Las 200 mejores películas de la década de 2010: las mejores películas de Década


(Foto de A24, Warner Bros, Columbia Pictures, Universal Pictures, Marvel Studios / cortesía Colección Everett)


Entre las 200 películas mejor revisadas de la década de 2010, hay algo para todos. ¿Quieres una película filmada en gigantescas cámaras IMAX de 70 mm? ¡Atrévete con Dunkerque ! ¿Qué tal algo capturado en iPhones? ¡Piensa Mandarina ! Pensando, caramba, ¿seguro que le gustaría ver una nueva película muda de buena fe? ¡Obtuviste tu deseo con The Artist ! ¿Qué pasa con una película que comenzó a filmarse incluso antes de esta década? Seguramente estuviste allí durante los 12 años de fabricación Boyhood . Luego hubo películas que parecían imposibles desde el principio: ¿una película de Facebook? ¿Algo sobre los LEGO? ¡Todo fue posible en la década de 2010!


Aparte del Libro Verde , todos los ganadores del Oscar a la Mejor Película de los años 2010 aparecen aquí. Y salvo Jurassic World , Rogue One y The Lion King , están representadas las 10 películas nacionales más taquilleras. No es sorprendente que la mitad de esos campeones de taquilla sean películas de superhéroes, que tuvieron una década excepcional (y no solo porque Marvel se estableció con Mark Ruffalo) después de un comienzo vertiginoso a fines de la década de 2000. Películas como Avengers , Endgame , Infinity War , Black Panther y Incredibles 2 no solo lo mataron con Incredibles 2 audiencias, pero también críticas.


De hecho, parecía que la década de 2010 era la década en que el nicho y el nerdy se volvieron populares, no solo con los superhéroes, sino con renacimientos en los géneros de terror y ciencia ficción. Parecía que cada pocos meses había un nuevo fenómeno de horror que solo había que ver. Salir , Sigue , El Babadook , Hereditario y La bruja dio forma y luz a todos Nuestras pesadillas. Mientras tanto, el regreso de Star Wars subrayó los viajes vertiginosos y alucinantes que la ciencia ficción nos llevó a cabo en los últimos 10 años, con una cosecha inusualmente fuerte de películas como Live Die Repeat: Edge of Mañana , Ex Machina , Mad Max: Fury Road , Snowpiercer , Blade Runner 2049 y más.


Con la barrera del costo para hacer que una película disminuya gracias a la mejora continua de la tecnología de consumo y a más vías de distribución, la década de 2010 también fomentó voces previamente desatendidas. Piense en todos los titulares Crazy Rich Asians , Moonlight y Roma acapararon. México tuvo una década especialmente fuerte con Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu y Guillermo del Toro ganando cinco Oscar al Mejor Director entre ellos. Además, Keanu Reeves se volvió genial otra vez. ¿Cómo no haber pasado un buen rato en el cine?


Para armar esta lista, primero tomamos todas las últimas películas certificadas frescas de la década (las 1,700 de ellas) que tuvieron un estreno teatral, incluyendo obras como Roma y The Irishman [ 19459005]. Luego, recortamos los 1.500 inferiores con nuestro Tomatómetro ajustado, una fórmula que tiene en cuenta varios factores, incluido el año de lanzamiento de una película y el número de críticas. Debido a que queríamos resaltar igualmente los logros de las 200 mejores películas, ordenamos la lista en orden alfabético. Si está buscando listas clasificadas despiadadas, ¡vea nuestras cinco listas de géneros! (Además, si desea destacar solo este año, consulte nuestras Mejores películas de 2019 .)


¿Listo para cerrar una década salvaje y loca? ¡Entonces sigue leyendo para conocer las 200 mejores películas de los años 2010!


Las 200 mejores películas de la década de 2010 | Las 50 mejores películas animadas
Las 50 mejores comedias | Las 50 mejores películas de terror
Las 50 mejores películas de ciencia ficción | Las 50 mejores películas de superhéroes


# 200



Puntuación ajustada: 109.051%


Consenso de la crítica: Está lejos de ser una visión cómoda, pero 12 años la mirada inquebrantablemente brutal de la esclavitud estadounidense también es brillante, y posiblemente posiblemente esencial, el cine.

                          Sinopsis: Chiwetel Ejiofor interpreta a Solomon Northup, el ciudadano del estado de Nueva York que fue secuestrado y obligado a trabajar en una … [Más]

# 199



Puntuación ajustada: 103.241%


Consenso de críticos: Rico, perspicaz y ocasionalmente desgarrador, 20 Feet From Stardom es un homenaje enérgico a la pasión, el talento y el arduo trabajo de los cantantes de respaldo.

                          Sinopsis: Millones conocen sus voces, pero nadie sabe sus nombres. En su nueva película convincente 20 FEET FROM STARDOM, galardonada … [Más]

# 198



Puntuación ajustada: 104.479%


Consenso de críticos: 45 años ofrece recompensas ricamente estimulantes para los fanáticos del cine para adultos, y un escaparate de actuación fascinante para los protagonistas Charlotte Rampling y Tom Courtenay.

                          Sinopsis: Solo queda una semana hasta el cuadragésimo quinto aniversario de bodas de Kate Mercer y la planificación de la fiesta va bien … [Más]

# 197



Puntuación ajustada: 102.811%


Consenso de críticos: Anclado por otra actuación tremenda en una carrera llena de ellos, All Is Lost ofrece un testimonio conmovedor y eminentemente valioso de la capacidad de Robert Redford para sostener la pantalla.

                          Sinopsis: El escritor / director nominado al Oscar JC Chandor (Margin Call) toma el timón de este tenso drama de aventuras sobre un hombre (Robert Redford) … [Más] [19459008 ]

# 196



Puntuación ajustada: 105.424%


Consenso de los críticos: Capturando brillantemente a una artista notable cerca de la cima de su poder prodigioso, Amazing Grace es un documental emocionante para los fanáticos de Aretha Franklin.

                          Sinopsis: Imágenes del concierto de 1972 de Aretha Franklin interpretando canciones del álbum de gospel más vendido en el New Temple Missionary Baptist … [Más]

                  Dirigido por:


# 195



Puntuación ajustada: 102.823%


Consenso de los críticos: Alborotador e impecablemente divertido, American Hustle compensa sus defectos con energía desenfrenada y algunas de las direcciones más vibrantes de David O. Russell.

                          Sinopsis: Una película de ficción ambientada en el fascinante mundo de uno de los escándalos más impresionantes para sacudir a nuestra nación, los estadounidenses … [Más]

# 194



Puntuación ajustada: 102,938%


Consenso de críticos: Tan fascinante como triste, Amy es una mirada poderosamente honesta a la relación retorcida entre el arte y la celebridad, y la espiral letal de la adicción.

                          Sinopsis: A pesar de solo dos álbumes a su nombre, Amy Winehouse es uno de los íconos musicales más grandes de la historia británica. Con … [Más]

# 193



Puntuación ajustada: 102.069%


Consenso de críticos: Anomalisa marca otro punto culminante brillante y completamente distintivo en la filmografía de Charlie Kaufman, y un regalo para los fanáticos del cine introspectivo.

                          Sinopsis: Un hombre lucha con su incapacidad para conectarse con otras personas … [Más]

# 192



Puntuación ajustada: 106,23%


Consenso de críticos: Una película de superhéroes más liviana y brillante impulsada por el carisma sin esfuerzo de Paul Rudd y Evangeline Lilly, Ant-Man and The Wasp ofrece un limpiador de paladar MCU muy necesario.

                          Sinopsis: Del Marvel Cinematic Universe llega un nuevo capítulo con héroes con la asombrosa capacidad de encogerse: «Ant-Man and The … [Más]

# 191



Puntuación ajustada: 106,276%


Consenso de críticos: Edollo e inspirador en igual medida, Apollo 11 utiliza imágenes de archivo ingeniosamente reutilizadas para enviar al público a un momento crucial en la historia de Estados Unidos.

                          Sinopsis: Apollo 11 es una película cinematográfica de eventos espaciales de cincuenta años de duración. Con imágenes de gran formato nunca antes vistas de una … [Más]

# 190



Puntuación ajustada: 109.166%


Consenso de críticos: Argo, tenso, emocionante y, a menudo, oscuramente cómico, recrea un evento histórico con atención vívida a los detalles y personajes finamente forjados.

                          Sinopsis: Basado en hechos reales, Argo narra la operación encubierta de vida o muerte para rescatar a seis estadounidenses, que se desarrolló detrás de las escenas de … [Más] [ 19459027]

# 189



Puntuación ajustada: 110.518%


Consenso de críticos: La llegada ofrece una experiencia imperdible para los fanáticos de la ciencia ficción de una persona pensante que ancla sus temas embriagadores con emociones que afectan genuinamente y una excelente actuación de Amy Adams.

