Las mejores películas de 2019 (hasta ahora)

Última actualización 12/9/19 con Aguas oscuras , Retrato de una dama en llamas , La cueva , En tela

Todas las películas de esta guía están certificadas como frescas, lo que significa un número mínimo de críticos aprobados (40 para lanzamientos limitados, 80 para lanzamientos panorámicos), lo vieron, lo revisaron y obtuvieron hasta un 75% en el Tomatómetro. Después de convertirse en Certified Fresh, si una película cae por debajo del 70%, pierde la designación. ¡Quédate arriba y quédate dorado! Además, un estreno teatral concertado es imprescindible para la calificación; transmitieron películas que pudieron haber salido a los cines durante una semana pero sin contar con pantallas verificables independientemente o informes de taquilla para nuestras clasificaciones de TV.

Capitán Marvel , Avengers: Endgame y John Wick: Capítulo 3 – Parabellum fueron las grandes películas para golpear tanto a los críticos como al público, conduciendo a potencias más recientes como Toy Story 4 , Midsommar y Érase una vez en Hollywood . Este último está compitiendo por un serio oro de Oscar, en lo que se está convirtiendo en un campo siempre lleno de gente para la mejor película del año. Estamos hablando de películas recientes que han hecho que el público hable y, lo que es más importante, que lleguen a los cines para presenciar el bombo por sí mismos: Parásito , The Farewell , The Lighthouse , Jojo Rabbit y El irlandés .

Mientras tanto, todavía tenemos Un hermoso día en el vecindario y Knives Out (ya certificado como Fresh gracias al circuito del festival, pero aún no se ha lanzado públicamente), Frozen II (en camino de conseguir que Disney Animation Studios obtenga otro trofeo Certified Fresh), y una pequeña esperanza independiente llamada Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker .

Cada semana actualizaremos esta lista con las mejores y más populares películas que terminan en 2019. Así que continúa descubriendo películas de calidad aprobadas por los críticos y recuerda las que quieres ver, con nuestra lista de las mejores ¡películas de 2019 hasta ahora!

# 147

Puntuación ajustada: 77,651%

Consenso de críticos: Desafiando y premiando en igual medida, Climax captura al escritor y director Gaspar Noé trabajando cerca de su pico técnicamente brillante y visualmente distintivo.

Sinopsis: Del director Gaspar Noé (Irreversible; Enter the Void; Love) llega una representación hipnótica, alucinante y, en última instancia, espeluznante de una fiesta …  

# 146

Puntuación ajustada: 78.538%

Consenso de críticos: Las imágenes emocionantes y la química sustancial de sus pistas bien combinadas hacen que The Aeronauts sea una aventura que vale la pena tomar.

Sinopsis: En 1862, la temeraria piloto de globos Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones) se une al pionero meteorólogo James Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) para avanzar …

# 145

Puntuación ajustada: 77.693%

Consenso de críticos: La muerte de Dick Long mezcla el humor negro con ideas provocativas para producir una mezcla aguda que es ciertamente desigual pero única y satisfactoria.

Sinopsis: Holy Crap. Dick está muerto. Murió anoche después de la práctica de la banda, y sus compañeros de banda, Zeke y Earl (Michael Abbott, Jr ….

# 144

Puntuación ajustada: 77.479%

Consenso de críticos: La comedia definitiva de autodescubrimiento infundida con juggalo, Family trasciende sus elementos demasiado familiares con nuevos giros y la atractiva actuación de Taylor Schilling.

Sinopsis: Kate, socialmente inepta, tiene la tarea de cuidar a su sobrina Maddie, igualmente incómoda, para su hermano. Las cosas van de mal en …

# 143

Puntuación ajustada: 79.553%

Consenso de críticos: El hombre que mató a Hitler y luego el Bigfoot casi cumplen con la promesa salvaje de su título, debido en gran parte al trabajo cansado de Sam Elliott en el papel principal.

Sinopsis: EL HOMBRE QUE MATÓ A HITLER Y LUEGO EL BIGFOOT sigue las aventuras épicas de una leyenda estadounidense que nadie …

# 142

Puntuación ajustada: 84.916%

Consenso de los críticos: Su descripción del horror de la vida real será algo explotador, pero el Hotel Mumbai sigue siendo una dramatización bien hecha de eventos trágicos.

Sinopsis: Una apasionante historia real de humanidad y heroísmo, HOTEL MUMBAI relata vívidamente el asedio de 2008 del famoso Taj Hotel …

# 141

Puntuación ajustada: 78,226%

Consenso de los críticos: Admirablemente ecléctico pero más consistente que la mayoría de las antologías de terror, Nightmare Cinema debería entretener a los espectadores con ganas de un buen espectáculo anticuado.

Sinopsis: En esta retorcida antología de terror, cinco extraños son atraídos a un teatro abandonado y obligados a mirar a sus más profundos y …

# 140

Puntuación ajustada: 90.925%

Consenso de críticos: El doctor Sleep abandona el terror elemental de su predecesor por una secuela más contemplativa que equilibra temas conmovedores con escalofríos.

Sinopsis: «Doctor Sleep» es la continuación de la historia de Danny Torrance 40 años después de los terroríficos acontecimientos de The Shining de Stephen King …

# 139

Puntuación ajustada: 79.934%

Consenso de críticos: Una historia de amor en el contexto de un momento crucial en la cultura rusa, Leto captura a la gente, y a una generación, en un flujo emocionante.

Sinopsis: El cineasta ruso vanguardista Kirill Serebrennikov (The Student) regresa a la pantalla grande con un homenaje a los primeros años de Rusia …

# 138

Puntuación ajustada: 83.577%

Consenso de críticos: Never Look Away llena su prolongada duración con la historia absorbente de una vida increíble, y su impacto en el artista singular que la vivió.

Sinopsis: Un dramático drama histórico romántico, NUNCA MIRAR LEJOS sigue treinta años en la vida de un gran artista – sin apretar …

# 137

Puntuación ajustada: 85.651%

Consenso de críticos: Everybody Knows es algo menos que la suma de sus partes a pesar de los esfuerzos de un elenco sobresaliente, y un paso decepcionante para el escritor y director Asghar Farhadi.

