookkeeper Loretta… [More]





Adjusted Score: 97.593%


Critics Consensus: Ang Lee’s funny and ultimately poignant comedy of manners reveals the filmmaker’s skill across genres.

                          Synopsis: A gay New Yorker stages a marriage of convenience with a young woman to satisfy his traditional Taiwanese family, but… [More]





Adjusted Score: 97.913%


Critics Consensus: Marrying screwball romance with political satire, Born Yesterday is a substantive romp with a ferociously smart performance by Judy Holliday as an uncouth bombshell.

                          Synopsis: In this adaptation of Garson Kanin’s Broadway hit, Judy Holliday stars as Billie Dawn, a strident ex-chorus girl who is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.096%


Critics Consensus: Stolen Kisses is a fine feature follow-up to The 400 Blows, transforming Antoine Doinel into a sympathetic, silly, and romantic figure that carries to the series’ end.

                          Synopsis: The episodic romantic comedy Stolen Kisses is the third installment in François Truffaut’s Antoine Doinel series, which started with The… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.217%


Critics Consensus: About a Boy benefits tremendously from Hugh Grant’s layered performance, as well as a funny, moving story that tugs at the heartstrings without tilting into treacle.

                          Synopsis: Will is a 36-year-old underachiever with a fear of commitment that leads him to seek out relationships with single mothers,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.428%


Critics Consensus: Warm, funny, and quietly profound, Appropriate Behavior serves as a thoroughly compelling calling card for writer, director, and star Desiree Akhavan.

                          Synopsis: For Shirin, being part of a perfect Persian family isn’t easy. Acceptance eludes her from all sides: her family doesn’t… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.499%


Critics Consensus: Knocked Up is a hilarious, poignant and refreshing look at the rigors of courtship and child-rearing, with a sometimes raunchy, yet savvy script that is ably acted and directed.

                          Synopsis: When a one-night stand that should have stayed that way has unexpected consequences, the reluctant odd couple attempts to transform… [More]





Adjusted Score: 98.878%


Critics Consensus: A marriage of genuine characters, gross out gags, and pathos, Bridesmaids is a female-driven comedy that refuses to be boxed in as Kristen Wiig emerges as a real star.

                          Synopsis: This spring, Universal Pictures and producer Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year-Old Virgin) invite you to experience Bridesmaids. Kristen Wiig… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.162%


Critics Consensus: A smart re-imagining of fairy tale tropes that’s sure to delight children and adults, Enchanted features witty dialogue, sharp animation, and a star turn by Amy Adams.

                          Synopsis: A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess from the past… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.464%


Critics Consensus: Ivan Reitman’s refreshingly earnest political comedy benefits from an understated, charming script and a breezy performance by Kevin Kline.

                          Synopsis: The ghost of Frank Capra must have smiled when he saw Dave, an amusing and effective update of one of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.472%


Critics Consensus: Worthwhile as both a well-acted ensemble piece and as a smart, warm statement on family values, The Kids Are All Right is remarkable.

                          Synopsis: Two teenaged children get the notion to seek out their biological father and introduce him into the family life that… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.766%


Critics Consensus: Great comic direction by Leo McCarrey and memorable onscreen chemistry from stars Cary Grant and Irene Dunne make this screwball comedy a charmer.

                          Synopsis: This screwball comedy is filled with merry mix-ups and romantic misadventures that lead previously happy couple Jerry and Lucy Warriner… [More]





Adjusted Score: 99.951%


Critics Consensus: Endlessly witty, visually rapturous, and sweetly romantic, Shakespeare in Love is a delightful romantic comedy that succeeds on nearly every level.

                          Synopsis: William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) is on a cold streak. Not only is he writing for Philip Henslowe (Geoffrey Rush), owner… [More]





Adjusted Score: 100.162%


Critics Consensus: While frothy to a fault, Four Weddings and a Funeral features irresistibly breezy humor, and winsome performances from Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell.

                          Synopsis: Charles and Carrie would make the perfect couple…if he weren’t afraid to commit and she weren’t already engaged! Fun-filled, clever… [More]





Adjusted Score: 100.838%


Critics Consensus: One of Woody Allen’s early classics, Manhattan combines modern, bittersweet humor and timeless romanticism with unerring grace.

                          Synopsis: Woody Allen combines witty dialogue, the music of George Gershwin, and atmospheric location shooting in one of his best romantic… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.067%


Critics Consensus: One of the brightest, funniest comedies of the year, Juno’s smart script and direction are matched by assured performances in a coming of age story with a 21st century twist.