                          Sinopsis: Cuando una misteriosa nave espacial aterriza en todo el mundo, un equipo de élite, liderado por la lingüista experta Louise Banks (Amy Adams), se reúne … [Más] [ 19459008]

# 188



Puntuación ajustada: 105.223%


Consenso de críticos: Ash Is Purest White encuentra al escritor y director Zhangke Jia revisando temas familiares mientras continúa observando la sociedad china moderna con un ojo urgente y empático.

                          Sinopsis: Una tragicomedia ambientada inicialmente en el entorno del inframundo jianghu-criminal, ASH IS PUREST WHITE es menos una película de gángsters que un melodrama … [Más] [ 19459027]

# 187



Puntuación ajustada: 104.738%


Consenso de la crítica: Un artista que rinde homenaje a la magia del cine mudo, The Artist es una película inteligente y alegre con actuaciones encantadoras y estilo visual de sobra.

                          Sinopsis: Hollywood 1927. George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) es una superestrella del cine mudo. El advenimiento de los talkies sonará la muerte … [Más]

# 186



Puntuación ajustada: 117.879%


Consenso de críticos: Avengers: Endgame, emocionante, entretenido y emocionalmente impactante, hace lo que sea necesario para entregar un final satisfactorio a la épica Infinity Saga de Marvel.

                          Sinopsis: El grave curso de los acontecimientos puestos en marcha por Thanos que aniquiló la mitad del universo y fracturó a los Vengadores … [Más]

# 185



Puntuación ajustada: 105.256%


Consenso de críticos: Avengers: Infinity War hábilmente hace malabarismos con una vertiginosa variedad de héroes MCU en la lucha contra su amenaza más grave todavía, y el resultado es un éxito de taquilla emocionante y emocionalmente resonante que (en su mayoría) se da cuenta de su enorme ambiciones

                          Sinopsis: Un viaje cinematográfico sin precedentes diez años en la creación y la expansión de todo el universo cinematográfico de Marvel, «Avengers: Infinity … [Más]

# 184



Puntuación ajustada: 107.074%


Consenso de críticos: El Babadook se basa en el horror real en lugar de los sustos de salto baratos, y cuenta con una historia sincera y genuinamente emocionante.

                          Sinopsis: Seis años después de la muerte violenta de su esposo, Amelia (Essie Davis) está perdida. Ella lucha por disciplinar … [Más]

# 183



Puntuación ajustada: 108.859%


Consenso de críticos: Con estilo, emocionante y alimentado por una banda sonora asesina, Baby Driver sale a la carretera y se ha ido, demostrando que las películas de acción de ritmo rápido se pueden escribir de manera inteligente sin sacrificar las emociones.

                          Sinopsis: Un talentoso y joven conductor de escapada (Ansel Elgort) confía en el ritmo de su banda sonora personal para ser el mejor en … [Más]

# 182



Puntuación ajustada: 107.292%


Consenso de los críticos: Al igual que la amada personalidad de la televisión que lo inspiró, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood ofrece un mensaje impactante sobre la aceptación y la comprensión.

                          Sinopsis: Tom Hanks retrata a Mister Rogers en UN HERMOSO DÍA EN EL BARRIO, una historia oportuna de amabilidad que triunfa sobre el cinismo, … [Más]

# 181



Puntuación ajustada: 104,343%


Consenso de los críticos: Partiendo de las dos primeras entregas en la bien elaborada trilogía Before de Richard Linklater, Before Midnight ofrece perspectivas inteligentes y poderosas sobre el amor, el matrimonio y el compromiso a largo plazo.

                          Sinopsis: Before Midnight es una próxima película dramática de romance estadounidense y la secuela de Before Sunrise (1995) y Before Sunset (2004) …. [Más] [19459027 ]

# 180



Puntuación ajustada: 110,276%


Consenso de críticos: Divertido, sincero e inteligente, The Big Sick utiliza sus atractivos y temas interculturales para demostrar que la fórmula estándar de romcom todavía tiene algunos ángulos nuevos para explorar.

                          Sinopsis: Basado en el noviazgo de la vida real entre Kumail Nanjiani y Emily V. Gordon, THE BIG SICK cuenta la historia de un nacido en Pakistán … [Más] [ 19459027]

# 179



Puntuación ajustada: 104.746%


Consenso de críticos: Birdman es un salto emocionante para el director Alejandro González Iñárritu, es un ambicioso escaparate técnico impulsado por una historia en capas y actuaciones destacadas de Michael Keaton y Edward Norton.

                          Sinopsis: BIRDMAN o The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance es una comedia negra que cuenta la historia de un actor (Michael Keaton) … [Más]

# 178



Puntuación ajustada: 102.624%


Consenso de críticos: Birds of Passage traza el arco familiar del thriller de drogas desde una dirección diferente que es tan visualmente absorbente como impactante.

                          Sinopsis: Del equipo nominado al Oscar (R) detrás del Abrazo de la Serpiente que desafía el género, llega una saga igualmente audaz centrada en … [Más]

# 177



Puntuación ajustada: 119.094%


Consenso de los críticos: Black Panther eleva el cine de superhéroes a nuevas y emocionantes alturas mientras cuenta una de las historias más absorbentes de MCU y presenta algunos de sus personajes más completos.

                          Sinopsis: «Black Panther» sigue a T’Challa quien, después de los eventos de «Captain America: Civil War», regresa a su hogar en el aislado y tecnológicamente avanzado … [Más]

# 176



Puntuación ajustada: 102.408%


Consenso de críticos: Blackfish es un documental agresivo y apasionado que cambiará la forma en que ves las ballenas asesinas de rendimiento.

                          Sinopsis: Magnolia Pictures te invita a ti y a un invitado a asistir a una proyección anticipada de BLACKFISH, un documental revelador dirigido por Gabriela … [Más]

# 175



Puntuación ajustada: 114.512%


Consenso de críticos: BlacKkKlansman usa la historia para ofrecer comentarios mordaces y mordaces sobre los acontecimientos actuales, y saca a la luz parte del trabajo más duro de Spike Lee en décadas.

                          Sinopsis: Del visionario cineasta Spike Lee llega la increíble historia real de un héroe estadounidense. Es a principios de la década de 1970, y Ron … [Más]

# 174



Puntuación ajustada: 105.523%


Consenso de críticos: Visualmente sorprendente y narrativamente satisfactorio, Blade Runner 2049 profundiza y expande la historia de su predecesor mientras se destaca como un logro cinematográfico impresionante por derecho propio.

                          Sinopsis: Treinta años después de los eventos de la primera película, un nuevo corredor de cuchillas, el oficial de policía de Los Ángeles K (Ryan Gosling), descubre un … [Más] [19459027 ]

# 173



Puntuación ajustada: 112.854%


Consenso de críticos: Rápido, divertido y fresco, Booksmart hace lo que parece imposible al agregar un nuevo giro inteligente a la comedia de la mayoría de edad.

                          Sinopsis: La historia sigue a los personajes de Dever y Feldstein, dos superestrellas académicas y mejores amigos que, en vísperas de su alta … [Más]

# 172



Puntuación ajustada: 109.417%


Consenso de los críticos: Épico en escala técnica pero íntimamente sin aliento en alcance narrativo, Boyhood es una investigación en expansión de la condición humana.

                          Sinopsis: Filmado durante 12 años con el mismo elenco, BOYHOOD de Richard Linklater es una historia pionera de crecer como se ve … [Más]

# 171



Puntuación ajustada: 102.788%


Consenso de críticos: Moviéndose sin recurrir al melodrama, BPM ofrece una mirada fascinante a un período crucial en la historia que persiste mucho después de la lista de créditos de cierre.

                          Sinopsis: En París, a principios de la década de 1990, un grupo de activistas va a la batalla por los afectados por el VIH / SIDA, … [Más]

# 170



Puntuación ajustada: 102.447%


Consenso de críticos: Bridge of Spies encuentra nueva vida en la clásica fórmula de suspenso de espionaje de la Guerra Fría de Hollywood, gracias al trabajo confiable de Steven Spielberg y Tom Hanks.

                          Sinopsis: Tom Hanks interpreta al abogado estadounidense encargado de negociar la liberación de un piloto de avión espía U-2 que fue … [Más]

# 169



Puntuación ajustada: 107.069%


Consenso de críticos: Brooklyn refuerza las actuaciones sobresalientes de Saoirse Ronan y Emory Cohen con un rico drama de época que tira de las fibras del corazón tan hábilmente como satisface la mente.