Sinopsis: La película sigue a Laura (Cruz) en sus viajes desde Argentina a su pequeña ciudad natal en España para el viaje de su hermana …

# 136

Puntuación ajustada: 88,13%

Consenso de críticos: Al igual que la serie de libros más vendidos que lo inspiró, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark abre una puerta espeluznante al horror para los entusiastas del género más jóvenes.

Sinopsis: Es l968 en Estados Unidos. El cambio sopla en el viento … pero aparentemente lejos de los disturbios en las ciudades …

# 135

Puntuación ajustada: 90.722%

Consenso de críticos: Frozen II no puede recuperar la sensación de su predecesor, pero sigue siendo una aventura deslumbrante hacia lo desconocido.

Sinopsis: ¿Por qué nació Elsa con poderes mágicos? La respuesta es llamarla y amenazar su reino. Junto con Anna, Kristoff, …

# 134

Puntuación ajustada: 102.296%

Consenso de críticos: Repleto de acción, humor y emoción visual, el Capitán Marvel presenta al último héroe del MCU con una historia de origen que hace un uso efectivo de la fórmula de la franquicia.

Sinopsis: La historia sigue a Carol Danvers mientras se convierte en uno de los héroes más poderosos del universo cuando la Tierra está atrapada en …

# 133

Puntuación ajustada: 79.479%

Consenso de críticos: Judy & Punch revisita a los personajes clásicos desde una nueva perspectiva, marcando a la escritora y directora debutante Mirrah Foulkes como un talento cinematográfico para mirar.

Sinopsis: En la anarquista ciudad de Seaside, en ninguna parte cerca del mar, los titiriteros Judy y Punch están tratando de resucitar a su marioneta …

# 132

Puntuación ajustada: 81.541%

Consenso de críticos: Loro utiliza las hazañas más grandes que una vida de una figura pública infame para presentar una instantánea desordenada y convincente de cómo el poder atrae y corrompe.

Sinopsis: Seducción, glamour, corrupción, drogas y fiestas ruidosas junto a la piscina: la vida y los tiempos del escándalo Silvio Berlusconi han exigido durante mucho tiempo una pantalla …

# 131

Puntuación ajustada: 82.351%

Consenso de críticos: La fotografía enriquece el arco familiar de su historia de amor al refractar de manera refrescante el vínculo en ciernes de sus personajes a través de un prisma sociocultural.

Sinopsis: Dos vidas se cruzan en Mumbai y van juntas. Un fotógrafo callejero en apuros, presionado para casarse por su abuela, convence …

# 130

Puntuación ajustada: 83.312%

Consenso de críticos: Sufre de un enfoque unilateral, pero Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love es una visión absorbente de un capítulo fascinante de la vida de sus sujetos.

Sinopsis: Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love es la película más personal y romántica del famoso cineasta Nick Broomfield de su legendaria carrera …


# 129

Puntuación ajustada: 92.925%

Consenso de críticos: La combinación de humor irreverente e ideas serias de Jojo Rabbit definitivamente no será del gusto de todos, pero de cualquier manera, esta sátira contra el odio es audaz.

Sinopsis: El escritor y director Taika Waititi (THOR: RAGNAROK, HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE), trae su estilo característico de humor y patetismo a su …

# 128

Puntuación ajustada: 81.024%

Consenso de críticos: El asombroso Johnathan Documentary se propone examinar la gira final de un mago, y termina realizando algunos trucos tremendamente ambiciosos.

Sinopsis: Lo que comienza como un documental después de la gira final de un mago moribundo – «The Amazing Johnathan» – se convierte en …

# 127

Puntuación ajustada: 81.366%

Consenso de críticos: La Verdad puede no estar de acuerdo con el mejor trabajo de Hirokazu Kore-eda, pero encuentra al escritor-director revisando temas familiares con un toque típicamente sensible.

Sinopsis: Las leyendas del cine francés Catherine Deneuve y Juliette Binoche se unen al magistral cineasta Hirokazu Koreeda (Shoplifters, Still Walking) para pintar un …

# 126

Puntuación ajustada: 82.036%

Consenso de críticos: Ruben Brandt, Collector tiene fallas desde el punto de vista de la narración, pero la llamativa animación es más que suficiente para hacer que este thriller poco convencional valga la pena verlo.

Sinopsis: Ruben Brandt, un famoso psicoterapeuta, se ve obligado a robar 13 pinturas de los museos y colecciones privadas de renombre mundial para …

# 125

Puntuación ajustada: 82.592%

Consenso de los críticos: Cuchillo + Corazón se retuerce de una historia audaz inspirada en el giallo que desafía audazmente a sus propios méritos elegantes.

Sinopsis: París, verano de 1979. Anne (Vanessa Paradis) produce porno gay de tercera categoría. Después de que su editor y amante Lois la deja, ella intenta …

# 124

Puntuación ajustada: 84.616%

Consenso de críticos: Dirigido por el trabajo típicamente sobresaliente de Lupita Nyong’o, Little Monsters es un híbrido de horror / rom-com que demuestra que el género zombie aún tiene cerebros frescos para saborear.

Sinopsis: Little Monsters sigue a Dave (Alexander England), un músico lavado que se ofrece como voluntario para acompañar a su sobrino en el viaje de clase de jardín de infantes después de …

# 123

Puntuación ajustada: 86.741%

Consenso de los críticos: Al trabajar con ingredientes ciertamente familiares, Abominable ofrece al público una aventura bellamente animada y atractiva en general que toda la familia puede disfrutar.

Sinopsis: Cuando la adolescente Yi (Chloe Bennet, Agentes de Marvel de S.H.I.E.L.D.) se encuentra con un joven Yeti en el techo de su edificio de apartamentos …

# 122

Puntuación ajustada: 90,636%

Consenso de los críticos: Good Boys se ve socavado por el afán de complacer repetidamente el humor profano, pero su atractivo reparto y, en última instancia, un mensaje reflexivo a menudo brillan.

Sinopsis: Después de ser invitado a su primera fiesta de besos, Max (Room’s Jacob Tremblay), de 12 años, entra en pánico porque no sabe cómo …

# 121

Puntuación ajustada: 93.166%

Consenso de los críticos: Inteligente, oportuno, y traído a la vida por un elenco excelente, Late Night es una comedia en el lugar de trabajo con mucho corazón, y tantas risas.