                          Synopsis: When a teenage girl is faced with an unexpected pregnancy, she enlists the aid of her best friend in finding… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.085%


Critics Consensus: One of the definitive Generation X movies, Say Anything is equally funny and heartfelt — and it established John Cusack as an icon for left-of-center types everywhere.

                          Synopsis: A high-school valedictorian begins dating an irresponsible army brat, much to the dismay of her father. After breaking off the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.256%


Critics Consensus: Silver Linings Playbook walks a tricky thematic tightrope, but David O. Russell’s sensitive direction and some sharp work from a talented cast gives it true balance.

                          Synopsis: Life doesn’t always go according to plan. Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper) has lost everything — his house, his job, and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.297%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Herbert Ross directed this adaptation of Woody Allen’s hit Broadway play concerning a shy film critic who has trouble with… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.306%


Critics Consensus: Love, Simon hits its coming-of-age beats more deftly than many entries in this well-traveled genre — and represents an overdue, if not entirely successful, milestone of inclusion.

                          Synopsis: Everyone deserves a great love story. But for seventeen-year old Simon Spier it’s a little more complicated: he’s yet to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.325%


Critics Consensus: With Greta Garbo proving her comedy chops in the twilight of her career, Ninotchka is a can’t-miss classic.

                          Synopsis: «Garbo Laughs!» declared the ads for Ninotchka. In the face of dwindling foreign revenues, MGM decided to put Greta Garbo,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.364%


Critics Consensus: Love and hope soar in Cyrano De Bergerac, an immensely entertaining romance featuring Gerard Depardieu as his peak.

                          Synopsis: Gerard Depardieu gives a towering performance as the title character in this lavish, cinematic, and poetic adaptation of Edmond Rostand’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.751%


Critics Consensus: Director Billy Wilder’s customary cynicism is leavened here by tender humor, romance, and genuine pathos.

                          Synopsis: Widely regarded as a comedy in 1960, The Apartment seems more melancholy with each passing year. Jack Lemmon plays C.C…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.762%


Critics Consensus: Blockbuster dramatist James L. Brooks delivers with Broadcast News, fully entertaining with deft, deep characterization.

                          Synopsis: Writer/director/producer James L. Brooks scores on all counts with this clear-eyed look at the television news business and the dysfunctional… [More]





Adjusted Score: 101.89%


Critics Consensus: Wryly charming, impeccably acted, and ultimately quite bittersweet, Enough Said is a grown-up movie in the best possible way.

                          Synopsis: A divorced and single parent, Eva (Julia Louis Dreyfus) spends her days enjoying work as a masseuse but dreading her… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.019%


Critics Consensus: Kevin Costner at his funniest and most charismatic in Bull Durham, a film that’s as wise about relationships as it is about minor league baseball.

                          Synopsis: A blend of comedy, drama and romance, Bull Durham follows the intertwining of three lives brought together by the great… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.139%


Critics Consensus: Some Like It Hot: A spry, quick-witted farce that never drags.

                          Synopsis: Two Struggling musicians witness the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and are now on the run from the Mob. Jerry and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.316%


Critics Consensus: Smart, sweet, and inventive, Groundhog Day highlights Murray’s dramatic gifts while still leaving plenty of room for laughs.

                          Synopsis: Bill Murray plays Phil, a TV weatherman working for a local station in Pennsylvania but convinced that national news stardom… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.354%


Critics Consensus: Indiscreet spins rom-com gold out of a premise just sturdy enough to set the stage for typically delightful work from its wonderfully well-matched leads.

                          Synopsis: This film stars Ingrid Bergman as a wealthy actress and Cary Grant as an international financial wizard. Bergman’s sister and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.531%


Critics Consensus: With Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant at their effervescent best, Bringing Up Baby is a seamlessly assembled comedy with enduring appeal.

                          Synopsis: Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant star in this inspired comedy about a madcap heiress with a pet leopard who meets… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.688%


Critics Consensus: Desk Set reunites one of cinema’s most well-loved pairings for a solidly crafted romantic comedy that charmingly encapsulates their timeless appeal.

                          Synopsis: Based on the Broadway play by Robert Fryer and Lawrence Carr, Desk Set represents the eighth screen teaming of Spencer… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.095%


Critics Consensus: A delightfully postmodern fairy tale, The Princess Bride is a deft, intelligent mix of swashbuckling, romance, and comedy that takes an age-old damsel-in-distress story and makes it fresh.