                          Sinopsis: BROOKLYN cuenta la historia profundamente conmovedora de Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan), una joven inmigrante irlandesa que navegaba en la década de 1950 … [Más]

# 168



Puntuación ajustada: 102.076%


Consenso de críticos: Bumblebee demuestra que es posible traer diversión y una sensación de asombro a una franquicia de gran éxito, y establece su propia lista de secuelas en el trato.

                          Sinopsis: Huyendo en el año 1987, Bumblebee encuentra refugio en un depósito de chatarra en una pequeña ciudad costera de California. Charlie … [Más]

# 167



Puntuación ajustada: 102.719%


Consenso de críticos: Quemar pacientemente atrae al público a un estudio de personajes de combustión lenta que finalmente recompensa la paciencia del espectador y subvierte muchas de sus expectativas.

                          Sinopsis: BURNING cuenta la historia de tres individuos y un misterioso incidente que experimentan. Jongsu se encuentra con un viejo amigo, Haemi, … [Más]

# 166



Puntuación ajustada: 110.072%


Consenso de los críticos: Call Me by Your Name ofrece un retrato melancólico y poderoso del primer amor, actuado con empatía por Timothée Chalamet y Armie Hammer.

                          Sinopsis: CALL ME BY YOUR NAME, la nueva película de Luca Guadagnino, es una historia sensual y trascendente del primer amor, … [Más]

# 165



Puntuación ajustada: 102.199%


Consenso de críticos: Fresco e inventivo pero accesible de inmediato, Cameraperson destila la vida y la carrera de su sujeto en una experiencia que debería ser absorbente de inmediato incluso para aquellos que no están familiarizados con su trabajo.

                          Sinopsis: Un combate de boxeo en Brooklyn; vida en la posguerra en Bosnia y Herzegovina; la rutina diaria de una partera nigeriana; un íntimo … [Más]

# 164



Puntuación ajustada: 110.762%


Consenso de críticos: Dirigido hábilmente y mezclado con un ingenio oscuro, ¿puedes perdonarme alguna vez? Richard E. Grant y Melissa McCarthy demuestran un escaparate convincente para el trabajo que afecta profundamente.

                          Sinopsis: En ¿PUEDES PERDONARME? Melissa McCarthy interpreta a Lee Israel, el biógrafo de celebridades más vendido (y amante de los gatos) que … [Más]

# 163



Puntuación ajustada: 107.052%


Consenso de críticos: Captain America: Civil War comienza la próxima ola de películas de Marvel con una superproducción de superhéroes repleta de acción con una trama decididamente no caricaturesca y el coraje de explorar temas que invitan a la reflexión.

                          Sinopsis: El «Capitán América: Guerra Civil» de Marvel encuentra a Steve Rogers liderando el recién formado equipo de Vengadores en sus continuos esfuerzos para … [Más]

# 162



Puntuación ajustada: 103.278%


Consenso de los críticos: Inteligente, poderoso e increíblemente intenso, el Capitán Phillips ofrece a los cinéfilos una película biográfica de Hollywood bien hecha, y le ofrece a Tom Hanks un escaparate para otra brillante actuación.

                          Sinopsis: El Capitán Phillips es un examen de varias capas del secuestro en 2009 del barco de contenedores estadounidense Maersk Alabama por una tripulación … [Más]

# 161



Puntuación ajustada: 105.53%


Consenso de críticos: Formada por la hábil dirección de Todd Haynes y potenciada por un fuerte elenco liderado por Cate Blanchett y Rooney Mara, Carol hace honor a su innovador material fuente.

                          Sinopsis: En esta adaptación de la novela «El precio de la sal» de Patricia Highsmith, Therese (Rooney Mara), una joven dependienta de una tienda por departamentos … [Más] [19459008 ]

# 160



Puntuación ajustada: 111.159%


Consenso de críticos: Los ricos placeres visuales de Coco se combinan con una narrativa reflexiva que adopta un enfoque amigable para la familia, y que afecta profundamente, a las cuestiones de cultura, familia, vida y muerte.

                          Sinopsis: A pesar de la desconcertante prohibición de música de su familia durante generaciones, Miguel (la voz del recién llegado Anthony Gonzalez) sueña con convertirse en un músico consumado … [Más] [19459027 ]

# 159



Puntuación ajustada: 105.883%


Consenso de críticos: Con un reparto excelente y un deslumbramiento visual deslumbrante, Crazy Rich Asians da un paso satisfactorio para la representación en pantalla mientras se inspira hábilmente en la rom clásica, y aún efectiva. -com fórmula.

                          Sinopsis: «Crazy Rich Asians» sigue a la nativa neoyorquina Rachel Chu (Wu) mientras acompaña a su novio de mucho tiempo, Nick Young (Golding), a … [Más] [19459008 ]

# 158



Puntuación ajustada: 106,447%


Critics Consensus: Creed brings the Rocky franchise off the mat for a surprisingly effective seventh round that extends the boxer’s saga in interesting new directions while staying true to its classic predecessors’ roots.

                          Synopsis: Adonis Johnson Creed (Michael B. Jordan), the son of former heavyweight champion Apollo Creed, attempts to follow in his father’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.691%


Critics Consensus: Dallas Buyers Club rests squarely on Matthew McConaughey’s scrawny shoulders, and he carries the burden gracefully with what might be a career-best performance.

                          Synopsis: Matthew McConaughey stars in DALLAS BUYERS CLUB as real-life Texas cowboy Ron Woodroof, whose free-wheeling life was overturned in 1985… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.16%


Critics Consensus: With intelligence and emotional resonance to match its stunning special effects, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes expands on its predecessor with an exciting and ambitious burst of sci-fi achievement.

                          Synopsis: A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.264%


Critics Consensus: The Death of Stalin finds director/co-writer Arnando Iannucci in riotous form, bringing his scabrous political humor to bear on a chapter in history with painfully timely parallels.

                          Synopsis: The one-liners fly as fast as political fortunes fall in this uproarious, wickedly irreverent satire from Armando Iannucci (Veep, In… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.159%


Critics Consensus: Oh, hai Mark. The Disaster Artist is a surprisingly poignant and charming movie-about-a-movie that explores the creative process with unexpected delicacy.

                          Synopsis: The real life story of writer/director Tommy Wiseau, the man behind what is often referred to as «The Citizen Kane… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.27%


Critics Consensus: Doctor Strange artfully balances its outré source material against the blockbuster constraints of the MCU, delivering a thoroughly entertaining superhero origin story in the bargain.

                          Synopsis: A disgraced former surgeon named Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) becomes a powerful sorcerer under the tutelage of a mystic known… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.681%


Critics Consensus: In dramatizing Rudy Ray Moore’s stranger-than-fiction story, Eddie Murphy makes Dolemite Is My Name just as bold, brash, and ultimately hard to resist as its subject.

                          Synopsis: Stung by a string of showbiz failures, floundering comedian Rudy Ray Moore (Academy Award nominee Eddie Murphy) has an epiphany… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.641%


Critics Consensus: Don’t Think Twice offers a bittersweet look at the comedian’s life that’s as genuinely moving as it is laugh-out-loud funny — and a brilliant calling card for writer-director Mike Birbiglia.

                          Synopsis: When a member of a popular New York City improv troupe gets cast on a hit TV show, the rest… [More]





Adjusted Score: 112.212%


Critics Consensus: Dunkirk serves up emotionally satisfying spectacle, delivered by a writer-director in full command of his craft and brought to life by a gifted ensemble cast that honors the fact-based story.

                          Synopsis: Acclaimed auteur Christopher Nolan directs this World War II thriller about the evacuation of Allied troops from the French city… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.857%


Critics Consensus: Eighth Grade takes a look at its titular time period that offers a rare and resounding ring of truth while heralding breakthroughs for writer-director Bo Burnham and captivating star Elsie Fisher.

                          Synopsis: Thirteen-year-old Kayla endures the tidal wave of contemporary suburban adolescence as she makes her way through the last week of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.11%


Critics Consensus: Ex Machina leans heavier on ideas than effects, but it’s still a visually polished piece of work — and an uncommonly engaging sci-fi feature.

                          Synopsis: Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later and Sunshine, makes his directorial debut with the stylish and cerebral thriller, EX… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.95%


Critics Consensus: As taut as it is timely, Eye in the Sky offers a powerfully acted — and unusually cerebral — spin on the modern wartime political thriller.

                          Synopsis: The moral implications of modern warfare are confronted in Bleecker Street’s powerful drama, Eye in the Sky, coming to Digital… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.431%


Critics Consensus: Equal parts breezily charming and poignantly powerful, Faces Places is a unique cross-generational portrait of life in rural France from the great Agnès Varda.