Sinopsis: El legendario mundo del presentador nocturno de programas de televisión se pone patas arriba cuando contrata a su única escritora. Originalmente previsto …

# 120

Puntuación ajustada: 82.985%

Consenso de críticos: Bien elegido y bellamente filmado, Sorry Angel explora el despertar sexual de un joven con ingenio, empatía y una profundidad satisfactoria.

Sinopsis: París, 1993. Jacques (Pierre Deladonchamps) es un escritor semi-reconocido y padre soltero de treinta años que intenta mantener su sentido …

# 119

Puntuación ajustada: 83,137%

Consenso de críticos: Imperfecto pero intrigante, The Wind ofrece a los fanáticos del horror una historia admirablemente ambiciosa que se distingue aún más por su perspectiva fresca y sus sustos efectivos.

Sinopsis: Un mal invisible atormenta a la granja en esta escalofriante historia folklórica de locura, paranoia y terror de otro mundo. Lizzy (Caitlin Gerard) …

# 118

Puntuación ajustada: 94.115%

Consenso de los críticos: Una comedia aguda y engañosamente en capas que se ve impulsada por la extraña química de sus protagonistas, este Long Shot en gran medida da en el blanco.

Sinopsis: Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) es un periodista talentoso y de espíritu libre con afinidad por los problemas. Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron) es …

# 117

Puntuación ajustada: 84.339%

Consenso de críticos: Como una investigación sobre una tragedia de la vida real, Cold Case Hammarskjöld podría tener problemas con la disciplina, pero sigue siendo un revoltijo intrigante y entretenido de ideas.

Sinopsis: En 1961, el avión del secretario general de las Naciones Unidas Dag Hammarskjöld se estrelló misteriosamente, matando a Hammarskjöld y a la mayoría de la tripulación. Con el caso …

# 116

Puntuación ajustada: 84.896%

Consenso de críticos: Memoria: The Origins of Alien ofrece una mirada entretenida a la creación de un clásico, y analiza convincentemente su creación en el contexto de su época.

Sinopsis: Una contemplación del proceso colaborativo simbiótico de la realización de películas, el poder del mito y el inconsciente colectivo, Memory: The Origins …

# 115

Puntuación ajustada: 85.149%

Consenso de críticos: Una historia de superhéroes con más en mente que golpear a los malos, Fast Color salta sobre la ejecución desigual con una sola actuación de Gugu Mbatha-Raw.

Sinopsis: Cazada por fuerzas misteriosas, una joven (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) con habilidades sobrenaturales debe huir cuando sus poderes …

# 114

Puntuación ajustada: 90.613%

Consenso de críticos: El Informe se basa en un capítulo oscuro en la historia de los Estados Unidos para ofrecer una descripción sobria y apasionante de la cruzada de un servidor público para la rendición de cuentas.

Sinopsis: La historia de Daniel Jones, investigador principal del amplio estudio del Senado de los EE. UU. Sobre el programa de detención e interrogatorio de la CIA, …

# 113

Puntuación ajustada: 88.324%

Consenso de críticos: Mantenida en conjunto por una actuación cautivadora de Elisabeth Moss, Her Smell es desafiante y ciertamente desigual, pero finalmente vale la pena el esfuerzo.

Sinopsis: Becky Something (Elisabeth Moss) es una superestrella del punk rock de los 90 que una vez llenó arenas con su sucio trío femenino Algo …

# 112

Puntuación ajustada: 88.628%

Consenso de críticos: Elegante, provocativa y poderosa, Queen & Slim cuenta una apasionante historia de fugitivos cargada de subtexto oportuno y reflexivo.

Sinopsis: Mientras estaban en una primera cita olvidable juntos en Ohio, un hombre negro (Get Out’s Daniel Kaluuya) y una mujer negra …

# 111

Puntuación ajustada: 91,258%

Consenso de críticos: Una característica de criatura llena de acción que es rápida, aterradora y se beneficia enormemente de un juego completo Kaya Scodelario, Crawl es un retroceso divertido con suficiente autoconciencia para trabajar.

Sinopsis: Cuando un huracán masivo golpea su ciudad natal de Florida, Haley (Kaya Scodelario) ignora las órdenes de evacuación para buscar a su padre desaparecido …

# 110

Puntuación ajustada: 92.574%

Consenso de críticos: High Life es tan visualmente llamativo como desafiante, confuso y, en última instancia, gratificante, lo que significa que es todo lo que los fanáticos del cine esperan del director Claire Denis.

Sinopsis: Monte (Robert Pattinson) y su pequeña hija son los últimos sobrevivientes de una condenada y peligrosa misión al exterior …

# 109

Puntuación ajustada: 96.014%

Consenso de críticos: Dirigida por una actuación profundamente comprometida de Renée Zellweger, Judy captura los últimos días de una amada intérprete con clara compasión.

Sinopsis: El invierno de 1968 y la leyenda del mundo del espectáculo Judy Garland llega a Swinging London para realizar una carrera de cinco semanas con entradas agotadas en The Talk …

# 108

Puntuación ajustada: 99.758%

Consenso de críticos: Ambicioso, impresionantemente elaborado y sobre todo inquietante, Midsommar demuestra aún más que el escritor y director Ari Aster es un autor de terror a tener en cuenta.

Sinopsis: Dani y Christian son una joven pareja estadounidense con una relación a punto de desmoronarse. Pero después de un …

# 107

Puntuación ajustada: 85.226%

Consenso de críticos: Rust Creek subvierte las expectativas con un drama de supervivencia sorprendentemente en capas anclado en un entorno rico y una actuación principal apasionante de Hermione Corfield.

Sinopsis: Una mujer común y corriente debe reunir un valor extraordinario para sobrevivir a una odisea de pesadilla en este desgarrador thriller de supervivencia. Sawyer (Hermione Corfield) …

# 106

Puntuación ajustada: 86.238%

Consenso de la crítica: Dirigido por un cuarteto de actuaciones fuertes, Villains ofrece a los fanáticos del género un thriller deliciosamente oscuro con una aguda racha cómica.