                          Synopsis: Robin Wright and Cary Elwes star in this fairytale adventure about a beautiful princess and the gallant hero who rescues… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.838%


Critics Consensus: A class satire in a class of its own, My Man Godfrey’s screwball comedy is as sharp as the social commentary is biting.

                          Synopsis: A scatterbrained socialite hires Godfrey, a vagrant, as a family butler, but there’s more to Godfrey than meets the eye…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.846%


Critics Consensus: Matched by Garson Kanin’s witty, sophisticated screenplay, George Cukor, Spencer Tracy, and Katherine Hepburn are all in top form in the classic comedy Adam’s Rib.

                          Synopsis: Written by Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin, Adam’s Rib is a peerless comedy predicated on the double standard. Spencer Tracy… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.041%


Critics Consensus: Deftly directed by Ernst Lubitsch from a smart, funny script by Samson Raphaelson, The Shop Around the Corner is a romantic comedy in the finest sense of the term.

                          Synopsis: The Shop Around the Corner is adapted from the Hungarian play by Nikolaus (Miklos) Laszlo. Budapest gift-shop clerk Alfred Kralik… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.505%


Critics Consensus: No consensus yet.

                          Synopsis: Both film versions of Phillip Barry’s stage comedy +Holiday have their merits, but the 1938 version has the added advantage… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.744%


Critics Consensus: One of the best underdog romance movies ever, with an ending that will light up any heart.

                          Synopsis: A homeless tramp befriends a lovely blind flower seller and convinces her he is a millionaire while he secretly labors… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.849%


Critics Consensus: A crowd-pleasing tribute to the magic of silent cinema, The Artist is a clever, joyous film with delightful performances and visual style to spare.

                          Synopsis: Hollywood 1927. George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is a silent movie superstar. The advent of the talkies will sound the death… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.923%


Critics Consensus: Filled with poignant performances and devastating humor, Annie Hall represents a quantum leap for Woody Allen and remains an American classic.

                          Synopsis: «Annie Hall» is a comical look at the up and down relationship between a New York City TV writer and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.968%


Critics Consensus: Anchored by stellar performances from Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, His Girl Friday is a classic screwball romantic comedy.

                          Synopsis: The second screen version of the Ben Hecht/Charles MacArthur play The Front Page, His Girl Friday changed hard-driving newspaper reporter… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.776%


Critics Consensus: A career highlight for Preston Sturges, The Lady Eve benefits from Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda’s sparkling chemistry, and from a script that has inspired countless battle-of-the-sexes comedies.

                          Synopsis: In Preston Sturges’ comedy, Henry Fonda stars as Charles Pike, the son of a beer magnate who becomes the target… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.953%


Critics Consensus: With a terrific cast and a surfeit of visual razzle dazzle, Crazy Rich Asians takes a satisfying step forward for screen representation while deftly drawing inspiration from the classic — and still effective — rom-com formula.

                          Synopsis: «Crazy Rich Asians» follows native New Yorker Rachel Chu (Wu) as she accompanies her longtime boyfriend, Nick Young (Golding), to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.167%


Critics Consensus: With Audrey Hepburn luminous in her American debut, Roman Holiday is as funny as it is beautiful, and sets the standard for the modern romantic comedy.

                          Synopsis: Fathom Events, Turner Classic Movies and Paramount Pictures are delighted to bring the 1953 American romantic-comedy classic, Roman Holiday, back… [More]





Adjusted Score: 108.92%


Critics Consensus: Offering a wonderfully witty script, spotless direction from George Cukor, and typically excellent lead performances, The Philadelphia Story is an unqualified classic.

                          Synopsis: Set among the upper class in 1930s Philadelphia, this irreverent classic romantic comedy features radiant performances by three legendary stars…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.316%


Critics Consensus: Funny, heartfelt, and intelligent, The Big Sick uses its appealing leads and cross-cultural themes to prove the standard romcom formula still has some fresh angles left to explore.

                          Synopsis: Based on the real-life courtship between Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, THE BIG SICK tells the story of Pakistan-born… [More]





Adjusted Score: 112.477%


Critics Consensus: Capturing its stars and director at their finest, It Happened One Night remains unsurpassed by the countless romantic comedies it has inspired.

                          Synopsis: Frank Capra’s seminal screwball comedy, which won all five major Academy Awards for 1934, is still as breezy and beguiling… [More]

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