                          Synopsis: Agnès Varda and JR have things in common: a passion for and the exploration of images in general, and more… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.133%


Critics Consensus: Subtle and tender, A Fantastic Woman handles its timely, sensitive subject matter with care.

                          Synopsis: Marina (Daniela Vega), a transgender nightclub singer, comes under suspicion when her much older lover Orlando (Francisco Reyes) dies suddenly…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.847%


Critics Consensus: The Farewell deftly captures complicated family dynamics with a poignant, well-acted drama that marries cultural specificity with universally relatable themes.

                          Synopsis: The film follows a Chinese family who, when they discover their beloved Grandmother has only a short while left to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.146%


Critics Consensus: The Favourite sees Yorgos Lanthimos balancing a period setting against rich, timely subtext – and getting roundly stellar performances from his well-chosen stars.

                          Synopsis: Early 18th century. England is at war with the French. Nevertheless, duck racing and pineapple eating are thriving. A frail… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.236%


Critics Consensus: Much like the sport it celebrates, Fighting with My Family muscles past clichés with a potent blend of energy and committed acting that should leave audiences cheering.

                          Synopsis: FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY is a heartwarming comedy based on the incredible true story of WWE Superstar Paige(TM). Born into… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.743%


Critics Consensus: Funny, poignant, and thought-provoking, Finding Dory delivers a beautifully animated adventure that adds another entertaining chapter to its predecessor’s classic story.

                          Synopsis: «Finding Dory» reunites the friendly-but-forgetful blue tang fish with her loved ones, and everyone learns a few things about the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.031%


Critics Consensus: First Man uses a personal focus to fuel a look back at a pivotal moment in human history – and takes audiences on a soaring dramatic journey along the way.

                          Synopsis: On the heels of their six-time Academy Award (R)-winning smash, La La Land, Oscar (R)-winning director Damien Chazelle and star… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.982%


Critics Consensus: Brought to life by delicate work from writer-director Paul Schrader and elevated by a standout performance by Ethan Hawke, First Reformed takes a sensitive and suspenseful look at weighty themes.

                          Synopsis: Reverend Ernst Toller (Ethan Hawke) is a solitary, middle-aged parish pastor at a small Dutch Reform church in upstate New… [More]





Adjusted Score: 108.689%


Critics Consensus: The Florida Project offers a colorfully empathetic look at an underrepresented part of the population that proves absorbing even as it raises sobering questions about modern America.

                          Synopsis: The Florida Project tells the story of a precocious six year-old and her ragtag group of friends whose summer break… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.148%


Critics Consensus: Ford v Ferrari delivers all the polished auto action audiences will expect — and balances it with enough gripping human drama to satisfy non-racing enthusiasts.

                          Synopsis: Academy Award-winners Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in FORD v FERRARI, based on the remarkable true story of the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.834%


Critics Consensus: Free Solo depicts athletic feats that many viewers will find beyond reason – and grounds the attempts in passions that are all but universal.

                          Synopsis: From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Chai Vasarhelyi («MERU») and world-renowned photographer and mountaineer Jimmy Chin comes National Geographic Documentary Film’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 113.583%


Critics Consensus: Funny, scary, and thought-provoking, Get Out seamlessly weaves its trenchant social critiques into a brilliantly effective and entertaining horror/comedy thrill ride.

                          Synopsis: Now that Chris and his girlfriend, Rose, have reached the meet-the-parents milestone of dating, she invites him for a weekend… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.173%


Critics Consensus: A Ghost Story deftly manages its ambitious themes through an inventive, artful, and ultimately poignant exploration of love and loss.

                          Synopsis: With A GHOST STORY, acclaimed director David Lowery (AIN’T THEM BODIES SAINTS, PETE’S DRAGON) returns with a singular exploration of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.487%


Critics Consensus: Marvelously directed by Sebastian Lelio and beautifully led by a powerful performance from Paulina Garcia, Gloria takes an honest, sweetly poignant look at a type of character that’s all too often neglected in Hollywood.

                          Synopsis: Gloria is a «woman of a certain age» but still feels young. Though lonely, she makes the best of her… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.689%


Critics Consensus: Typically stylish but deceptively thoughtful, The Grand Budapest Hotel finds Wes Anderson once again using ornate visual environments to explore deeply emotional ideas.

                          Synopsis: THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.548%


Critics Consensus: Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity is an eerie, tense sci-fi thriller that’s masterfully directed and visually stunning.

                          Synopsis: Gravity stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.717%


Critics Consensus: Guardians of the Galaxy is just as irreverent as fans of the frequently zany Marvel comic would expect — as well as funny, thrilling, full of heart, and packed with visual splendor.

                          Synopsis: From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.279%


Critics Consensus: Sleek, well-acted, and intelligently crafted, The Guilty is a high-concept thriller that wrings maximum impact out of a handful of basic – and effective – ingredients.

                          Synopsis: When police officer Asger Holm (Jakob Cedergren) is demoted to desk work, he expects a sleepy beat as an emergency… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.696%


Critics Consensus: The Handmaiden uses a Victorian crime novel as the loose inspiration for another visually sumptuous and absorbingly idiosyncratic outing from director Park Chan-wook.

                          Synopsis: From PARK Chan-wook, the celebrated director of OLDBOY, LADY VENGEANCE, THIRST and STOKER, comes a ravishing new crime drama inspired… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.359%


Critics Consensus: Thrilling, powerfully acted, and visually dazzling, Deathly Hallows Part II brings the Harry Potter franchise to a satisfying — and suitably magical — conclusion.

                          Synopsis: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. The… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.086%


Critics Consensus: Led by a breakout turn from Amandla Stenberg, the hard-hitting The Hate U Give emphatically proves the YA genre has room for much more than magic and romance.

                          Synopsis: Starr Carter is constantly switching between two worlds: the poor, mostly black, neighborhood where she lives and the rich, mostly… [More]





Adjusted Score: 107.665%


Critics Consensus: Hell or High Water offers a solidly crafted, well-acted Western heist thriller that eschews mindless gunplay in favor of confident pacing and full-bodied characters.

                          Synopsis: Texas brothers–Toby (Chris Pine), and Tanner (Ben Foster), come together after years divided to rob branches of the bank threatening… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.404%


Critics Consensus: Sweet, soulful, and smart, Spike Jonze’s Her uses its just-barely-sci-fi scenario to impart wryly funny wisdom about the state of modern human relationships.

                          Synopsis: Spike Jonze takes the helm for this comedy about a withdrawn writer (Joaquin Phoenix) who falls in love with his… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.684%


Critics Consensus: Hereditary uses its classic setup as the framework for a harrowing, uncommonly unsettling horror film whose cold touch lingers long beyond the closing credits.

                          Synopsis: When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.011%


Critics Consensus: In heartwarming, crowd-pleasing fashion, Hidden Figures celebrates overlooked — and crucial — contributions from a pivotal moment in American history.

                          Synopsis: HIDDEN FIGURES is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.364%


Critics Consensus: Honeyland uses life in a remote village to offer an eye-opening perspective on experiences that should resonate even for audiences halfway around the world.

                          Synopsis: Nestled in an isolated mountain region deep within the Balkans, Hatidze Muratova lives with her ailing mother in a village… [More]







Adjusted Score: 104.999%


Critics Consensus: Boasting dazzling animation, a script with surprising dramatic depth, and thrilling 3-D sequences, How to Train Your Dragon soars.

                          Synopsis: The son of a Viking chief must capture a dragon in order to mark his passage into manhood and prove… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.186%


Critics Consensus: The charmingly offbeat Hunt for the Wilderpeople unites a solid cast, a talented filmmaker, and a poignant, funny, deeply affecting message.

                          Synopsis: Raised on hip-hop and foster care, defiant city kid Ricky gets a fresh start in the New Zealand countryside. He… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.8%


Critics Consensus: Led by a career-best performance from Jennifer Lopez, Hustlers is a uniquely empowering heist drama with depth and intelligence to match its striking visual appeal.

                          Synopsis: Hustlers follows a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.096%


Critics Consensus: I Am Not Your Negro offers an incendiary snapshot of James Baldwin’s crucial observations on American race relations — and a sobering reminder of how far we’ve yet to go.

                          Synopsis: In 1979, James Baldwin wrote a letter to his literary agent describing his next project, Remember This House. The book… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.109%


Critics Consensus: Led by strong work from Margot Robbie and Alison Janney, I, Tonya finds the humor in its real-life story without losing sight of its more tragic — and emotionally resonant — elements.