Sinopsis: Cuando un par de delincuentes aficionados ingresan a un hogar suburbano, se topan con un oscuro secreto y dos sádicos …

# 105

Puntuación ajustada: 87.857%

Consenso de críticos: The Brink no cambiará de opinión acerca de su tema, pero sigue siendo un punto convincente, si bien difícil de ver, para mirar un pararrayos ideológico divisivo.

Sinopsis: Cuando Steve Bannon dejó su cargo como estratega jefe de la Casa Blanca menos de una semana después de Charlottesville «Unite the …

# 104

Puntuación ajustada: 88.565%

Consenso de los críticos: Dogman ofrece un sombrío estudio de personajes que se distingue por la actuación de Marcello Fonte y el fuerte agarre del director Matteo Garrone sobre el material.

Sinopsis: En un pueblo costero en las afueras de una ciudad italiana, donde la única ley parece ser la supervivencia de …

# 103

Puntuación ajustada: 90.336%

Consenso de críticos: Dirigido por una actuación ganadora de Isabela Moner, Dora y la Ciudad Perdida de Oro es una aventura familiar que retiene el espíritu juvenil de su material original.

Sinopsis: Habiendo pasado la mayor parte de su vida explorando la selva con sus padres, nada podría preparar a Dora (Isabela Moner) para ella …

# 102

Puntuación ajustada: 90.842%

Consenso de críticos: El arte de la autodefensa se enfrenta convincentemente a la masculinidad estadounidense moderna, y sirve como una excelente tarjeta de presentación para el escritor y director Riley Stearns.

Sinopsis: Después de ser atacado en la calle por la noche por una banda de motociclistas itinerantes, el tímido tenedor de libros Casey (Jesse Eisenberg) se une a …

# 101

Adjusted Score: 95.092%

Critics Consensus: Downton Abbey distills many of the ingredients that made the show an enduring favorite, welcoming fans back for a fittingly resplendent homecoming.

Synopsis: This fall, the worldwide phenomenon DOWNTON ABBEY, becomes a grand motion picture event, as the beloved Crawleys and their intrepid… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.112%

Critics Consensus: Ad Astra takes a visually thrilling journey through the vast reaches of space while charting an ambitious course for the heart of the bond between parent and child.

Synopsis: Astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) travels to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father and… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 86.783%

Critics Consensus: Luz takes a refreshingly unique approach to horror possession tropes, elevated by a chilly mood and minimalist scares.

Synopsis: In this slick and disturbing horror film, Luz is a young cab driver fleeing from the grasp of a possessed… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 88.3%

Critics Consensus: The Hole in the Ground artfully exploits parental fears with a well-made horror outing that makes up in sheer effectiveness what it lacks in originality.

Synopsis: Sarah and her young son Chris move to a new home in the Irish countryside, next to a forest that… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 92.196%

Critics Consensus: An up-close look at one family’s emotional ups and downs, Waves captures complicated dynamics with tenderness and grace.

Synopsis: Set against the vibrant landscape of South Florida, and featuring an astonishing ensemble of award-winning actors and breakouts alike, Waves… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 98.267%

Critics Consensus: While it isn’t quite as much fun as its predecessor, The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part fits neatly into an animated all-ages franchise with heart and humor to spare.

Synopsis: The much-anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed, global box office phenomenon that started it all, «The LEGO (R) Movie 2:… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 109.954%

Critics Consensus: Thrillingly unrestrained yet solidly crafted, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood tempers Tarantino’s provocative impulses with the clarity of a mature filmmaker’s vision.

Synopsis: Quentin Tarantino’s ninth feature film is a story that takes place in Los Angeles in 1969, at the height of… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 87.226%

Critics Consensus: What You Gonna Do When the World’s On Fire? traces the aftershocks of race-motivated violence in thoughtful, impressionistic fashion.

Synopsis: What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire? is the story of a community of black people in the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 87.884%

Critics Consensus: Elevated by the chemistry and bold performances of its leads, Animals takes a refreshingly frank and impressively ambitious look at female relationships.

Synopsis: Laura and Tyler are soulmates. Thirty-something best friends and revellers residing in Dublin, they are ingrained in the fabric of… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 88.997%

Critics Consensus: Pavarotti pays entertaining tribute to a towering cultural figure with a documentary whose evident affection for its subject proves contagious.

Synopsis: From the filmmaking team behind the highly-acclaimed documentary The Beatles: Eight Days A Week – The Touring Years, PAVAROTTI is… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 95.726%

Critics Consensus: The Nightingale definitely isn’t for all tastes, but writer-director Jennifer Kent taps into a rich vein of palpable rage to tell a war story that leaves a bruising impact.

Synopsis: THE NIGHTINGALE is a meditation on the consequences of violence and the price of seeking vengeance. Set during the colonization… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 88.631%

Critics Consensus: A thrillingly effective update on a classic story, Depraved jolts a familiar monster back to life with a potent blend of timely themes and old-school chills.

Synopsis: The legend of Frankenstein gets a provocative modern update in the stylishly disturbing new film from indie horror master Larry… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 89.491%

Critics Consensus: Diamantino casts a singularly surreal eye on an ambitious array of subjects, emerging with a cinematic experience as inscrutable as it is unforgettable.

Synopsis: Diamantino (Carloto Cotta), the world’s premiere soccer star, loses his special touch and ends his career in disgrace. Searching for… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 93.134%

Critics Consensus: Well-acted and sharply written, Non-Fiction finds writer-director Olivier Assayas working in a comedic vein that channels classic forebears while remaining utterly fresh.

Synopsis: Juliette Binoche and Guillame Canet reunite with acclaimed director Olivier Assayas for this wry, slyly seductive tale of sex, lies,… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 90.643%

Critics Consensus: Stocked with solid performances, Freaks is a clever sci-fi/horror hybrid that suggests a bright future for co-writers/co-directors Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein.

Synopsis: Kept locked inside the house by her father, 7-year-old Chloe lives in fear and fascination of the outside world, where… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 91.047%

Critics Consensus: Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice offers an engaging overview of its subject’s career that should entertain fans and the uninitiated alike.