                          Synopsis: Based on the unbelievable, but true events, I, TONYA is a darkly comedic tale of American figure skater, Tonya Harding,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.904%


Critics Consensus: If Beale Street Could Talk honors its source material with a beautifully filmed adaptation that finds director Barry Jenkins further strengthening his visual and narrative craft.

                          Synopsis: Set in early-1970s Harlem, If Beale Street Could Talk is a timeless and moving love story of both a couple’s… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.203%


Critics Consensus: Incredibles 2 reunites Pixar’s family crimefighting team for a long-awaited follow-up that may not quite live up to the original, but comes close enough to earn its name.

                          Synopsis: Everyone’s favorite family of superheroes is back in «Incredibles 2»–but this time Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is in the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.571%


Critics Consensus: Smart, funny, and profoundly melancholy, Inside Llewyn Davis finds the Coen brothers in fine form.

                          Synopsis: INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS follows a week in the life of a young folk singer as he navigates the Greenwich Village… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.953%


Critics Consensus: Inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another outstanding addition to the Pixar library of modern animated classics.

                          Synopsis: Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it’s no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life… [More]





Adjusted Score: 114.161%


Critics Consensus: An epic gangster drama that earns its extended runtime, The Irishman finds Martin Scorsese revisiting familiar themes to poignant, funny, and profound effect.

                          Synopsis: This biographical crime thriller follows Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) as he recalls his past years working for the Bufalino… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.119%


Critics Consensus: The beautifully stop-motion animated Isle of Dogs finds Wes Anderson at his detail-oriented best while telling one of the director’s most winsomely charming stories.

                          Synopsis: In this stop-motion-animated film from writer/director Wes Anderson, an outbreak of canine flu in Japan leads all dogs to be… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.526%


Critics Consensus: Smart, original, and above all terrifying, It Follows is the rare modern horror film that works on multiple levels — and leaves a lingering sting.

                          Synopsis: After a strange sexual encounter, a teenager finds herself haunted by nightmarish visions and the inescapable sense that something is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.302%


Critics Consensus: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum reloads for another hard-hitting round of the brilliantly choreographed, over-the-top action that fans of the franchise demand.

                          Synopsis: In this third installment of the adrenaline-fueled action franchise, super-assassin John Wick (Reeves) returns with a $14 million price tag… [More]





Adjusted Score: 107.404%


Critics Consensus: As lovely to behold as it is engrossing to watch, The Jungle Book is the rare remake that actually improves upon its predecessors — all while setting a new standard for CGI.

                          Synopsis: Mowgli, a man-cub raised in the jungle by a family of wolves, embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery when… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.65%


Critics Consensus: Kedi is a cat fancier’s dream, but this thoughtful, beautifully filmed look at Istanbul’s street feline population offers absorbing viewing for filmgoers of any purr-suasion.

                          Synopsis: KEDi is not a documentary about house cats or the strays you occasionally see in your back yard. KEDi is… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.826%


Critics Consensus: Colin Firth gives a masterful performance in The King’s Speech, a predictable but stylishly produced and rousing period drama.

                          Synopsis: After the death of his father King George V (Michael Gambon) and the scandalous abdication of King Edward VIII (Guy… [More]





Adjusted Score: 115.362%


Critics Consensus: Knives Out sharpens old murder-mystery tropes with a keenly assembled suspense outing that makes brilliant use of writer-director Rian Johnson’s stellar ensemble.

                          Synopsis: Acclaimed writer and director Rian Johnson (Brick, Looper, Star Wars: The Last Jedi) pays tribute to mystery mastermind Agatha Christie… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.12%


Critics Consensus: Kubo and the Two Strings matches its incredible animation with an absorbing — and bravely melancholy — story that has something to offer audiences of all ages.

                          Synopsis: Kubo and the Two Strings is an epic action-adventure set in a fantastical Japan from acclaimed animation studio LAIKA. Clever,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 108.579%


Critics Consensus: La La Land breathes new life into a bygone genre with thrillingly assured direction, powerful performances, and an irresistible excess of heart.

                          Synopsis: Written and directed by Academy Award (R) nominee Damien Chazelle, LA LA LAND tells the story of Mia [Emma Stone],… [More]





Adjusted Score: 115.41%


Critics Consensus: Lady Bird delivers fresh insights about the turmoil of adolescence — and reveals writer-director Greta Gerwig as a fully formed filmmaking talent.

                          Synopsis: In Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig reveals herself to be a bold new cinematic voice with her directorial debut, excavating both… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.463%


Critics Consensus: Leave No Trace takes an effectively low-key approach to a potentially sensationalistic story — and further benefits from brilliant work by Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie.

                          Synopsis: Will (Ben Foster) and his teenage daughter, Tom (Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie), have lived off the grid for years in the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.545%


Critics Consensus: Boasting beautiful animation, a charming voice cast, laugh-a-minute gags, and a surprisingly thoughtful story, The Lego Movie is colorful fun for all ages.

                          Synopsis: «The LEGO (R) Movie» is the first-ever, full-length theatrical LEGO (R) adventure. The original 3D computer animated story follows Emmet… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.344%


Critics Consensus: Leviathan lives up to its title, offering trenchant, well-crafted social satire on a suitably grand scale.

                          Synopsis: The latest drama from Andrey Zvyagintsev, the acclaimed director of The Return (Venice Film Festival Golden Lion winner and Golden… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.488%


Critics Consensus: Rich in detail and warmly affectionate, Life Itself offers a joyful yet poignant tribute to a critical cinematic legacy.

                          Synopsis: Acclaimed director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) and executive producers Martin Scorsese (The Departed) and Steven Zaillian (Moneyball) present LIFE ITSELF,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.145%


Critics Consensus: A gripping story brilliantly filmed and led by a pair of powerhouse performances, The Lighthouse further establishes Robert Eggers as a filmmaker of exceptional talent.

                          Synopsis: From Robert Eggers, the visionary filmmaker behind modern horror masterpiece The Witch, comes this hypnotic and hallucinatory tale of two… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.417%


Critics Consensus: Gripping, well-acted, funny, and clever, Edge of Tomorrow offers entertaining proof that Tom Cruise is still more than capable of shouldering the weight of a blockbuster action thriller.

                          Synopsis: The epic action of «Edge of Tomorrow» unfolds in a near future in which an alien race has hit the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.283%


Critics Consensus: Hugh Jackman makes the most of his final outing as Wolverine with a gritty, nuanced performance in a violent but surprisingly thoughtful superhero action film that defies genre conventions.

                          Synopsis: It’s 2029. Mutants are gone–or very nearly so. An isolated, despondent Logan is drinking his days away in a hideout… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.587%


Critics Consensus: High-octane fun that’s smartly assembled without putting on airs, Logan Lucky marks a welcome end to Steven Soderbergh’s retirement — and proves he hasn’t lost his ability to entertain.

                          Synopsis: Trying to reverse a family curse, brothers Jimmy (Channing Tatum) and Clyde Logan (Adam Driver) set out to execute an… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.645%


Critics Consensus: As thought-provoking as it is thrilling, Looper delivers an uncommonly smart, bravely original blend of futuristic sci-fi and good old-fashioned action.

                          Synopsis: In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented – but it will be illegal and only available… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.653%


Critics Consensus: Love & Friendship finds director Whit Stillman bringing his talents to bear on a Jane Austen adaptation — with a thoroughly delightful period drama as the result.

                          Synopsis: Beautiful young widow Lady Susan Vernon visits to the estate of her in-laws to wait out the colourful rumours about… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.523%


Critics Consensus: Lucky is a bittersweet meditation on mortality, punctuating the career of beloved character actor Harry Dean Stanton.

                          Synopsis: LUCKY follows the spiritual journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off the map desert… [More]





Adjusted Score: 113.167%


Critics Consensus: With exhilarating action and a surprising amount of narrative heft, Mad Max: Fury Road brings George Miller’s post-apocalyptic franchise roaring vigorously back to life.

                          Synopsis: Filmmaker George Miller gears up for another post-apocalyptic action adventure with Fury Road, the fourth outing in the Mad Max… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.618%


Critics Consensus: Enthralling viewing even for audiences with little to no knowledge of or interest in sailing, Maiden pays powerful tribute to a true pioneer.

                          Synopsis: Maiden is the story of how Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook in charter boats, became the skipper of the first… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.252%


Critics Consensus: Manchester by the Sea delivers affecting drama populated by full-bodied characters, marking another strong step forward for writer-director Kenneth Lonergan.