Synopsis: LINDA RONSTADT: The Sound of My Voice is a musical biography of one of the most successful and versatile female… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 102.835%

Critics Consensus: Led by a career-best performance from Jennifer Lopez, Hustlers is a uniquely empowering heist drama with depth and intelligence to match its striking visual appeal.

Synopsis: Hustlers follows a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 91.592%

Critics Consensus: American Woman finds poignant drama in one woman’s grueling odyssey, thanks in no small part to Sienna Miller’s outstanding work in the leading role.

Synopsis: In a blue-collar town in Pennsylvania, a 32-year-old woman’s teen daughter goes missing and she is left to raise her… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 92.3%

Critics Consensus: Potentially insurmountable for viewers not attuned to the director’s wavelength, The Image Book is typically confounding – and ultimately rewarding – late-period Godard.

Synopsis: Do you still remember how, long ago, we trained our thoughts? Most often we’d start from a dream…. We wondered… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 94.779%

Critics Consensus: Arctic proves that a good survival thriller doesn’t need much in the way of dialogue to get by — especially when Mads Mikkelsen is the one doing the surviving.

Synopsis: A man stranded in the Arctic after an airplane crash must decide whether to remain in the relative safety of… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 95.842%

Critics Consensus: Another beautifully animated triumph for Laika, Missing Link is a visual treat with lots of humor, plenty of heart, and even a little food for thought.

Synopsis: This April, meet Mr. Link (Galifianakis): 8 feet tall, 630 lbs, and covered in fur, but don’t let his appearance… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.803%

Critics Consensus: Brittany Runs a Marathon is an earnest and hilarious dramedy that finally gives Jillian Bell a role worthy of her gifts.

Synopsis: Brittany Forgler is a hilarious, friendly, hot mess of a New Yorker who always knows how to have a good… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.258%

Critics Consensus: The Kid Who Would Be King recalls classic all-ages adventures — and repurposes a timeless legend — for a thoroughly enjoyable new addition to the family movie canon.

Synopsis: Old school magic meets the modern world in the epic adventure THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING. Alex (Ashbourne Serkis)… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 100.041%

Critics Consensus: Like a life-affirming rock anthem, Blinded by the Light hits familiar chords with confidence and flair, building to a conclusion that leaves audiences cheering for an encore.

Synopsis: 1987. When music fanatic Javed discovers the illustrious back catalogue of The Boss his world is turned upside down; already… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 100.812%

Critics Consensus: Smart, subversive, and darkly funny, Ready or Not is a crowd-pleasing horror film with giddily entertaining bite.

Synopsis: Ready Or Not follows a young bride (Samara Weaving) as she joins her new husband’s (Mark O’Brien) rich, eccentric family… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 105.91%

Critics Consensus: It’s going to be a long, long time before a rock biopic manages to capture the highs and lows of an artist’s life like Rocketman.

Synopsis: ROCKETMAN is an epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. The film follows the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 91.479%

Critics Consensus: Plus One reinvigorates the rom-com with an entertaining outing elevated by well-matched leads and a story that embraces and transcends genre clichés.

Synopsis: Single college friends Ben and Alice band together to survive a summer full of weddings in which everyone around them… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 92.541%

Critics Consensus: Meeting Gorbachev plays to filmmaker Werner Herzog’s endlessly inquisitive strengths — and reveals the fascinating story of a pivotal political figure.

Synopsis: Werner Herzog and André Singer’s riveting documentary, filled with unforgettable archive materials and based on three long interviews, provides incredible… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 92.643%

Critics Consensus: Silly yet deceptively smart, Wild Nights with Emily approaches its oft-investigated subject from a unique — and utterly entertaining — vantage point.

Synopsis: In the mid-19th century, Emily Dickinson is writing prolifically, baking gingerbread, and enjoying a passionate, lifelong romantic relationship with another… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.386%

Critics Consensus: Luce brings a stellar ensemble to bear on a satisfyingly complex story that addresses its timely themes in thought-provoking fashion.

Synopsis: It’s been ten years since Amy and Peter Edgar (Naomi Watts and Tim Roth) adopted their son from war-torn Eritrea,… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.044%

Critics Consensus: Made by a filmmaker in command of her craft and a star perfectly matched with the material, The Souvenir is a uniquely impactful coming of age drama.

Synopsis: A shy film student begins finding her voice as an artist while navigating a turbulent courtship with a charismatic but… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.749%

Critics Consensus: The rare trilogy capper that really works, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World brings its saga to a visually dazzling and emotionally affecting conclusion.

Synopsis: Now chief and ruler of Berk alongside Astrid, Hiccup has created a gloriously chaotic dragon utopia. When the sudden appearance… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 105.443%

Critics Consensus: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum reloads for another hard-hitting round of the brilliantly choreographed, over-the-top action that fans of the franchise demand.

Synopsis: In this third installment of the adrenaline-fueled action franchise, super-assassin John Wick (Reeves) returns with a $14 million price tag… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 108.478%

Critics Consensus: An effortlessly entertaining blend of humor and heart, Shazam! is a superhero movie that never forgets the genre’s real power: joyous wish fulfillment.

Synopsis: We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In Billy… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 110.299%

Critics Consensus: A breezily unpredictable blend of teen romance and superhero action, Spider-Man: Far from Home stylishly sets the stage for the next era of the MCU.

Synopsis: Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 92.732%

Critics Consensus: Thoughtful and well-acted, Tel Aviv on Fire highlights the awful absurdity of war — and proves it’s possible to find humor in the midst of cultural conflict.

Synopsis: Israel / Palestine, today. Salam, a charming 30-year-old Palestinian living in Jerusalem, works as a trainee on the Palestinian popular… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 94.604%

Critics Consensus: Uplifting, educational, and entertaining, The Biggest Little Farm is an environmental advocacy documentary with a satisfying side dish of hope for the future.

Synopsis: A testament to the immense complexity of nature, The Biggest Little Farm follows two dreamers and a dog on an… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 99.714%

Critics Consensus: Free of visual or narrative embellishments, Gloria Bell rests almost completely on Julianne Moore’s performance in the title role — and she’s gloriously up to the task.