                          Synopsis: After the death of his older brother Joe (Kyle Chandler), Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) is shocked to learn that Joe… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.198%


Critics Consensus: Observing a splintering union with compassion and expansive grace, the powerfully acted Marriage Story ranks among writer-director Noah Baumbach’s best works.

                          Synopsis: A stage director and his actor wife struggle through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal and… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.162%


Critics Consensus: Smart, thrilling, and surprisingly funny, The Martian offers a faithful adaptation of the bestselling book that brings out the best in leading man Matt Damon and director Ridley Scott.

                          Synopsis: During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.207%


Critics Consensus: Thanks to a script that emphasizes its heroes’ humanity and a wealth of superpowered set pieces, The Avengers lives up to its hype and raises the bar for Marvel at the movies.

                          Synopsis: Marvel Studios presents Marvel’s The Avengers-the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.467%


Critics Consensus: McQueen offers an intimate, well-sourced, and overall moving look at a young life and brilliant career that were tragically cut short.

                          Synopsis: A personal look at the extraordinary life, career and artistry of Alexander McQueen. Through exclusive interviews with his closest friends… [More]







Adjusted Score: 104.184%


Critics Consensus: Minding the Gap draws on more than a decade of documentary footage to assemble a poignant picture of young American lives that resonates far beyond its onscreen subjects.

                          Synopsis: Compiling over 12 years of footage shot in his hometown of Rockford, IL, in MINDING THE GAP, Bing Liu searches… [More]







Adjusted Score: 115.512%


Critics Consensus: Fast, sleek, and fun, Mission: Impossible – Fallout lives up to the «impossible» part of its name by setting yet another high mark for insane set pieces in a franchise full of them.

                          Synopsis: The best intentions often come back to haunt you. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT finds Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.99%


Critics Consensus: Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation continues the franchise’s thrilling resurgence — and proves that Tom Cruise remains an action star without equal.

                          Synopsis: With the IMF disbanded, and Ethan (Tom Cruise) out in the cold, the team now faces off against a network… [More]





Adjusted Score: 106.495%


Critics Consensus: With a title character as three-dimensional as its lush animation and a story that adds fresh depth to Disney’s time-tested formula, Moana is truly a family-friendly adventure for the ages.

                          Synopsis: Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 112.482%


Critics Consensus: Moonlight uses one man’s story to offer a remarkable and brilliantly crafted look at lives too rarely seen in cinema.

                          Synopsis: The tender, heartbreaking story of a young man’s struggle to find himself, told across three defining chapters in his life… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.23%


Critics Consensus: Led by a masterful performance from Timothy Spall and brilliantly directed by Mike Leigh, Mr. Turner is a superior Hollywood biopic.

                          Synopsis: This film explores the last quarter century of the great if eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851). Profoundly affected by… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.505%


Critics Consensus: Bolstered by a strong performance from Matthew McConaughey in the title role, Mud offers an engaging Southern drama that manages to stay sweet and heartwarming without being sappy.

                          Synopsis: Mud is an adventure about two boys, Ellis and his friend Neckbone, who find a man named Mud hiding out… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.59%


Critics Consensus: Mudbound offers a well-acted, finely detailed snapshot of American history whose scenes of rural class struggle resonate far beyond their period setting.

                          Synopsis: Set in the rural American South during World War II, Dee Rees’ Mudbound is an epic story of two families… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.182%


Critics Consensus: Mustang delivers a bracing — and thoroughly timely — message whose power is further bolstered by the efforts of a stellar ensemble cast.

                          Synopsis: Early summer in a village in Northern Turkey. Five free-spirited teenaged sisters splash about on the beach with their male… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.064%


Critics Consensus: My Life as a Zucchini’s silly title and adorable characters belie a sober story whose colorful visuals delight the senses even as it braves dark emotional depths.

                          Synopsis: After his mother’s sudden death, Zucchini is befriended by a police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.725%


Critics Consensus: The Nice Guys hearkens back to the buddy comedies of a bygone era while adding something extra courtesy of a knowing script and the irresistible chemistry of its leads.

                          Synopsis: Shane Black (Iron Man 3) directs this police drama set in Los Angeles during the 1970s, and centering on a… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.145%


Critics Consensus: Restless, visually sleek, and powered by a lithe star performance from Jake Gyllenhaal, Nightcrawler offers dark, thought-provoking thrills.

                          Synopsis: NIGHTCRAWLER is a pulse-pounding thriller set in the nocturnal underbelly of contemporary Los Angeles. Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Lou Bloom,… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.301%


Critics Consensus: A well-told story brought to life by a beautifully matched cast, The Old Man & the Gun is pure, easygoing entertainment for film fans – and a fitting farewell to a legend.

                          Synopsis: OLD MAN AND THE GUN is based on the true story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford), from his audacious escape… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.883%


Critics Consensus: Thrillingly unrestrained yet solidly crafted, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood tempers Tarantino’s provocative impulses with the clarity of a mature filmmaker’s vision.

                          Synopsis: Quentin Tarantino’s ninth feature film is a story that takes place in Los Angeles in 1969, at the height of… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.558%


Critics Consensus: Paddington brings a beloved children’s character into the 21st century without sacrificing his essential charm, delivering a family-friendly adventure as irresistibly cuddly as its star.

                          Synopsis: From the beloved novels by Michael Bond and producer David Heyman (HARRY POTTER), PADDINGTON tells the story of the comic… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.123%


Critics Consensus: Paddington 2 honors its star’s rich legacy with a sweet-natured sequel whose adorable visuals are matched by a story perfectly balanced between heartwarming family fare and purely enjoyable all-ages adventure.

                          Synopsis: PADDINGTON 2 finds Paddington happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member… [More]





Adjusted Score: 109.042%


Critics Consensus: Pain and Glory finds writer-director Pedro Almodóvar drawing on his own life to rewarding effect — and honoring his craft as only a master filmmaker can.

                          Synopsis: Pain and Glory tells of a series of reencounters experienced by Salvador Mallo, a film director in his physical decline…. [More]





Adjusted Score: 114.101%


Critics Consensus: An urgent, brilliantly layered look at timely social themes, Parasite finds writer-director Bong Joon Ho in near-total command of his craft.

                          Synopsis: Bong Joon Ho brings his work home to Korea in this pitch-black modern fairytale. Meet the Park Family: the picture… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.604%


Critics Consensus: Paterson adds another refreshingly unvarnished entry to Jim Jarmusch’s filmography — and another outstanding performance to Adam Driver’s career credits.

                          Synopsis: Paterson is a bus driver in the city of Paterson, New Jersey–they share the name. Every day, Paterson adheres to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.828%


Critics Consensus: A feelgood adventure brought to life by outstanding performances, The Peanut Butter Falcon finds rich modern resonance in classic American fiction.

                          Synopsis: A modern Mark Twain style adventure story, THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON tells the story of Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.506%


Critics Consensus: Phantom Thread’s finely woven narrative is filled out nicely by humor, intoxicating romantic tension, and yet another impressively committed performance from Daniel Day-Lewis.

                          Synopsis: Set in the glamour of 1950’s post-war London, renowned dressmaker Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis) and his sister Cyril (Lesley Manville)… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.221%


Critics Consensus: Tense, complex, and drenched in atmosphere, Phoenix is a well-acted, smartly crafted war drama that finds writer-director Christian Petzold working at peak power.

                          Synopsis: A spellbinding mystery of identity, illusion, and deception unfolds against the turmoil of post-World War II Germany in the stunning… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.571%


Critics Consensus: A singularly rich period piece, Portrait of a Lady on Fire finds stirring, thought-provoking drama within a powerfully acted romance.

                          Synopsis: France, 1760. Marianne is commissioned to paint the wedding portrait of Héloïse, a young woman who has just left the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.004%


Critics Consensus: The Post’s period setting belies its bitingly timely themes, brought compellingly to life by director Steven Spielberg and an outstanding ensemble cast.

                          Synopsis: Steven Spielberg directs Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks in The Post, a thrilling drama about the unlikely partnership between The… [More]





Adjusted Score: 111.156%


Critics Consensus: A Quiet Place artfully plays on elemental fears with a ruthlessly intelligent creature feature that’s as original as it is scary — and establishes director John Krasinski as a rising talent.

                          Synopsis: In the modern horror thriller A QUIET PLACE, a family of four must navigate their lives in silence after mysterious… [More]





Adjusted Score: 105.807%


Critics Consensus: It’s going to be a long, long time before a rock biopic manages to capture the highs and lows of an artist’s life like Rocketman.

                          Synopsis: ROCKETMAN is an epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. The film follows the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 112.58%


Critics Consensus: Roma finds writer-director Alfonso Cuarón in complete, enthralling command of his visual craft – and telling the most powerfully personal story of his career.

                          Synopsis: The most personal project to date from Academy Award (R)-winning director and writer Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men, Y… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.823%


Critics Consensus: Led by incredible work from Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay, Room makes for an unforgettably harrowing — and undeniably rewarding — experience.

                          Synopsis: Both highly suspenseful and deeply emotional, ROOM is a unique and touching exploration of the boundless love between a mother… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.248%


Critics Consensus: The Rider’s hard-hitting drama is only made more effective through writer-director Chloé Zhao’s use of untrained actors to tell the movie’s fact-based tale.

                          Synopsis: Based on his a true story, THE RIDER stars breakout Brady Jandreau as a once rising star of the rodeo… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.82%


Critics Consensus: The Salesman takes an ambitiously complex look at thought-provoking themes, and the well-acted results prove another consistently absorbing entry in writer-director Asghar Farhadi’s distinguished filmography.

                          Synopsis: Forced to leave their apartment due to a dangerous construction project in a neighboring building, a young Iranian couple moves… [More]





Adjusted Score: 102.406%


Critics Consensus: Searching’s timely premise and original execution are further bolstered by well-rounded characters brought to life by a talented cast.

                          Synopsis: After David Kim (John Cho)’s 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.946%


Critics Consensus: Fueled by a gripping performance from David Oyelowo, Selma draws inspiration and dramatic power from the life and death of Martin Luther King, Jr. — but doesn’t ignore how far we remain from the ideals his work embodied.

                          Synopsis: SELMA is the story of a movement. The film chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther… [More]





Adjusted Score: 103.973%


Critics Consensus: Morally complex, suspenseful, and consistently involving, A Separation captures the messiness of a dissolving relationship with keen insight and searing intensity.

                          Synopsis: Set in contemporary Iran, A Separation is a compelling drama about the dissolution of a marriage. Simin wants to leave… [More]





Adjusted Score: 110.661%


Critics Consensus: The Shape of Water finds Guillermo del Toro at his visually distinctive best — and matched by an emotionally absorbing story brought to life by a stellar Sally Hawkins performance.

                          Synopsis: From master story teller, Guillermo del Toro, comes THE SHAPE OF WATER – an other-worldly fairy tale, set against the… [More]





Adjusted Score: 104.892%


Critics Consensus: Warm, funny, and brilliantly animated, Shaun the Sheep is yet another stop-motion jewel in Aardman’s family-friendly crown.

                          Synopsis: When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he… [More]





Adjusted Score: 108.312%


Critics Consensus: An effortlessly entertaining blend of humor and heart, Shazam! is a superhero movie that never forgets the genre’s real power: joyous wish fulfillment.

                          Synopsis: We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In Billy… [More]


# 46



Adjusted Score: 108.275%


Critics Consensus: Understated yet ultimately deeply affecting, Shoplifters adds another powerful chapter to director Hirokazu Koreeda’s richly humanistic filmography.

                          Synopsis: After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At… [More]


# 45



Adjusted Score: 104.085%


Critics Consensus: Short Term 12 is an emphatic, revealing drama that pulls audiences into the perspective of neglected youths.

                          Synopsis: I Am Not a Hipster director Destin Daniel Cretton expands his 2008 short of the same name into a feature… [More]


# 44



Adjusted Score: 102.152%


Critics Consensus: Led by outstanding work from Emily Blunt and Benicio del Toro, Sicario is a taut, tightly wound thriller with much more on its mind than attention-getting set pieces.

                          Synopsis: In the lawless border area stretching between the U.S. and Mexico, an idealistic FBI agent [Emily Blunt] is enlisted by… [More]


# 43



Adjusted Score: 102.696%


Critics Consensus: Sing Street is a feel-good musical with huge heart and irresistible optimism, and its charmimg cast and hummable tunes help to elevate its familiar plotting.

                          Synopsis: From director John Carney (ONCE, BEGIN AGAIN), SING STREET takes us back to 1980s Dublin seen through the eyes of… [More]


# 42



Adjusted Score: 106.016%


Critics Consensus: Sam Mendes brings Bond surging back with a smart, sexy, riveting action thriller that qualifies as one of the best 007 films to date.

                          Synopsis: In Skyfall, Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under… [More]


# 41



Adjusted Score: 104.417%


Critics Consensus: Snowpiercer offers an audaciously ambitious action spectacular for filmgoers numb to effects-driven blockbusters.

                          Synopsis: In this sci-fi epic from director Bong Joon Ho (The Host, Mother), a failed global-warming experiment kills off most life… [More]


# 40



Adjusted Score: 105.532%


Critics Consensus: Impeccably scripted, beautifully directed, and filled with fine performances, The Social Network is a riveting, ambitious example of modern filmmaking at its finest.

                          Synopsis: «The Social Network» explores the moment at which Facebook, the most revolutionary social phenomena of the new century, was invented… [More]


# 39



Adjusted Score: 104.44%


Critics Consensus: Grimly intense yet thoroughly rewarding, Son of Saul offers an unforgettable viewing experience — and establishes director László Nemes as a talent to watch.

                          Synopsis: In this searing drama, a concentration camp inmate tasked with burning the dead discovers the body of his young son,… [More]


# 38



Adjusted Score: 105.668%


Critics Consensus: Fearlessly ambitious, scathingly funny, and thoroughly original, Sorry to Bother You loudly heralds the arrival of a fresh filmmaking talent in writer-director Boots Riley.

                          Synopsis: In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, black telemarketer Cassius Green (Lakeith Stanfield) discovers a magical key to professional success,… [More]


# 37



Adjusted Score: 111.168%


Critics Consensus: A breezily unpredictable blend of teen romance and superhero action, Spider-Man: Far from Home stylishly sets the stage for the next era of the MCU.

                          Synopsis: Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super… [More]


# 36



Adjusted Score: 108.548%


Critics Consensus: Spider-Man: Homecoming does whatever a second reboot can, delivering a colorful, fun adventure that fits snugly in the sprawling MCU without getting bogged down in franchise-building.

                          Synopsis: A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland), who made his sensational debut in Captain America: Civil War, begins to navigate his… [More]


# 35



Adjusted Score: 113.486%


Critics Consensus: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse matches bold storytelling with striking animation for a purely enjoyable adventure with heart, humor, and plenty of superhero action.

                          Synopsis: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents… [More]


# 34



Adjusted Score: 110.995%


Critics Consensus: Spotlight gracefully handles the lurid details of its fact-based story while resisting the temptation to lionize its heroes, resulting in a drama that honors the audience as well as its real-life subjects.

                          Synopsis: SPOTLIGHT tells the riveting true story of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Boston Globe investigation that would rock the city and cause… [More]


# 33



Adjusted Score: 104.442%


Critics Consensus: Simultaneously broad and progressive, Spy offers further proof that Melissa McCarthy and writer-director Paul Feig bring out the best in one another — and delivers scores of belly laughs along the way.

                          Synopsis: Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) is an unassuming, deskbound CIA analyst, and the unsung hero behind the Agency’s most dangerous missions…. [More]


# 32



Adjusted Score: 102.283%


Critics Consensus: Stan & Ollie pays tribute to a pair of beloved entertainers with an affectionate look behind the scenes — and a moving look at the burdens and blessings of a creative bond.

                          Synopsis: Laurel & Hardy, one of the world’s great comedy teams, set out on a variety hall tour of Britain in… [More]


# 31



Adjusted Score: 112.377%


Critics Consensus: With appealing leads, deft direction, and an affecting love story, A Star Is Born is a remake done right — and a reminder that some stories can be just as effective in the retelling.

                          Synopsis: In «A Star Is Born,» Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga fuse their considerable talents to depict the raw and passionate… [More]


# 30



Adjusted Score: 109.668%


Critics Consensus: Packed with action and populated by both familiar faces and fresh blood, The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series’ former glory while injecting it with renewed energy.

                          Synopsis: The Star Wars saga continues with this seventh entry — the first under the Walt Disney Co. umbrella. The film… [More]


# 29



Adjusted Score: 110.901%


Critics Consensus: Star Wars: The Last Jedi honors the saga’s rich legacy while adding some surprising twists — and delivering all the emotion-rich action fans could hope for.

                          Synopsis: In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the… [More]


# 28



Adjusted Score: 102.844%


Critics Consensus: Smart, hard-hitting, and queasily realistic, Starred Up is an instant classic of U.K. prison cinema.

                          Synopsis: 19-year-old Eric (Jack O’Connell, star of the upcoming UNBROKEN), arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison… [More]


# 27



Adjusted Score: 103.148%


Critics Consensus: Summer 1993 (Estiu 1993) finds writer-director Carla Simón drawing on personal memories to create a thoughtful drama elevated by outstanding work from its young leads.