Synopsis: Gloria (Julianne Moore) is a free-spirited divorcée who spends her days at a straight-laced office job and her nights on… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 93.681%

Critics Consensus: Sauvage / Wild takes a clear-eyed look at the life of a sex worker, fueled by Felix Maritaud’s performance and writer-director Camille Vidal-Naquet’s non-judgmental approach.

Synopsis: SAUVAGE / WILD, Camille Vidal-Naquet’s riveting and vibrant erotic journey of a 22-year-old male prostitute named Leo, features a stunning… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 94.238%

Critics Consensus: A thoroughly entertaining look at the Laurel Canyon scene as well as the musical history surrounding it, Echo in the Canyon is essential viewing for rock doc fans.

Synopsis: Echo In The Canyon celebrates the explosion of popular music that came out of LA’s Laurel Canyon in the mid-60s… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 94.744%

Critics Consensus: Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese lives up to its unwieldy title with a delightfully unorthodox look at a pivotal period in its subject’s career.

Synopsis: Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese captures the troubled spirit of America in 1975 and the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 95.553%

Critics Consensus: Refreshingly candid and disarmingly reflective, David Crosby: Remember My Name offers an absorbing look at its subject’s life and career.

Synopsis: You thought you knew him. Meet David Crosby now in this portrait of a man with everything but an easy… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.262%

Critics Consensus: High Flying Bird takes a thoughtful and engrossing look at professional sports that sees Steven Soderbergh continuing to test the limits of new filmmaking technology.

Synopsis: In the midst of a pro basketball lockout, sports agent Ray Burke (André Holland) finds himself caught in the face-off… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.776%

Critics Consensus: Much like the sport it celebrates, Fighting with My Family muscles past clichés with a potent blend of energy and committed acting that should leave audiences cheering.

Synopsis: FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY is a heartwarming comedy based on the incredible true story of WWE Superstar Paige(TM). Born into… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 105.065%

Critics Consensus: A gripping story brilliantly filmed and led by a pair of powerhouse performances, The Lighthouse further establishes Robert Eggers as a filmmaker of exceptional talent.

Synopsis: From Robert Eggers, the visionary filmmaker behind modern horror masterpiece The Witch, comes this hypnotic and hallucinatory tale of two… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 106.026%

Critics Consensus: Ford v Ferrari delivers all the polished auto action audiences will expect — and balances it with enough gripping human drama to satisfy non-racing enthusiasts.

Synopsis: Academy Award-winners Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in FORD v FERRARI, based on the remarkable true story of the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 94.783%

Critics Consensus: Giant Little Ones puts a complex and refreshingly nuanced spin on the traditional coming of age drama, further elevated by the admirable efforts of a talented cast.

Synopsis: Franky Winter (Josh Wiggins) and Ballas Kohl (Darren Mann) have been best friends since childhood. They are high school royalty:… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 95.744%

Critics Consensus: Long Day’s Journey Into Night may flummox viewers looking for an easy-to-follow story, but writer-director Gan Bi’s strong visual command and technical risk-taking pay off.

Synopsis: Long Day’s Journey Into Night is a noir-tinged film about a solitary man (Jue Huang) haunted by loss and regret,… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 95.794%

Critics Consensus: Like its subject, Ask Dr. Ruth has a breezy charm that’s hard to resist — and a message that’s as important as it is entertaining.

Synopsis: Ask Dr. Ruth chronicles the incredible life of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a Holocaust survivor who became America’s most famous sex… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.553%

Critics Consensus: A small-scale drama rich with meaning, Diane offers audiences an uncommonly empathetic and wise look at life — and stellar work from Mary Kay Place in the title role.

Synopsis: For Diane (Mary Kay Place), everyone else comes first. Generous but with little patience for self-pity, she spends her days… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.666%

Critics Consensus: Dark Waters powerfully relays a real-life tale of infuriating malfeasance, honoring the victims and laying blame squarely at the feet of the perpetrators.

Synopsis: Inspired by a shocking true story, a tenacious attorney (Mark Ruffalo) uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 98.223%

Critics Consensus: As visually splendid as it is thought-provoking, Monos takes an unsettling look at human nature whose grim insights leave a lingering impact.

Synopsis: MONOS, Alejandro Landes’ third feature, is a survivalist saga set on a remote mountain in Latin America. The film tracks… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 100.803%

Critics Consensus: There’s no shortage of star-is-born stories, but Wild Rose proves they can still be thoroughly entertaining — and marks its own transcendent moment for lead Jessie Buckley.

Synopsis: WILD ROSE tells the complicated story of Rose-Lynn, a woman on a quest to become a country music star, while… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.461%

Critics Consensus: An affecting story powerfully told, The Last Black Man in San Francisco immediately establishes director Joe Talbot as a filmmaker to watch.

Synopsis: Jimmie Fails dreams of reclaiming the Victorian home his grandfather built in the heart of San Francisco. Joined on his… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 117.65%

Critics Consensus: With Jordan Peele’s second inventive, ambitious horror film, we have seen how to beat the sophomore jinx, and it is Us.

Synopsis: Haunted by an unexplainable and unresolved trauma from her past and compounded by a string of eerie coincidences, Adelaide feels… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 95.631%

Critics Consensus: Entertaining for longtime fans as well as casually interested viewers, Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool burnishes the legacy of a brilliant artist.

Synopsis: A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career… Leer Más

Directed By:


Adjusted Score: 96.39%

Critics Consensus: Rafiki tells a familiar story with bracing originality, marking director/co-writer Wanuri Kahiu as a talent to watch.

Synopsis: «Good Kenyan girls become good Kenyan wives,» but Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 96.946%

Critics Consensus: The Wild Pear Tree uses a young man’s post-graduation experience to pose thoughtful, engaging questions about life in modern Turkey — and the rest of the world.

Synopsis: Sinan (Aydin Doğu Demirkol), an aspiring writer, returns home after university hoping to scrape together enough money to publish his… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.149%

Critics Consensus: As solidly compelling as its subject’s best reporting, Mike Wallace Is Here is a worthy tribute and an engrossing look at the changing landscape of modern news.

Synopsis: For over half a century, 60 Minutes’ fearsome newsman Mike Wallace went head-to-head with the world’s most influential figures. Relying… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 97.503%

Critics Consensus: Beautifully filmed and inventively choreographed, Shadow is a thrilling and visually sumptuous wuxia epic that finds director Zhang Yimou near peak form.

Synopsis: With SHADOW, director Zhang Yimou (HERO, HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS) once again pushes the boundaries of wuxia action to create… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.172%

Critics Consensus: The Mustang finds fresh perspectives in a familiar redemption tale brought brilliantly to life by powerful performances from Bruce Dern and Matthias Schoenaerts.

Synopsis: Roman (Matthias Schoenaerts), a convict in a rural Nevada prison who struggles to escape his violent past, is required to… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 100.842%

Critics Consensus: Transit lives up to its title with a challenging drama that captures characters – and puts the audience – in a state of flux and exerts an unsettling pull.

Synopsis: As fascism spreads, German refugee Georg (Franz Rogowski) flees to Marseille and assumes the identity of the dead writer whose… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.854%

Critics Consensus: Honey Boy serves as an act of cinematic therapy for its screenwriter and subject — one whose unique perspective should strike a chord in audiences from all backgrounds.

Synopsis: From a screenplay by Shia LaBeouf, based on his own experiences, award-winning filmmaker Alma Har’el brings to life a young… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 118.043%

Critics Consensus: Exciting, entertaining, and emotionally impactful, Avengers: Endgame does whatever it takes to deliver a satisfying finale to Marvel’s epic Infinity Saga.

Synopsis: The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.289%

Critics Consensus: Ray & Liz takes an unflinching look at lives impacted by poverty whose lingering impact is enhanced by writer-director Richard Billingham’s refusal to indulge in sentimentality.

Synopsis: In 1990, alcohol makes Richard’s father Ray a prisoner in his own bedroom. Ray’s estranged wife Liz and neighbor Sid… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.262%

Critics Consensus: An unpredictable supernatural drama rooted in real-world social commentary, Atlantique suggests a thrillingly bright future for debuting filmmaker Mati Diop.

Synopsis: In Dakar, a group of construction workers abandon their work on a sky-scraper in response to months of withheld wages…. Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.021%

Critics Consensus: In Fabric’s gauzy giallo allure weaves a surreal spell, blending stylish horror and dark comedy to offer audiences a captivating treat.

Synopsis: A lonely woman (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), recently separated from her husband, visits a bewitching London department store in search of a… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 102.854%

Critics Consensus: A feelgood adventure brought to life by outstanding performances, The Peanut Butter Falcon finds rich modern resonance in classic American fiction.

Synopsis: A modern Mark Twain style adventure story, THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON tells the story of Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 107.306%

Critics Consensus: Much like the beloved TV personality that inspired it, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood offers a powerfully affecting message about acceptance and understanding.

Synopsis: Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, a timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism,… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.327%

Critics Consensus: A remarkable debut that sadly serves as its creator’s epitaph, An Elephant Sitting Still offers an uncompromisingly grim yet poignant portrait of life in modern China.

Synopsis: Under the gloomy sky of a small town in northern China, different protagonists’ lives are intertwined in this furious tale… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 97.53%

Critics Consensus: A B-movie with an A-level commitment to entertain, Harpoon should hit the target with horror fans in the mood for gory, darkly humorous antics on the open water.

Synopsis: Rivalries, dark secrets, and sexual tension emerge when three best friends find themselves stranded on a yacht in the middle… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.655%

Critics Consensus: Led by standout work from Tessa Thompson, Little Woods tells a grimly absorbing tale that marks a commendable debut for writer-director Nia DaCosta.

Synopsis: Little Woods, North Dakota, a fracking boomtown well beyond its prime. Ollie is trying to survive the last few days… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 100.869%

Critics Consensus: Hail Satan? challenges preconceived notions of its subject with a smart, witty, and overall entertaining dispatch from the front lines of the fight for social justice.

Synopsis: Chronicling the extraordinary rise of one of the most colorful and controversial religious movements in American history, Hail Satan? is… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 102.69%

Critics Consensus: Birds of Passage traces the familiar arc of the drug crime thriller from a different direction that’s as visually absorbing as it is hard-hitting.

Synopsis: From the Oscar (R)-nominated team behind the genre-defying Embrace of the Serpent, comes an equally audacious saga centered on the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 109.166%

Critics Consensus: Observing a splintering union with compassion and expansive grace, the powerfully acted Marriage Story ranks among writer-director Noah Baumbach’s best works.

Synopsis: A stage director and his actor wife struggle through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal and… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 113.365%

Critics Consensus: An epic gangster drama that earns its extended runtime, The Irishman finds Martin Scorsese revisiting familiar themes to poignant, funny, and profound effect.

Synopsis: This biographical crime thriller follows Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) as he recalls his past years working for the Bufalino… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 114.82%

Critics Consensus: Knives Out sharpens old murder-mystery tropes with a keenly assembled suspense outing that makes brilliant use of writer-director Rian Johnson’s stellar ensemble.

Synopsis: Acclaimed writer and director Rian Johnson (Brick, Looper, Star Wars: The Last Jedi) pays tribute to mystery mastermind Agatha Christie… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.896%

Critics Consensus: Led by a standout performance from Ana Brun, The Heiresses takes a thoroughly compelling look at lives little explored by mainstream cinema.

Synopsis: Chela and Chiquita, both descended from wealthy families in Asunción, Paraguay, have been together for over 30 years. But recently… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.16%

Critics Consensus: Tigers Are Not Afraid draws on childhood trauma for a story that deftly blends magical fantasy and hard-hitting realism – and leaves a lingering impact.

Synopsis: A haunting horror fairytale set against the backdrop of Mexico’s devastating drug wars, TIGERS ARE NOT AFRAID follows a group… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.464%

Critics Consensus: Treating its timely themes with a deceptively light touch, Woman at War is easy to enjoy in the moment, yet its impact lingers long after the closing credits roll.

Synopsis: Halla is a fifty-year-old independent woman. But behind the scenes of a quiet routine, she leads a double life as… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 102.425%

Critics Consensus: A singularly rich period piece, Portrait of a Lady on Fire finds stirring, thought-provoking drama within a powerfully acted romance.