                          Synopsis: In Carla Simón’s touching autobiographical film, six-year-old Frida looks on in silence as the last objects from her recently deceased… [More]


# 26



Adjusted Score: 102.944%


Critics Consensus: Boasting narrative depth, frank honesty, and exquisite visual beauty, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is a modern animated treasure with timeless appeal.

                          Synopsis: Legendary Studio Ghibli cofounder Isao Takahata (Grave of the Fireflies, Pom Poko) revisits Japan’s most famous folktale in this gorgeous,… [More]


# 25



Adjusted Score: 106.374%


Critics Consensus: An impressive technical achievement with a walloping emotional impact, They Shall Not Grow Old pays brilliant cinematic tribute to the sacrifice of a generation.

                          Synopsis: Peter Jackson directs this homage to the British troops of the First World War with never-before-seen-footage of soldiers as they… [More]




# 24



Adjusted Score: 104.023%


Critics Consensus: A union to cherish between a writer-director and star working at peak power, Things to Come offers quietly profound observations on life, love, and the irrevocable passage of time.

                          Synopsis: What happens when the life you’ve worked so hard to build falls apart? In THINGS TO COME, Oscar nominee Isabelle… [More]


# 23



Adjusted Score: 110.559%


Critics Consensus: Exciting, funny, and above all fun, Thor: Ragnarok is a colorful cosmic adventure that sets a new standard for its franchise — and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

                          Synopsis: In Marvel Studios’ «Thor: Ragnarok,» Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and… [More]


# 22



Adjusted Score: 106.961%


Critics Consensus: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri deftly balances black comedy against searing drama — and draws unforgettable performances from its veteran cast along the way.

                          Synopsis: THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI is a darkly comic drama from Academy Award winner Martin McDonagh (IN BRUGES). After months… [More]


# 21



Adjusted Score: 104.154%


Critics Consensus: Surreal and surprising, Three Identical Strangers effectively questions the nature of reality and identity.

                          Synopsis: Three strangers are reunited by astonishing coincidence after being born identical triplets, separated at birth, and adopted by three different… [More]




# 20



Adjusted Score: 102.114%


Critics Consensus: Tower probes into a painful chapter of American history with sensitivity and grace — and revisits its events from a valuable new perspective.

                          Synopsis: August 1st 1966 was the day our innocence was shattered. A sniper rode the elevator to the top floor of… [More]


# 19



Adjusted Score: 107.263%


Critics Consensus: Deftly blending comedy, adventure, and honest emotion, Toy Story 3 is a rare second sequel that really works.

                          Synopsis: «Toy Story 3» welcomes Woody, Buzz and the whole gang back to the big screen as Andy prepares to depart… [More]


# 18



Adjusted Score: 117.017%


Critics Consensus: Heartwarming, funny, and beautifully animated, Toy Story 4 manages the unlikely feat of extending — and perhaps concluding — a practically perfect animated saga.

                          Synopsis: Woody (voice of Tom Hanks) has always been confident about his place in the world, and that his priority is… [More]


# 17



Adjusted Score: 104.119%


Critics Consensus: Girded by strong performances from Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, and newcomer Hailee Steinfeld, and lifted by some of the Coens’ most finely tuned, unaffected work, True Grit is a worthy companion to the Charles Portis book.

                          Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) joins an aging U.S. marshal (Jeff Bridges) and another lawman (Matt Damon) in tracking her… [More]

                  Directed By:



# 16



Adjusted Score: 103.759%


Critics Consensus: Another profoundly affecting work from the Dardenne brothers, Two Days, One Night delivers its timely message with honesty and clear-eyed compassion.

                          Synopsis: Sandra (Cotillard) has just been released from the hospital to find that she no longer has a job. According to… [More]


# 15



Adjusted Score: 117.431%


Critics Consensus: With Jordan Peele’s second inventive, ambitious horror film, we have seen how to beat the sophomore jinx, and it is Us.

                          Synopsis: Haunted by an unexplainable and unresolved trauma from her past and compounded by a string of eerie coincidences, Adelaide feels… [More]


# 14



Adjusted Score: 103.031%


Critics Consensus: Transgressive in the best possible way, Wadjda presents a startlingly assured new voice from a corner of the globe where cinema has been all but silenced.

                          Synopsis: WADJDA is a movie of firsts. This first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia is the story of a… [More]


# 13



Adjusted Score: 108.802%


Critics Consensus: War for the Planet of the Apes combines breathtaking special effects and a powerful, poignant narrative to conclude this rebooted trilogy on a powerful — and truly blockbuster — note.

                          Synopsis: In War for the Planet of the Apes, the third chapter of the critically acclaimed blockbuster franchise, Caesar and his… [More]


# 12



Adjusted Score: 103.296%


Critics Consensus: Weiner uses sharp insight and untrammeled access to offer a portrait of a political and personal collapse that’s as queasy as it is undeniably compelling.

                          Synopsis: Former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner’s catastrophic race for Mayor of New York City in 2013 is detailed in this behind-the-scenes… [More]


# 11



Adjusted Score: 102.435%


Critics Consensus: Smarter, fresher, and funnier than a modern vampire movie has any right to be, What We Do in the Shadows is bloody good fun.

                          Synopsis: WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS chronicles the adventures of four vampire roommates trying to get by in a modern… [More]


# 10



Adjusted Score: 104.431%


Critics Consensus: Intense, inspiring, and well-acted, Whiplash is a brilliant sophomore effort from director Damien Chazelle and a riveting vehicle for stars J.K. Simmons and Miles Teller.

                          Synopsis: Andrew Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single-minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite… [More]


# 9



Adjusted Score: 108.475%


Critics Consensus: Widows rounds up a stellar ensemble for a heist thriller that mixes popcorn entertainment with a message – and marks another artistic leap for director Steve McQueen.

                          Synopsis: From Academy Award (R)-winning director Steve McQueen («12 Years a Slave») and co-writer and bestselling author Gillian Flynn («Gone Girl»)… [More]


# 8



Adjusted Score: 102.446%


Critics Consensus: As thought-provoking as it is visually compelling, The Witch delivers a deeply unsettling exercise in slow-building horror that suggests great things for debuting writer-director Robert Eggers.

                          Synopsis: In this exquisitely made and terrifying new horror film, the age-old concepts of witchcraft, black magic and possession are innovatively… [More]


# 7



Adjusted Score: 102.238%


Critics Consensus: Wildlife’s portrait of a family in crisis is beautifully composed by director Paul Dano — and brought brilliantly to life by a career-best performance from Carey Mulligan.

                          Synopsis: Elegantly adapted from Richard Ford’s novel of the same name, Carey Mulligan (MUDBOUND, AN EDUCATION) delivers one of her finest… [More]


# 6



Adjusted Score: 108.123%


Critics Consensus: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? takes a fittingly patient and honest look at the life and legacy of a television pioneer whose work has enriched generations.

                          Synopsis: From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville (20 Feet from Stardom), Won’t You Be My Neighbor? takes an intimate look at… [More]


# 5



Adjusted Score: 112.212%


Critics Consensus: Thrilling, earnest, and buoyed by Gal Gadot’s charismatic performance, Wonder Woman succeeds in spectacular fashion.

                          Synopsis: An Amazon princess (Gal Gadot) finds her idyllic life on an island occupied only by female warriors interrupted when a… [More]


# 4



Adjusted Score: 102.717%


Critics Consensus: X-Men: Days of Future Past combines the best elements of the series to produce a satisfyingly fast-paced outing that ranks among the franchise’s finest installments.

                          Synopsis: The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-MEN: DAYS… [More]


# 3



Adjusted Score: 102.099%


Critics Consensus: As beautifully animated as it is emotionally satisfying, Your Name adds another outstanding chapter to writer-director Makoto Shinkai’s filmography.

                          Synopsis: From director Makoto Shinkai, the innovative mind behind Voices of a Distant Star and 5 Centimeters Per Second, comes a… [More]


# 2



Adjusted Score: 102.242%


Critics Consensus: Gripping, suspenseful, and brilliantly crafted, Zero Dark Thirty dramatizes the hunt for Osama bin Laden with intelligence and an eye for detail.

                          Synopsis: For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to… [More]


# 1



Adjusted Score: 107.834%


Critics Consensus: The brilliantly well-rounded Zootopia offers a thoughtful, inclusive message that’s as rich and timely as its sumptuously state-of-the-art animation — all while remaining fast and funny enough to keep younger viewers entertained.

                          Synopsis: The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square… [More]

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