Synopsis: France, 1760. Marianne is commissioned to paint the wedding portrait of Héloïse, a young woman who has just left the… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 105.663%

Critics Consensus: In dramatizing Rudy Ray Moore’s stranger-than-fiction story, Eddie Murphy makes Dolemite Is My Name just as bold, brash, and ultimately hard to resist as its subject.

Synopsis: Stung by a string of showbiz failures, floundering comedian Rudy Ray Moore (Academy Award nominee Eddie Murphy) has an epiphany… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 109.103%

Critics Consensus: Pain and Glory finds writer-director Pedro Almodóvar drawing on his own life to rewarding effect — and honoring his craft as only a master filmmaker can.

Synopsis: Pain and Glory tells of a series of reencounters experienced by Salvador Mallo, a film director in his physical decline…. Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 112.493%

Critics Consensus: Fast-paced, funny, and fresh, Booksmart does the seemingly impossible by adding a smart new spin to the coming-of-age comedy.

Synopsis: The story follows Dever and Feldstein’s characters, two academic superstars and best friends who, on the eve of their high… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 116.844%

Critics Consensus: Heartwarming, funny, and beautifully animated, Toy Story 4 manages the unlikely feat of extending — and perhaps concluding — a practically perfect animated saga.

Synopsis: Woody (voice of Tom Hanks) has always been confident about his place in the world, and that his priority is… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.53%

Critics Consensus: A hard-hitting documentary with imagery as powerful as its message, The Cave poses heartbreakingly urgent questions — and leaves them for the viewer to answer.

Synopsis: Oscar nominee Feras Fayyad («Last Men in Aleppo») delivers an unflinching story of the Syrian war with his powerful new… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 99.58%

Critics Consensus: A pitch-black thriller with uncommon wit and sophistication, Rojo tells a story as rich and evocative as the deepest shade of its title color.

Synopsis: In the mid-seventies, a strange man arrives in a quiet provincial city. In a restaurant, without any apparent reason, he… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 99.732%

Critics Consensus: Too Late to Die Young uses one family’s experiences as the foundation for a dreamily absorbing drama with a poignant, lingering warmth.

Synopsis: Democracy comes back to Chile during the summer of 1990. In an isolated community, Sofía (16), Lucas (16) and Clara… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.3%

Critics Consensus: As illuminating as it is accessible, One Child Nation probes a painful chapter in Chinese history with piercing clarity.

Synopsis: China’s One Child Policy, the extreme population control measure that made it illegal for couples to have more than one… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 101.806%

Critics Consensus: Observational, insightful, and ultimately powerful, 3 Faces adds another quietly thought-provoking chapter to writer-director Jafar Panahi’s filmography.

Synopsis: Well-known actress Behnaz Jafari is distraught by a provincial girl’s video plea for help–oppressed by her family to not pursue… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.592%

Critics Consensus: An encomium that should prove illuminating for casual viewers and satisfying for fans, Varda by Agnès finds a brilliant filmmaker looking back on her own terms.

Synopsis: An unpredictable documentary from a fascinating storyteller, Agnès Varda’s new feature documentary sheds light on her experience as a director,… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 101.845%

Critics Consensus: As intimate as it is heartbreakingly resonant, For Sama powerfully distills the difficult choices faced by citizens of war-torn regions.

Synopsis: FOR SAMA is both an intimate and epic journey into the female experience of war. A love letter from a… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 102.402%

Critics Consensus: Honeyland uses life in a remote village to offer an eye-opening perspective on experiences that should resonate even for audiences halfway around the world.

Synopsis: Nestled in an isolated mountain region deep within the Balkans, Hatidze Muratova lives with her ailing mother in a village… Leer Más



Adjusted Score: 105.083%

Critics Consensus: Brilliantly capturing a remarkable performer near the peak of her prodigious power, Amazing Grace is a thrilling must-watch documentary for Aretha Franklin fans.

Synopsis: Concert footage from 1972 of Aretha Franklin performing songs from the best-selling gospel album at the New Temple Missionary Baptist… Leer Más

Directed By:


Adjusted Score: 105.285%

Critics Consensus: Ash Is Purest White finds writer-director Zhangke Jia revisiting familiar themes while continuing to observe modern Chinese society with an urgent, empathetic eye.

Synopsis: A tragicomedy initially set in the jianghu-criminal underworld-setting, ASH IS PUREST WHITE is less a gangster movie than a melodrama…. Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 106.348%

Critics Consensus: Edifying and inspiring in equal measure, Apollo 11 uses artfully repurposed archival footage to send audiences soaring back to a pivotal time in American history.

Synopsis: Apollo 11 is a cinematic space event film fifty years in the making. Featuring never-before-seen large-format film footage of one… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 112.925%

Critics Consensus: The Farewell deftly captures complicated family dynamics with a poignant, well-acted drama that marries cultural specificity with universally relatable themes.

Synopsis: The film follows a Chinese family who, when they discover their beloved Grandmother has only a short while left to… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 113.734%

Critics Consensus: An urgent, brilliantly layered look at timely social themes, Parasite finds writer-director Bong Joon Ho in near-total command of his craft.

Synopsis: Bong Joon Ho brings his work home to Korea in this pitch-black modern fairytale. Meet the Park Family: the picture… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.327%

Critics Consensus: Darkly funny and impressively ambitious, Chained for Life is as unpredictable as it is original.

Synopsis: A beautiful actress struggles to connect with her disfigured co-star on the set of a European auteur’s English-language debut. Through… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 101.934%

Critics Consensus: The Chambermaid uses one woman’s experiences to take audiences inside a life — and a culture — that’s as bracingly unique as it is hauntingly relatable.

Synopsis: Eve, a young chambermaid at a luxurious Mexico City hotel, confronts the monotony of long workdays with quiet examinations of… Leer Más


Adjusted Score: 102.693%

Critics Consensus: Brainy and bloody in equal measure, One Cut of the Dead reanimates the moribund zombie genre with a refreshing blend of formal daring and clever satire.

Synopsis: A cast of relative unknowns, a brilliantly disguised low budget and an epic, 37-minute opening single take makes Shin’ichirô Ueda’s… Leer Más

Rotten Tomatoes